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There's a lawyer who says you should respond and agree to abandon rather than ignore, as it gives a "basis for innocence", and a non-response will be entered as a negative record that can cause issues like intensive TSA screening and extra customs inspections when returning to the US.
Yes the only problem is on the seizure form (at least the ones I have received) the first sentence on the send back form is usually something like “I HAD an interest in this package and would either like to…. Abandon or start proceedings” any response gives an automatic admission of some sort of guilt. Hence why everyone here says to throw them away. Any lawyer worth their salt will tell you especially when dealing with feds don’t talk, you walk.
Good link. Here’s an excerpt

View attachment 287991
Yes, this goes to what I’m saying about how there has been a database for several years so storage of data has not been an issue as you previously thought. But also how the seizures themselves are essentially irrelevant unless they are used to substantiate a warrant, charge, or conviction later on. Hence the need for the following sentence referring to the purging of data upon the reaching of the retention period.
But also how the seizures themselves are essentially irrelevant unless they are used to substantiate a warrant, charge, or conviction later on.

Most here would agree, though some are more flippant about the implications of that.

About the data, it says in the highlighted part the data can be retained for an indefinite period of time depending on… anything really. Look at the rules for importing medicine on the same site and you’ll see several provisions that give them enough wiggle room to seize anything essentially (I know first hand). I wouldn’t hold them to any definite retention period
Most here would agree, though some are more flippant about the implications of that.

About the data, it says in the highlighted part the data can be retained for an indefinite period of time depending on… anything really. Look at the rules for importing medicine on the same site and you’ll see several provisions that give them enough wiggle room to seize anything essentially (I know first hand). I wouldn’t hold them to any definite retention period
no it’s says that the data must be retained beyond the disposition of the seized item(s). This is just saying hey don’t destroy the record after you get rid of the stuff. The record of the seizure (assuming it’s not being utilized in an investigation, or trial) is purged after the retention period which is listed somewhere in that link. But I do agree that it would be easy for them to say “let’s hold on to these records for this guy” if you have repeated seizures or large amounts coming to you.
no it’s says that the data must be retained beyond the disposition of the seized item(s). This is just saying hey don’t destroy the record after you get rid of the stuff. The record of the seizure (assuming it’s not being utilized in an investigation, or trial) is purged after the retention period which is listed somewhere in that link.

It’s purged when it’s “no longer relevant “. There’s a lot of sneaky language in there.

. But I do agree that it would be easy for them to say “let’s hold on to these records for this guy” if you have repeated seizures or large amounts coming to you.

And it’s not like they have a team of lawyers like Facebook telling them what to do with the data.
It’s purged when it’s “no longer relevant “. There’s a lot of sneaky language in there.

And it’s not like they have a team of lawyers like Facebook telling them what to do with the data.
Yes but they are a department with HLS and they do refer cases to the DOJ for prosecution if they think it may be a supplier. Or if they just want to give a local agency some low hanging fruit. They likely retain the data until the statute of limitations for a potential charge has expired and then they purge it.
Yes but they are a department with HLS and they do refer cases to the DOJ for prosecution if they think it may be a supplier. Or if they just want to give a local agency some low hanging fruit. They likely retain the data until the statute of limitations for a potential charge has expired and then they purge it.
May I ask if you have ordered, maybe multiple times, from India and had the same problem?
May I ask if you have ordered, maybe multiple times, from India and had the same problem?

This is just paranoia talk
Yes but they are a department with HLS and they do refer cases to the DOJ for prosecution if they think it may be a supplier. Or if they just want to give a local agency some low hanging fruit. They likely retain the data until the statute of limitations for a potential charge has expired and then they purge it.

Yeah that makes sense.
Has anyone watched the multiple Boarder/customs shows on tv? When crossing the border from Mexico they always run your ID and multiple times people have been pulled in for a secondary inspection and caught bringing in medicines from Mexico because it's been logged in their database that they were caught previously doing the same thing. I always laugh because they are required to call HLS to see if they want to prosecute but the idiot bringing back 120 pills of Xanax or 200 Tramadol pills always gets the $500 starting fine and HLS never wants to follow up.

Same with east coast customs. They always talk about "lately we have had some issue from xxxx country". They open up the pack and use the Gemeni to detect what drug it is. Usually the only time they follow up and do a controlled delivery is when someone is trying to import a half kilo or more of hard drugs like cocaine, fentanyl, or meth. The small packages of "contraband medicine" they log into the computer and then it goes to disposal at the incinerator.
May I ask if you have ordered, maybe multiple times, from India and had the same problem?
I have had seizures sure, but never anything more than a letter. A good tell tale sign that you’re fucked is if the initial letter is sent certified mail and requires a signature. That’s them intending to show evidence you received the letter, otherwise it’s normally just a “hey! You better not do that again!”
I have had seizures sure, but never anything more than a letter. A good tell tale sign that you’re fucked is if the initial letter is sent certified mail and requires a signature. That’s them intending to show evidence you received the letter, otherwise it’s normally just a “hey! You better not do that again!”
Have you noticed whether it is more packages that come from India rather than China that tend to get seized? Or maybe it's just to do with the contents.
Where I am, it seems ok to order from India.
Nobody I know has, so far, had issues. But in the States it's different, I am sure.
Have you noticed whether it is more packages that come from India rather than China that tend to get seized? Or maybe it's just to do with the contents.
Where I am, it seems ok to order from India.
Nobody I know has, so far, had issues. But in the States it's different, I am sure.
For me what flagged package was shampoos mixed with another frowned substance. The shampoo made it weigh alot, which raised a flag. So i would do liauids and pills seperate. Thus is US.
Has anyone watched the multiple Boarder/customs shows on tv? When crossing the border from Mexico they always run your ID and multiple times people have been pulled in for a secondary inspection and caught bringing in medicines from Mexico because it's been logged in their database that they were caught previously doing the same thing. I always laugh because they are required to call HLS to see if they want to prosecute but the idiot bringing back 120 pills of Xanax or 200 Tramadol pills always gets the $500 starting fine and HLS never wants to follow up.

Same with east coast customs. They always talk about "lately we have had some issue from xxxx country". They open up the pack and use the Gemeni to detect what drug it is. Usually the only time they follow up and do a controlled delivery is when someone is trying to import a half kilo or more of hard drugs like cocaine, fentanyl, or meth. The small packages of "contraband medicine" they log into the computer and then it goes to disposal at the incinerator.

Haha the fucking incinerator, so much of my stuff has gone in there. I know better now , but I had non-controlled with controlled in one package and they just throw it all away.
They don’t give a fuck. They actually talk about the controlled deliveries on the show?
Haha the fucking incinerator, so much of my stuff has gone in there. I know better now , but I had non-controlled with controlled in one package and they just throw it all away.
They don’t give a fuck. They actually talk about the controlled deliveries on the show?
Oh yeah there are a couple of shows one is specifically the Mexican border with Texas and another one shows usually New York and the east coast customs. The show for the east coast usually shows the teams intercepted a package with a kilo or more of meth/cocaine and how they remove the contraband but put back whatever was concealing it(picture frames, books, etc.) then drop the pack at the address. They watch from a distance when someone takes the pack in then bust the door down. It's always meth or cocaine in kilogram amounts. So the whole "don't sign for a pack" thing seems to be irrelevant in today's times.