Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Well I'd be extremely happy with that!!!
But as men we always want more.. me and you are around the same weight but you'd kill me in strength easy..
Well I'd be extremely happy with that!!!
But as men we always want more.. me and you are around the same weight but you'd kill me in strength easy..

I've been training specifically for strength three years now and on gear since last year. It takes some time unless you're just really genetically blessed. Just keep it up and you'll be surprised where you're at a year or two from now.

You're right about always wanting more though. My goal for my next meet in July is 550 squat with wraps, 405 bench and 650 deadlift. I believe this to be reasonable and attainable. Maybe more on the squat with how things are going. After that it'll just be on to the next goal.
Well keep it up.. dude .. I'm gonna work with what you posted earlier for me ..I just gotta tell my training partner it's time to get stronger but we can still do some fluff and puff lifts to.. I got him to start lifting heavy 8 weeks ago . 365 squat to currently 425 squat for 5 reps.. he better do it or I'm kicking his ass..
Here's the vid from that peak set of 425x3 squats. Keep in mind 60lb buffalo bar here.

My squat is still improving all the time. I think by how fast that first rep went up I've got 475x1 easy in sleeves. That would be 525+ with wraps. I'm really pleased with how that's going.

Here's the vid from that peak set of 425x3 squats. Keep in mind 60lb buffalo bar here.

My squat is still improving all the time. I think by how fast that first rep went up I've got 475x1 easy in sleeves. That would be 525+ with wraps. I'm really pleased with how that's going.

How did you like the buffalo bar with squating? Took a couple sets for me to find good placement with low bar because of the curve of the bar.
How did you like the buffalo bar with squating? Took a couple sets for me to find good placement with low bar because of the curve of the bar.

Yeah, same here and I'm still kinda toying with the setup. I can tell a difference for sure though. Most of the time zero elbow pain. Sometimes because of the way that rack is and the curved bar it pulls the things the bar sits on in and forces my hands in closer and then I'll feel it in my elbows. I definitely prefer it though.

One other thing I'm thinking about changing that two months I did incline only I had zero shoulder/delt pain and already back doing flat bench it's bothering me. I'm wondering if a Swiss bar would be a good option. That or just doing slight incline in the rack in place of comp bench for now.
Yeah, same here and I'm still kinda toying with the setup. I can tell a difference for sure though. Most of the time zero elbow pain. Sometimes because of the way that rack is and the curved bar it pulls the things the bar sits on in and forces my hands in closer and then I'll feel it in my elbows. I definitely prefer it though.

One other thing I'm thinking about changing that two months I did incline only I had zero shoulder/delt pain and already back doing flat bench it's bothering me. I'm wondering if a Swiss bar would be a good option. That or just doing slight incline in the rack in place of comp bench for now.

Have you toyed around with grip position i.e. Closer or wider? I think a Swiss/football bar may help but may be too much of a variant to carry over for comp bench. For auxiliary work it would be good. That's strange you don't get it with incline. As that puts more emphasis on delts.

Yeah, maybe try like a 15degree incline out of the rack and see. It will probably be something you will just have to toy with and see what works and what doesn't. I would try a closer grip on flat bench first though, for carryover purposes.
One other thing I'm thinking about changing that two months I did incline only I had zero shoulder/delt pain and already back doing flat bench it's bothering me.

My shoulder also doesn't hurt during incline bench for some reason, I thought that was strange. On flat bench during my warmups it hurts pretty good, but once I get up to heavier weights and tuck my shoulders in really good, the pain instantly goes away.
My shoulder also doesn't hurt during incline bench for some reason, I thought that was strange. On flat bench during my warmups it hurts pretty good, but once I get up to heavier weights and tuck my shoulders in really good, the pain instantly goes away.


Mine hurts only on the one side, like right here where my upper pec and shoulder start to meet. It doesn't hurt during the set, only right after I rack it and only with about 275+. I'm thinking it must be form or the actual racking of the bar or maybe a muscle imbalance. I can't figure out why incline doesn't do it at all though. I'm gonna try closer grip and see how that feels.
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Mine hurts only on the one side, like right here where my upper pec and shoulder start to meet. It doesn't hurt during the set, only right after I rack it and only with about 275+. I'm thinking it must be form or the actual racking of the bar or maybe a muscle imbalance. I can't figure out why incline doesn't do it at all though. I'm gonna try closer grip and see how that feels.

That's exactly where I get pain also. My doc said it was just a common shoulder impingement a lot of lifters get from having overpowering anterior deltoids. He told me to take a couple months off benching and working more on my posterior deltoid, but considering it doesn't hurt on heavy bench, I've just never cared to stop benching. The only time it hurts is when I'm doing 5+ reps sets and my shoulders come out from under me and I start pressing with my shoulders. As long as I can keep them tucked under me it doesn't hurt from the unrack until the rack.
Do you get any kind pain around elbow area .. from upper forearm to lower bicep.. ??

Yeah, usually from low bar squats. After it starts settling in bench, chin ups and a few other things irritate it worse. My gym recently got a buffalo bar and using it for squats has helped tremendously.
I think I need to start putting elbow sleeves on squats now.. but yesterday I did arms and hurts like hell.. so I've soaked in epsom salt and it helped and put a bag of ice on both arms..
That's how I felt yesterday.. it felt like it took forever to get home from the gym.. it's less than 3 miles away.. I got my kid to drive me to the grocery store yesterday I could barely turn the wheel.. of course she tells me I need to chill with the weights..
You could switch to high bar for a few weeks and skip the curls and triceps extensions type movements for a few days or a week, maybe bench, too. That will make it go away temporarily without completely taking off.

Or try a wrists pinned back position on low bar. Like with your grip closer and just fingertips resting on the bar. This will take the pressure off your elbows, but at the cost of upper back tightness. I squatted like that for a long time.

Or work on mobility for getting into low bar position with stretches.

Or get a buffalo bar or safety squat bar. Elbow sleeves might help a little.