Palifter’s competition log

First day back on plan. Hit a simple chest workout and got a great pump but damn did I lose some strength. I assume my CNS will bounce back quick and I’ll be back to moving heavier weight soon.

The routine was as follows:

Pec deck - 4x12
Standing chest press (custom piece I showed earlier in log) 4x10
Incline Cybex chest press 4x10
Flat Cybex chest press 4x10
Cable fly 4x15

Weight is 267 upon waking. Took a crappy post workout pic to make sure I’m not dwindling into nothingness lol. The primo and test are definitely keeping me full and staving off catabolism given the month I’ve had. I’ll also give credit to HGH here as well. I’ve been eating like a bird and doing zero weight training so aside from just being in a great environment (insulin sensitive post show + partitioning very well) for muscle growth, HGH clearly showing its merit imo. Thank you @GoodLyfe <3


Side note: I’ve been making my own pre workout these days comprised of the following:

10g citrulline (not citrulline malate)
200mg caffeine
500-1000mg agmatine sulfate
Pinch of sea salt
Various nootropics depending on what I have on hand
First day back on plan. Hit a simple chest workout and got a great pump but damn did I lose some strength. I assume my CNS will bounce back quick and I’ll be back to moving heavier weight soon.

The routine was as follows:

Pec deck - 4x12
Standing chest press (custom piece I showed earlier in log) 4x10
Incline Cybex chest press 4x10
Flat Cybex chest press 4x10
Cable fly 4x15

Weight is 267 upon waking. Took a crappy post workout pic to make sure I’m not dwindling into nothingness lol. The primo and test are definitely keeping me full and staving off catabolism given the month I’ve had. I’ll also give credit to HGH here as well. I’ve been eating like a bird and doing zero weight training so aside from just being in a great environment (insulin sensitive post show + partitioning very well) for muscle growth, HGH clearly showing its merit imo. Thank you @GoodLyfe <3

View attachment 172820

Side note: I’ve been making my own pre workout these days comprised of the following:

10g citrulline (not citrulline malate)
200mg caffeine
500-1000mg agmatine sulfate
Pinch of sea salt
Various nootropics depending on what I have on hand
You look great, in case we didn't know you were sick, you're in great shape.
First day back on plan. Hit a simple chest workout and got a great pump but damn did I lose some strength. I assume my CNS will bounce back quick and I’ll be back to moving heavier weight soon.

The routine was as follows:

Pec deck - 4x12
Standing chest press (custom piece I showed earlier in log) 4x10
Incline Cybex chest press 4x10
Flat Cybex chest press 4x10
Cable fly 4x15

Weight is 267 upon waking. Took a crappy post workout pic to make sure I’m not dwindling into nothingness lol. The primo and test are definitely keeping me full and staving off catabolism given the month I’ve had. I’ll also give credit to HGH here as well. I’ve been eating like a bird and doing zero weight training so aside from just being in a great environment (insulin sensitive post show + partitioning very well) for muscle growth, HGH clearly showing its merit imo. Thank you @GoodLyfe <3

View attachment 172820

Side note: I’ve been making my own pre workout these days comprised of the following:

10g citrulline (not citrulline malate)
200mg caffeine
500-1000mg agmatine sulfate
Pinch of sea salt
Various nootropics depending on what I have on hand
Looking top-tier brother
First day back on plan. Hit a simple chest workout and got a great pump but damn did I lose some strength. I assume my CNS will bounce back quick and I’ll be back to moving heavier weight soon.

The routine was as follows:

Pec deck - 4x12
Standing chest press (custom piece I showed earlier in log) 4x10
Incline Cybex chest press 4x10
Flat Cybex chest press 4x10
Cable fly 4x15

Weight is 267 upon waking. Took a crappy post workout pic to make sure I’m not dwindling into nothingness lol. The primo and test are definitely keeping me full and staving off catabolism given the month I’ve had. I’ll also give credit to HGH here as well. I’ve been eating like a bird and doing zero weight training so aside from just being in a great environment (insulin sensitive post show + partitioning very well) for muscle growth, HGH clearly showing its merit imo. Thank you @GoodLyfe <3

View attachment 172820

Side note: I’ve been making my own pre workout these days comprised of the following:

10g citrulline (not citrulline malate)
200mg caffeine
500-1000mg agmatine sulfate
Pinch of sea salt
Various nootropics depending on what I have on hand
Terminator T-9000
Pretty decent week back in the gym and starting to eat accordingly to plan…still under-eating but to a lesser degree. Slin usage is still out until I’m back to 100%.

Today I hit a short and sweet back workout. Nothing ground breaking but mind muscle connection was great and the weights are starting to increase slowly but surely. I did the following:

3 rowing movements
3 pull down movements

4 sets of 8-10 reps

Pump was solid and I’ve decided to rock a mustache until the girlfriend gets sick of it ;)

Hope everyone has a great rest of their weekend!
Pretty decent week back in the gym and starting to eat accordingly to plan…still under-eating but to a lesser degree. Slin usage is still out until I’m back to 100%.

Today I hit a short and sweet back workout. Nothing ground breaking but mind muscle connection was great and the weights are starting to increase slowly but surely. I did the following:

3 rowing movements
3 pull down movements

4 sets of 8-10 reps

Pump was solid and I’ve decided to rock a mustache until the girlfriend gets sick of it ;)

Hope everyone has a great rest of their weekend!
View attachment 173169
The mustache is excellent, as is the shape. You are on the mend, I wish you a speedy full functioning of the body;)
Probably should start hitting bis harder man, they barely look 23". Haha Christ man you are a monster!! Tons of respect
Do you think pushing a rebound of 4-8 weeks after a big cut gives enough extra tissue to make someone push the drugs for that more time?
I see some like to get a break after a show and some push for a few weeks to get advantage of the rebound.
Thank you
Do you think pushing a rebound of 4-8 weeks after a big cut gives enough extra tissue to make someone push the drugs for that more time?
I see some like to get a break after a show and some push for a few weeks to get advantage of the rebound.
Thank you
I’m not sure I fully understand this question. The decision to do a push post show should be based on how one feels and how bloodwork looks. Regardless, even in an absence of drugs, a post show rebound is a highly anabolic and favorable environment for new muscle tissue if done correctly.
Are you eating more now that you are back at it?
Yes, protein and fats are pretty much unchanged. Carbs on training days are around 700g and non training they’re about half that. Weight is about 272lbs.

I’ve really been enjoying the Primo and Test combo. This is a first for me and it’s been side free and I’m holding way less water than I would be on my normal deca + test rebound. I just feel overall healthier.
I’ve really been enjoying the Primo and Test combo. This is a first for me and it’s been side free and I’m holding way less water than I would be on my normal deca + test rebound. I just feel overall healthier.
Really making me lean towards this when I start my push this off season!
I’m not sure I fully understand this question. The decision to do a push post show should be based on how one feels and how bloodwork looks. Regardless, even in an absence of drugs, a post show rebound is a highly anabolic and favorable environment for new muscle tissue if done correctly.

Yes, protein and fats are pretty much unchanged. Carbs on training days are around 700g and non training they’re about half that. Weight is about 272lbs.

I’ve really been enjoying the Primo and Test combo. This is a first for me and it’s been side free and I’m holding way less water than I would be on my normal deca + test rebound. I just feel overall healthier.
And such a difference in carbohydrates gives more energy and work efficiency with a minimum set of fat, unlike if carbohydrates come in the same volume?
I’ve really been enjoying the Primo and Test combo. This is a first for me and it’s been side free and I’m holding way less water than I would be on my normal deca + test rebound. I just feel overall healthier.
Does the primo come with any pain?
Really making me lean towards this when I start my push this off season!
Nothing but good things to say thus far. Only negative would be the price but that’s outweighed by the benefits and lack of sides imo.
And such a difference in carbohydrates gives more energy and work efficiency with a minimum set of fat, unlike if carbohydrates come in the same volume?
Right! I believe food intake should be higher on days when we need the fuel (training days) vs days we don’t need as much (non-training days).
Does the primo come with any pain?
Nope, I pin 1cc EOD of both test c 250 and primo e 200 and I’ve had zero pip.
Nothing but good things to say thus far. Only negative would be the price but that’s outweighed by the benefits and lack of sides imo.

Right! I believe food intake should be higher on days when we need the fuel (training days) vs days we don’t need as much (non-training days).

Nope, I pin 1cc EOD of both test c 250 and primo e 200 and I’ve had zero
Any ai increase? Or the Primos fixing that?
Nothing but good things to say thus far. Only negative would be the price but that’s outweighed by the benefits and lack of sides imo.
Yeah with all the time and money we invest into this, it's not a huge thing in the grand scheme of things