Palifter’s competition log

Plan is to shoot for a pro card in 2025!

Oh man, you look so magnificent it wasn't even a question in my mind...
Sorry about that.
Should have looked way back, here, and I would have found something about it, right?

This is super exciting and cool.
I so look forward to you getting this.
it will deffo happen
Fasted weight is 280. Still running test + mast.

I think in the coming weeks we are switching to Test + EQ + ment and starting to really push things and grow. Never ran Ment but looking forward to getting hyoogggeeee!

I will update when my diet and PED’s change up.
How much ment you plan to add to your cycle?
now with luki how are you working with diet and training?
Training is relatively the same. I train 5x a week, hitting a specific muscle group each day. I also have 2 leg days - one quad focused and one ham focused.

The diet is the main change as it’s now very low in fat on base training days and high carb days. Moderate fat on rest days, primarily from added healthy fats like avocado and fish oil. Lots of lean protein sources like white fish and chicken breast. No red meat.

How much ment you plan to add to your cycle?
Hasn’t officially been added in yet so I’m unsure.
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