Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I got up to like 2.5mph for five minutes, lol.

Whoa now Hombre! Slow and steady wins the race hahha.

I did cardio today for the first time since i stopped having to ride my bike, and it was....idk, never thought i could feel so healthy and unhealthy at the same time.

People on either side of me who looked like they probably couldn't even deadlift their own 150lb bodyweight just running along faster than i run away from my problems not even breaking a sweat.

Then there's me, right in the middle like the creamy center of a lard sandwhich, doing like half the speed they are....heavy breathing....sweating profusely...dying a little? Lol
Whoa now Hombre! Slow and steady wins the race hahha.

I did cardio today for the first time since i stopped having to ride my bike, and it was....idk, never thought i could feel so healthy and unhealthy at the same time.

People on either side of me who looked like they probably couldn't even deadlift their own 150lb bodyweight just running along faster than i run away from my problems not even breaking a sweat.

Then there's me, right in the middle like the creamy center of a lard sandwhich, doing like half the speed they are....heavy breathing....sweating profusely...dying a little? Lol

I haven't done any real cardio since July. My life got all crazy and I just haven't picked it back up yet. Gonna have to make it a New Year's resolution.

Tomorrow I'm going to try the kettlebell thing. The original routine is as follows:

Competition deadlift 15x2
Double paused bench 5x5
Deadlift to the knee 1x5 and 2-4 back off sets of 5

Gonna change to this:

Banded good morning 15x2
Double paused bench 5x5
Kettlebell swings 4x12

That look alright to you?

Tomorrow I'm going to try the kettlebell thing. The original routine is as follows:

Competition deadlift 15x2
Double paused bench 5x5
Deadlift to the knee 1x5 and 2-4 back off sets of 5

Gonna change to this:

Banded good morning 15x2
Double paused bench 5x5
Kettlebell swings 4x12

That look alright to you?
Ya man looks pretty good to me hopefully you have a kettle bell heavy enough to make 12 worth it for you otherwise you may need to do a few more
3 man crossfit squad? You me and Rodger?

We can call ourselves "the super insaiyan perrinbears" we'll take the 2017 CF games by storm!!

Sounds good. You seen the prize money? Anywhere in the top five would pretty much solve all my problems.

Ya man looks pretty good to me hopefully you have a kettle bell heavy enough to make 12 worth it for you otherwise you may need to do a few more

The custom one you can load about 200lbs in 25lb plates on. Pretty sure that's more than enough if the biggest regular one isn't enough. Or do higher reps and count it as cardio
Sounds good. You seen the prize money? Anywhere in the top five would pretty much solve all my problems.

I havent. Do they lay pretty well? I sure could use an extra couple grand.

Hell i figure if i start a super bulking cycle right now between the three of us we can just dominate in the strength category ( all that running is out of the question) and win on raw power hahahha.
I havent. Do they lay pretty well? I sure could use an extra couple grand.

Hell i figure if i start a super bulking cycle right now between the three of us we can just dominate in the strength category ( all that running is out of the question) and win on raw power hahahha.
Winner recieved 250 grand this year do ya they pay well lol. Think 5th is like 10 grand