Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Do you feel the extra volume at sub ~60% has helped any? I see a lot of volume in that area

It usually starts out at 50% of your training max and doesn't really go above 85%. I'm not sure if the really low percentage stuff is supposed to count towards volume or just be part of warming up. Lately it seems like I've been going up to 80% on bench pretty much every workout. I guess since I'll be testing soon.
Haven't heard if the gyms are closed here yet. I found a couple squat racks with a bench and plates locally that are priced reasonably that I might pick up if necessary. Will have to reorganize the garage a little, but it's doable.
If you can find one that can take all kinds of attachments like dip bars, pulldown pulleys, etc. that be just about everything you need for training in a relatively small space.
For deads you can put down those thick horse stall mats even, so as to protect the garage floor for when you go heavy.

My gym says they're not closing unless they're forced to, so for now the show goes on like normal. Bench is feeling really light. This teenage kid was trying to curl a barbell 50 times, got it like 22 times and asked me if I thought I could. I said no and this older guy tried it and got like 34, so I tried and easily got 50.

Did the bench on a swiss bar. I've always wanted to try one and a guy had one with him at the gym today. I think it's a little harder. Conventional is moving well, but I just don't feel really strong on it. Like the sets with 480lbs today I doubt I could've done more than 10-12 with it. Also did the last set of 480x2 sumo just to see how it felt since I haven't done sumo in awhile. Felt pretty easy.
Looks like they're shutting everything down here after today. I'm trying to find a squat rack and some equipment now. The ones I was looking at a few days ago are all gone, should've bought them.