Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Weight 214lbs

Seated good mornings against bands 205 + 60lbs in bands 14x2

Double paused bench 250 5x5

Kettlebell swings not sure on the weights because they were metric. I did like 7 sets of 12 starting with a small one up to 40kg/88lbs. I used to kind of make fun of these, but I felt these in my glutes more than anything I've ever done.

So right now the plan is to try to deadlift next month. I have three deadlift slots weekly and at first I'm going to keep kettlebell swings and box squats in two of them and just do comp deadlift once a week so as not to aggravate this injury.
Kettlebell swings not sure on the weights because they were metric. I did like 7 sets of 12 starting with a small one up to 40kg/88lbs. I used to kind of make fun of these, but I felt these in my glutes more than anything I've ever done.

:cool: What did I tell ya! They are overlooked so often because it looks silly but damn done right you'll build more muscle and strength then the guys that are to "proud" to do em
Reconsidering the kettlebell swings. Started having some pretty bad hip pain last night and barely slept because of it. Pretty certain that's what it's from. Not sure if more stretching is needed or if I just shouldn't do it. It's the same pain in the same hip I was getting awhile back from the kettlebell deadlift and/or hip raises.
Weight was 214lbs

Competition paused bench press
5x5 with 305lbs

Five count paused squats
380x3, 340x3, 340x3, 340x3

Floor press
250x7, 250x5, 250x5, 250x5, 250x5
Weight was 214lbs

Competition paused bench press
5x5 with 305lbs

Five count paused squats
380x3, 340x3, 340x3, 340x3

Floor press
250x7, 250x5, 250x5, 250x5, 250x5
That last supertraining gym pod cast got you wishing you'd started doing floor presses at 15 too?o_O
Do you get either lower back pain or feel really sore day after deadlifts?? I don't know if I just need to drop the weight for a little while or skip a week of doing deadlifts.. I usually do 30min heat and 30 min cold on the training partner tells me I need to quit going balls to the wall.. I'll be able to hit. 4 reps one week and the following 5.. and slowly feel weaker each session on that particular lift
Do you get either lower back pain or feel really sore day after deadlifts?? I don't know if I just need to drop the weight for a little while or skip a week of doing deadlifts.. I usually do 30min heat and 30 min cold on the training partner tells me I need to quit going balls to the wall.. I'll be able to hit. 4 reps one week and the following 5.. and slowly feel weaker each session on that particular lift
You got to build your core up and properly brace cause your lumbar isn't stable if you get lower back pain from deadlifts as you are using too much spinal effectors to pull then. Never do deadlifts to failure that doesn't build strength anyways, if you look at any of the powerlifters logs here you'll notice rarely ever do we do more then 90% on deads and we never fail during training because it's never a RPE 10
@RodgerThat thanks for the advice.. just when I feel good doing my lifts I have this sense just to go heavier and knock it out.. that hasn't been the case lately.. I'll have to keep this in mind next go around or even squat and chest days it does take a toll after awhile doing it.. thanks again..
@Perrin Aybara @RodgerThat i figured if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be either of you .. keep up the good work..
As for core strength I've been doing 3 sets of hanging leg raises ( hanging down like it in a pull up position) each set 30 reps, then I'll do 40 each set another day..right now I'm at doing 50 each set but towards the end of second and third set I'm bending my knees to my chest just so get the reps in.. I've been able to go beltless with more weight and keeping my abs and the rest of my core tight .. I try to keep my mid section tight when doing everything else .. is there anything else to help build core?
I think just putting in quality reps and consistently building your working load is a really overlooked aspect of getting stronger. I remember I was stuck at a 405-425 deadlift forever. Probably the biggest plateau I ever hit. All I did to break it was drop what I was doing and only did 2 sets of deadlifts on monday, then again on thursday. One at 75% for 6 reps, the other at 85% for 3 reps. The next week I just added a set. I just kept repeating that same process Untill I was doing 6 sets both days for two weeks. Then I took a week off, when I came back I ended up deadlifting 495. it's funny to think that the most I lifted leading up to that was 365, Everyone probably thought I was a 400lbs deadlifter, then here I go ripping up basically 500lbs. lol
That sounds great.. I wouldn't mind spreading the sets like that throughout the week.. I'm a conventional style.. and I use the overhand hook grip since I feel more balanced that way.. last Thursday I got 5 x 405 week before 4 reps.. yesterday struggle with 4 and strain my right side lower back and glute is strain.. 365 I can easily get 5 reps I know I can get 8 beltless.. my abs are tight the whole time and I can feel it when I'm done cause I know I tightened the shit out of it..
@Perrin Aybara @RodgerThat i figured if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be either of you .. keep up the good work..
As for core strength I've been doing 3 sets of hanging leg raises ( hanging down like it in a pull up position) each set 30 reps, then I'll do 40 each set another day..right now I'm at doing 50 each set but towards the end of second and third set I'm bending my knees to my chest just so get the reps in.. I've been able to go beltless with more weight and keeping my abs and the rest of my core tight .. I try to keep my mid section tight when doing everything else .. is there anything else to help build core?

It's my opinion that no amount of crunches or leg raises really does anything for the kind of core strength you need for heavy squats and deadlift. When you're doing squats and deads your core isn't contracting against minimal weight, it's bracing against maximal weight. Heavy weighted planks are a good option, as are farmer's walks. Usually it's just more squats and deads that you need and practice bracing your core as you do them though. I don't do any direct core work and haven't in a long time.

I'd recommend deadlift twice a week, one lighter day and one heavier day. What does your routine look like now and what's your current 1RM or 5RM?
I was typing that as I was doing other stuff. Yeah, pull twice a week. The lighter day keep around RPE 7-8, the heavier day RPE 8-9.

I'd go around 325 beltless for 3x5 early in the week and then later on the heavy day 2-3x3 with a belt at 385-405. Then add weight to that weekly. Just stay away from RPE 10's.
I've been doing a lot of front squats recently and they've had a profound effect on my core...

Part of good core work is being able to really activate the core muscles. There are a few cues to work at it... Flexing your muscles like you're trying to desperately hold back from urinating is one that's worked for me.
I start warming up doing good mornings and single leg lunges with just the bar.. 10 reps of good mornings and 10 reps each leg on lunges stationary..3 sets of that...just the bar a warm up on deadlifts and straight legs also slow tempo.. then warmup weight 135 225 275 all five reps.. then work set is 315 x5 365x5 .. this is all beltless.. then here's where I'm just thinking I can do 405 x 5 for two sets... this is with a belt though... my best 5rm is 405.. second set I can't even get one again.. so I'm stuck..
I've been doing a lot of front squats recently and they've had a profound effect on my core...

Part of good core work is being able to really activate the core muscles. There are a few cues to work at it... Flexing your muscles like you're trying to desperately hold back from urinating is one that's worked for me.

The first couple times I did front squats my abs were crazy sore the next day.
Speaking of front squats.. I've been adding them last for core build up.. should I keep doing it same day as back squats??