It's looking like this meet I was going to do next weekend is cancelled. I emailed the director to ask a question and got no response. Next I emailed the place that was having the meet. No response. A friend from the gym knows the director and his wife and he's gotten no response from either of them.
I found another meet four hours from here on the same day, but there's no same day weigh ins and my girlfriend can't get Friday off and we'd have to drive separately and stay at least one night and maybe two. It's also full power only and I haven't been doing barbell squats for awhile since I was getting ready for a push pull.
So I'm thinking just a mock meet in the gym. Considering buying a Rogue Fitness Ohio Deadlift bar to use since I'm saving all the money I would've spent at the meet. Or just say screw it and do a mock meet with the stiff gym bar and really save money.
Will probably start a thread on the Ohio bar as well.