MESO-Rx Sponsor PCT.ZONE - USA/UK/INT Generic Pharma.

Is modafinal scheduled in the US?

If not, I’m wondering if US customs sometimes seize Indian brands of it as “counterfeit”, due to pressure from the pharma industry over lost profits / patent rights. UK customs did that a lot over viagra a few years back & that was publicly acknowledged as being due to pharma pressure on the UK government.

Modafinil is Schedule IV.
I've been told that customs doesn't keep tracking of addresses that had packs seized. But I'm not positive. I alternate between 3 addresses personally.
In a different life, I worked for a fairly large Fin Serv Co. in product development. My office was on the same floor as the compliance teams. Got to know quite a few FBI/FinCEN folks.

Fed LE officials, regardless of agency, document everything and I mean everything. They seize a package to an address best bet they keep track of where it came from. What was in it. Who it was going to. Who currently receives mail there. Who previously received mail there. What type of location it is. How many packages have come to that person/location from that area/location, etc.,

They may never do anything with the info. They’re not going to expend the resources to charge some dork importing a 30 day supply of Ambien, but if they ever need the info-they’ll have it in a searchable database somewhere.

Federal law enforcement's conviction rate at trial is over 95% and it's not because they're "lucky".
Placed another intl order with zone. One item Was actually oos and never relayed to Me. While I was not happy with the change In communication this time, this passed customs and was delivered in only 8 days after shipping. Extremely fast shipping from them and a my experience from other past orders.

When an item is out of stock, our policy is to wait if we can acquire it, or substitute it with a similar item if necessary. We should promptly notify the customer of this situation. We apologize for missing the opportunity to contact you.
Similar issues with communication, asked about a common product that was not on the website, they said they would get back to be with a price and item description. Never got back to me after 2+weeks, ended up going with a different vendor.

I apologize for any oversight in addressing your inquiry. Please don't hesitate to contact us. Occasionally, communication delays may occur as a result of high workload.
Hey the biggening . Did the products test badly ? I was looking into there caber and ciails . How did those test ?
Out of all the Indian meds tested the only bad one was Enclomiphene (tested as Clomid). Myself and others have tested multiple ancillaries with great success.

The HCG on the other hand is a steaming pile of rhino shit.
Thank you skankhunt. Also I was trying to look up the testing for there caber and cialis . Is there a specific phase to use on the search bar to find it ? Or a thread link ? Thank you for all your help
Thank you skankhunt. Also I was trying to look up the testing for there caber and cialis . Is there a specific phase to use on the search bar to find it ? Or a thread link ? Thank you for all your help
Just type in the name brand. For example Vidalista and look for media. Or just go to the lab testing section and scroll. I know rido tested the caber and at least a few guys (myself included) tested the cialis.
Out of all the Indian meds tested the only bad one was Enclomiphene (tested as Clomid). Myself and others have tested multiple ancillaries with great success.

The HCG on the other hand is a steaming pile of rhino shit.
Is that all Indian HCG? I seem to never ever have luck with HCG from that country. It's fkin pharm ffs, you wouldn't think it'd be so underdosed
The same 5000iu hcg vial from an Indian brand looks like it has 30% the lypholized powder HCG from say China or a sarm site has.
It still works, cool... You just have to triple your dose and blow through those over packaged fkin things
We are currently estimating a restock in 3 weeks. If you are unable to wait, it may be more expedient to place an order from India.
I placed an order on the 22nd domestically (the PCT I had stocked for this cycle is gone,it's a long story)
I went with zone thinking this would go out fairly quickly but it's now been 5 days since payment.
What's up? Can we get this ball rolling? I didn't go intl for this reason
I placed an order on the 22nd domestically (the PCT I had stocked for this cycle is gone,it's a long story)
I went with zone thinking this would go out fairly quickly but it's now been 5 days since payment.
What's up? Can we get this ball rolling? I didn't go intl for this reason

We apologize for the delay in shipping your package. Unfortunately, our US counterpart encountered unforeseen challenges resulting in longer processing times. Rest assured, all orders were shipped today, and you should receive an order confirmation soon. To prevent similar delays going forward, we will increase drop frequency. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We apologize for the delay in shipping your package. Unfortunately, our US counterpart encountered unforeseen challenges resulting in longer processing times. Rest assured, all orders were shipped today, and you should receive an order confirmation soon. To prevent similar delays going forward, we will increase drop frequency. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
No worries, I understand! I gave myself as much of a head start as I could just in case. This will come in time.
I did get the confirmation email, thank you for that
Out of all the Indian meds tested the only bad one was Enclomiphene (tested as Clomid). Myself and others have tested multiple ancillaries with great success.

The HCG on the other hand is a steaming pile of rhino shit.
We plan to submit EUTRIG 10000iu for independent testing following reports of good testing from a separate source. Although this could result from recent batch variability. As updates become available, we will promptly communicate them on Meso. In light of the HCG concerns, we aim to secure only the most recently produced batches to mitigate potential degradation effects.
Looked at your store and the majority are things from India. India tested very poorly. To me, that narrows down your selection to a handful of items. If you can source hcg, doesn’t matter where it comes from as long as it works and its consistent, that would be a big plus
What has tested poorly?

Only hcg and non-pharma anabolics has had testing. Otherwise I don't know what your basis is.
Placed a domestic order on the 26th, payment cleared, but order still shows processing on site 5 days later. Have sent an email and a message through the site, but have received no response. I've made several orders before and never had this issue. Hoping it's nothing serious, but a response would be reassuring. Just some modafinil and armodafinil, so luckily it's nothing super critical.