Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Weight was 210lbs

Reverse pec deck flye 140 3x20

Incline bench 275 3x5

Weighted chin up +90 3x5

High bar squat 385 3x5

Definitely noticing some strength loss the last week. Gonna rethink some things over the weekend. Also did my first pin of the primo/test blend this evening.
Curious to how the 100 primo/test combo works out over the test at 200. May have to add it to my trt.
Curious to how the 100 primo/test combo works out over the test at 200. May have to add it to my trt.

I've just been running 160mg/week for the last month. It's that 24k cyp that was supposedly overdosed a little though, it might be closer to 200mg. 150mg a week split dosed put my total test at 1500+ on my last cruise.

Yeah, I'm hoping to go without AI and still gain or at least maintain. We will see and I'll keep everyone posted, of course.
Definitely noticing some strength loss the last week.

thats the unfortunate part of coming off tren, and the alluding part. you keep majority of your strength for the first 2-4 weeks off, then it starts to diminish some. happens everytime to me. id say i lose about 2-4% depending upon the lift.
thats the unfortunate part of coming off tren, and the alluding part. you keep majority of your strength for the first 2-4 weeks off, then it starts to diminish some. happens everytime to me. id say i lose about 2-4% depending upon the lift.

That sucks. I was thinking it was either that or not enough training volume. My weight has stabilized around 210-212.

I guess I'm going back to PL'ing training this weekend. I think I did pretty good doing hypertrophy for two months. I've lost motivation for it though, more now that I've lost a little strength. Still no DL until next month, good morning and box squat subbed in for now.
what Box height do you use for them to be subbed for deadlifts? id imagine higher closer to your starting hip height for sumo?
have you ever tried seated good mornings?
what Box height do you use for them to be subbed for deadlifts? id imagine higher closer to your starting hip height for sumo?
have you ever tried seated good mornings?

Right at parallel or slightly above, wide stance obviously. Haven't really ever given them a good run though. Experimented with them briefly a long time ago and coach had me doing it a couple weeks during the meet prep this year.

Haven't done a lot of them, no. I think I first tried them on Sheiko. Do you like them or find them useful?
i have never personally tried them. have read about them and saw a guy doing them at the gym the other day and we talked about it for a little while. was more so curious if you had tried them.

ive read quite a few articles where Poliquin uses these so i figured they were a solid choice in a movement. seems like it would keep you more strict and prevent someone from just muscling it up and using too much core/spinal erectors.

maybe @Docd187123 could chime in on this?
i have never personally tried them. have read about them and saw a guy doing them at the gym the other day and we talked about it for a little while. was more so curious if you had tried them.

ive read quite a few articles where Poliquin uses these so i figured they were a solid choice in a movement. seems like it would keep you more strict and prevent someone from just muscling it up and using too much core/spinal erectors.

maybe @Docd187123 could chime in on this?

It definitely keeps the weight on your lower back and keeps a lot of your legs out of it. I don't think I ever went over 165 or so on the seated ones. Seated against bands might be pretty good. The bands really give me more of a lower back burn than standard.

Right now I think I'm just going to rerun the off season plan I got from coach until January when I get back with him. Sub good mornings for deadlift for now and box squat for block pull for now and see how it goes. I didn't really get to do that program justice last time anyway since I was cutting.

Also curious to hear Doc's thoughts on seated good mornings and possibly using bands with them.
Specifically the article I read, Poliquin says you should feel them in your hamstrings. You may not feel them day of but next day. Maybe play around with foot placement eg. Wide vs narrow, feet further further in front of you vs closer to you. I've seen a couple guys do them so they have me intrigued as an accessory movement
Hmmmmm. Maybe I was doing them wrong or just don't remember because it was awhile ago. I don't think I did them more than 3-4 times.
Seated good mornings basically place the stress on the low back muscles and almost completely remove the glutes and hams from the movement bc of a lack of hip extension.

I don't see why you couldn't use hands for them although I personally prefer to save the bands for major lifts and a seated good morning isn't a major lift in most if not all programs.
Seated good mornings basically place the stress on the low back muscles and almost completely remove the glutes and hams from the movement bc of a lack of hip extension.

I don't see why you couldn't use hands for them although I personally prefer to save the bands for major lifts and a seated good morning isn't a major lift in most if not all programs.

For the moment it'll be a main lift for me until I'm able to deadlift again. I'll be subbing them into a deadlift slot in my routine for awhile. I've been doing standing ones with bands in my deadlift slot lately. I mean the bands certainly aren't required, but I've enjoyed them as a little change of pace.
For the moment it'll be a main lift for me until I'm able to deadlift again. I'll be subbing them into a deadlift slot in my routine for awhile. I've been doing standing ones with bands in my deadlift slot lately. I mean the bands certainly aren't required, but I've enjoyed them as a little change of pace.

I would switch back and forth personally. Maybe do short microcycles with bands then no bands. I remember you taking a break from deads to heal up's that going for you?
I would switch back and forth personally. Maybe do short microcycles with bands then no bands. I remember you taking a break from deads to heal up's that going for you?

Well, it's been two months since I pulled at my meet. I just introduced rows back a little over a week ago with no pain and done a few power cleans to test the waters, no pain there either. I'm still going to wait until next month to make sure, I kept reinjuring it during the meet prep and I don't want that to happen again. I want to start the new year injury free and pull 650+ at nationals in the summer.
Well, it's been two months since I pulled at my meet. I just introduced rows back a little over a week ago with no pain and done a few power cleans to test the waters, no pain there either. I'm still going to wait until next month to make sure, I kept reinjuring it during the meet prep and I don't want that to happen again. I want to start the new year injury free and pull 650+ at nationals in the summer.

Meet prep is the worst for injuries. If you're feeling 100% then you're not prepping right lol. On a serious note, I hoped it's healed enough for you to pull 700!
Meet prep is the worst for injuries. If you're feeling 100% then you're not prepping right lol. On a serious note, I hoped it's healed enough for you to pull 700!

lol, I've yet to have a meet prep where I didn't have something wrong. This last one was my least painful one full body wise and that lat injury just came out of nowhere. Also, thanks. 700lbs is coming in the next two years. I'm determined.
Weight was 211lbs

Competition paused bench press 12x2 with 315

Five count paused squat 365x3, 330x3, 330x3

Floor press 265x7, 265x5, 265x5, 265x5

Made a spur of the moment decision to switch back to powerlifting starting today. Gonna sub out deadlift until next month and then see where I am. I just couldn't stay away from powerlifting any longer, missed it too much.
I love floor press... I hardly do it anymore because the gym I go to most often makes me feel like I'm going to get trampled laying on the floor.
I love floor press... I hardly do it anymore because the gym I go to most often makes me feel like I'm going to get trampled laying on the floor.

I did 'em in the power rack today. Some guy was curling in the half rack or whatever you call it that I usually do floor press in. Gym was dead anyway.