Palifter’s competition log

Do you up the fats to compensate for the lack of carbs in off days?
Also do you have any very high days with carbs where you cut out fats completely? Or just training days and off days? Thank you
Do you up the fats to compensate for the lack of carbs in off days?
Also do you have any very high days with carbs where you cut out fats completely? Or just training days and off days? Thank you
Nope, I don’t up the fats on lower carb days. I also don’t have any zero fat days. I’ve seen that approach used successfully but I am not following at this time.
Nope, I don’t up the fats on lower carb days. I also don’t have any zero fat days. I’ve seen that approach used successfully but I am not following at this time.
So you have only high days and low days? Can you tell me the macros please so i can get an ideea. High days on training days and low on rest days?
Thank you for your responses.
So you have only high days and low days? Can you tell me the macros please so i can get an ideea. High days on training days and low on rest days?
Thank you for your responses.
Correct on both fronts.

High days: 350p/700c/80f
Low days: 350p/350c/80f
Nope, I don’t up the fats on lower carb days. I also don’t have any zero fat days. I’ve seen that approach used successfully but I am not following at this time.
That is, you only rely on the alternation of carbohydrates on training and non-training days. right?
Great shoulder day in the books today! Also been experimenting with Gatorade powder intra in place of karbolyn. On paper, Karbolyn and HBCD seem superior for exiting the GI tract and causing minimal bloating but so far, I’ve had zero issues and it plays nicely with my pre workout slin usage. I will let you know if this changes in time - most things do.

Workout from today will be listed below. Also my gym has a new custom shoulder machine that I used today for my heavy pressing movement. I’ll attach a pic/link of what it looks like.

Reverse pec dec fly - 4x15
Lateral raises- 4x10
Machine shoulder press - 4x8
Db seated shrugs (2 sec hold at top) - 4x15
High cable row - 4x12
John meadows partial lateral raises 4x20

Also used a new Arm Blaster my gym just got in. Did a quick 4x20 with an EZ bar with minimal rest and man did the pump deliver.

Shoulder piece:


Yep a damn tank.You got any pre enhanced pics? I bet you were big then too.

I unfortunately don’t have any worthwhile pics upon a quick search. I have always been a larger guy, with that has been a propensity for fat gain too that I’ve managed over the years.

Freshman year of college I was drug free probably around 240lbs and not terrible composition. I was pretty strong too, benching over 400, squatting around 500 and deadlifting 575+.

Funny enough, 10 years later and many cycles under my belt, I’m not all that much stronger than I was as a natty training for strength. I have zero interest in training for strength in particular these days.
I unfortunately don’t have any worthwhile pics upon a quick search. I have always been a larger guy, with that has been a propensity for fat gain too that I’ve managed over the years.

Freshman year of college I was drug free probably around 240lbs and not terrible composition. I was pretty strong too, benching over 400, squatting around 500 and deadlifting 575+.

Funny enough, 10 years later and many cycles under my belt, I’m not all that much stronger than I was as a natty training for strength. I have zero interest in training for strength in particular these days.
In other words you have good genetics for bodybuilding !
Agreed! And nowadays, my training is all time under tension, form over load, finding movements that best connect with my body, shorter rest periods etc.
Do you ever get tired of all the training an dieting?
I can only imagine dude making progress must be hard at your level of development .
Great shoulder day in the books today! Also been experimenting with Gatorade powder intra in place of karbolyn. On paper, Karbolyn and HBCD seem superior for exiting the GI tract and causing minimal bloating but so far, I’ve had zero issues and it plays nicely with my pre workout slin usage. I will let you know if this changes in time - most things do.

Workout from today will be listed below. Also my gym has a new custom shoulder machine that I used today for my heavy pressing movement. I’ll attach a pic/link of what it looks like.

Reverse pec dec fly - 4x15
Lateral raises- 4x10
Machine shoulder press - 4x8
Db seated shrugs (2 sec hold at top) - 4x15
High cable row - 4x12
John meadows partial lateral raises 4x20

Also used a new Arm Blaster my gym just got in. Did a quick 4x20 with an EZ bar with minimal rest and man did the pump deliver.

Shoulder piece:

View attachment 174697

View attachment 174696
You look impressive, bigger and as if the quality is better.
I unfortunately don’t have any worthwhile pics upon a quick search. I have always been a larger guy, with that has been a propensity for fat gain too that I’ve managed over the years.

Freshman year of college I was drug free probably around 240lbs and not terrible composition. I was pretty strong too, benching over 400, squatting around 500 and deadlifting 575+.

Funny enough, 10 years later and many cycles under my belt, I’m not all that much stronger than I was as a natty training for strength. I have zero interest in training for strength in particular these days.
Very bad power figures. In any case, you chose the path and you are doing very well.
Do you ever get tired of all the training an dieting?
I can only imagine dude making progress must be hard at your level of development .
Of course, anyone that says differently is either lying or they’re putting in suboptimal effort to begin with. I have my good days and bad days just like anyone else but in the end, I love bodybuilding and I would be so bored without it. It has opened up a ton of doors for me, both socially and professionally - for these reasons I am able to justify the mental/physical suffering and financial void it can cause at times.
Of course, anyone that says differently is either lying or they’re putting in suboptimal effort to begin with. I have my good days and bad days just like anyone else but in the end, I love bodybuilding and I would be so bored without it. It has opened up a ton of doors for me, both socially and professionally - for these reasons I am able to justify the mental/physical suffering and financial void it can cause at times.
You just love what you do and treat your business with respect and you can't do bad things. And you are right about bad days. I wish you to reach the top of the sports Olympus.
Hello all!

I have decided to change up my training starting next week. It still remains a 5 day split but I'll now be following the below template:

Day 1 - Upper
Day 2 - Lower
Day 3 - Rest
Day 4 - Push
Day 5 - Pull
Day 6 - Legs
Day 7 - Rest

This will reduce my volume per day but increase my frequency throughout the week which will be a nice change and should yield some positive gains over time.

I will lay out the actual movements and volume on a particular day as I start to implement this next week.

Have a great week!