Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Does the elbow pain feel kind of like you hit your funny bone?

Mine doesn't really, it's more like constant ache when I have it. When I'm trying to pick something up in a way that aggravates it it kind of feels weak in the way you're talking about.
Does the elbow pain feel kind of like you hit your funny bone?
It's more like if you are benching heavy and that soreness you get on your forearm mainly.. but it's not tingling like when I'm doing tricep movement without sleeves.. I'm trying to explain the best I could.. Its not a muscle soreness .. it could be the cold weather starting to come in now here..
Mine doesn't really, it's more like constant ache when I have it. When I'm trying to pick something up in a way that aggravates it it kind of feels weak in the way you're talking about.

I had this problem for the longest time... It was killing me on bench days. I assumed it was a pushing movement that was fucking me up. I had an appointment lined up with a sports doc to get it checked.

Before the appointment happened, I somehow came to the realization that it was from my hand position on squat. I had even seen a video with Mark Bell discussing his own issues with it, he always grips real wide. So I started doing it the same way, haven't had an issue since.

I asked about funny bone because something else that got me to understand the issue better was I was massaging above the elbow one day and hit my ulnar nerve. Ulnar nerve is what you actually hurt when you hit "funny bone". I realized it was the same pain... I couldn't pin point it to that at first because the pain was radiating up and down my arm.

I wish I had better mobility in the elbows and shoulders to get into low bar but I don't see it happening... I need to work at it more I suppose. I'm pretty comfortable with high bar and wide grip though.
I had this problem for the longest time... It was killing me on bench days. I assumed it was a pushing movement that was fucking me up. I had an appointment lined up with a sports doc to get it checked.

Before the appointment happened, I somehow came to the realization that it was from my hand position on squat. I had even seen a video with Mark Bell discussing his own issues with it, he always grips real wide. So I started doing it the same way, haven't had an issue since.

I asked about funny bone because something else that got me to understand the issue better was I was massaging above the elbow one day and hit my ulnar nerve. Ulnar nerve is what you actually hurt when you hit "funny bone". I realized it was the same pain... I couldn't pin point it to that at first because the pain was radiating up and down my arm.

I wish I had better mobility in the elbows and shoulders to get into low bar but I don't see it happening... I need to work at it more I suppose. I'm pretty comfortable with high bar and wide grip though.

The problem with going really wide on your grip is you lose upper back tightness. You can brace better when you're tucked in all tight.

Were you getting elbow pain from high bar? That would be unusual. I can have my grip pretty narrow on high bar with zero elbow pain ever.
The problem with going really wide on your grip is you lose upper back tightness. You can brace better when you're tucked in all tight.

Were you getting elbow pain from high bar? That would be unusual. I can have my grip pretty narrow on high bar with zero elbow pain ever.

Yep... I'll admit, once I found out that going wide solved my problem I didn't experiment a ton. I was only going narrow when I'd go for heavy lifts to stay tight... I haven't even done that recently though.

The only solution I've found to staying tight is to sort of pull the bar into me. I'm jealous when I see people get a nice grip with elbows back and everything... I just don't move that way.

But like I said, I probably could do better if I worked on mobility.
I need to see a pic of this car.. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.. mines a track car though.. unfinished money pit the wife calls it..
Yep... I'll admit, once I found out that going wide solved my problem I didn't experiment a ton. I was only going narrow when I'd go for heavy lifts to stay tight... I haven't even done that recently though.

The only solution I've found to staying tight is to sort of pull the bar into me. I'm jealous when I see people get a nice grip with elbows back and everything... I just don't move that way.

But like I said, I probably could do better if I worked on mobility.

I've done a little mobility with very little results, but maybe if I was more consistent...

I need to see a pic of this car.. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.. mines a track car though.. unfinished money pit the wife calls it..

My car?
92.. shooting for low 5s in the 1/8 low 8s in the 1/4... goal is to put over 1000 to the ground ... haven't decided what fuel to use .. methanol or c16
Trans is a th400
Nice. My dad built this one before he died. I'm not really advanced on working on them, not the internal stuff anyway. Mine isn't firing on all cylinders. I've replaced the plugs and all the wires are intact, so I'm not sure what exactly is causing it or if it's something I'll be able to fix on my own.