Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Weight was 212lbs

Power cleans 135x3, 155x3, 165x3, 185x3x3

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x8 with 130's

Banded good mornings 3x8 with 225 + 60lbs in bands

Leg Curl 165x15, 180x15, 195x15

T-bar rows 3 plates for 3x10

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 with 90

Made a little change today. Going to do power cleans in place of the delt exercises on this day. Partly to get something like deadlift in and partly because I've just been wanting to do them again.
Why you gotta be such a monster for? plus 105 lbs for 5 on weighted chin ups? my best ever was 70 for 4 at 200 wide grip slightly wider than shoulders
Why you gotta be such a monster for? plus 105 lbs for 5 on weighted chin ups? my best ever was 70 for 4 at 200 wide grip slightly wider than shoulders

I know , I can do a few 105lb weighted Dips but after 50lbs Im deadweight on a chin bar . Thats because Im carrying some "chub"....deadweight (fat). You gotta be fairly lean to really pound out the pull-ups/chins , especially weighted.
Why you gotta be such a monster for? plus 105 lbs for 5 on weighted chin ups? my best ever was 70 for 4 at 200 wide grip slightly wider than shoulders

Thanks, chin ups and pull ups have always been a good lift for me, always takes a backseat to the powerlifts though. Kind of hit a wall today. Planned 5x3 with +125 and only got 2x3 and 1x2. Gonna have to reset and start lighter.
Weight was 211lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20 with 150

Incline Barbell Bench 5x3 with 315

High Bar Squat with belt 3x3 415

Weighted Chin-up 2x3 & 1x2 +125

Bit off more than I could chew here. Thought I would try out some 3's today. Got through the bench okay, squats I could tell I couldn't get all five sets and stopped after three. Weighted chin ups missed a rep of my third set. If I decide to keep the 3's in rotation I'll keep squats the same weight and reduce weighted chin ups.
Weight was 210lbs

High pull 135 3x3

Power clean 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3, 175x3

Bench press 225x5, 225x5, 225x24

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25

Banded good mornings 5x3 with 275 plus 60lbs bands

Leg Curl 180x15, 195x15, 210x15

Chest supported rows 3x12 with 140

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 with 90
From yesterday

Weight: 211lbs

Power cleans a bunch of sets with 135 working on form

Incline bench 285 for 2x6

High bar squat 375x8, 375x7

Chin ups 3x15

Shitty workout for some reason, maybe need to deload. I'm going to do that today through Monday and pick back up on Tuesday, I think. It's been two months since my last one and I've been going pretty hard. Plus I'm just cruising now.
Could have just been an off day. rest up and get some good sleep and food in you and you'll be fine come Tuesday. solid high bar numbers!
Could have just been an off day. rest up and get some good sleep and food in you and you'll be fine come Tuesday. solid high bar numbers!

Thanks. I've been on a cruise dose a month and off the tren a couple weeks. I've been expecting things to slow down a bit and I've been pushing really hard trying to get what I can. After this mini deload I'll reset a little and start making smaller jumps. Maybe break out the microplates.

I've surpassed my low bar numbers by a fair amount now. I'm looking forward to seeing where they are when I switch back. I'm supposed to get with coach in January, I think I'm going to rerun what he gave me before next month as a refresher. I'm getting bored with the hypertrophy stuff, I'm craving some powerlifting pretty badly.
nothing quite like doing some heavy triples.
ive actually really grown to love the 5's i feel like thats the area i get the most out of strength. probably because my muscles are more slow twitch dominant muscles.
Keep pushing post cycle, it's not impossible to keep getting stronger. Believe me I'll be trying during this cruise.

This is soooo true. I went from 1400mg of various compounds per week too a cruise dose of 200mg testE and not only am i stronger but im a bit fuller as well. The diff is on blast i was eating at a deficit and on cruise im eating clean but at a surplus. Also i feel fantastic and im giving my body a break as well. If your not making gains on cruise its time to re think your diet and prob training program as well.
nothing quite like doing some heavy triples.
ive actually really grown to love the 5's i feel like thats the area i get the most out of strength. probably because my muscles are more slow twitch dominant muscles.

I think I make better gains on 5's, too. 3's are good at a lower frequency. I find I get aches and pains a lot more working in the 3's range too much. Right now I'm pain free all over. High bar has been a huge relief to my elbows and incline has my shoulder feeling great.

This is soooo true. I went from 1400mg of various compounds per week too a cruise dose of 200mg testE and not only am i stronger but im a bit fuller as well. The diff is on blast i was eating at a deficit and on cruise im eating clean but at a surplus. Also i feel fantastic and im giving my body a break as well. If your not making gains on cruise its time to re think your diet and prob training program as well.

Absolutely, the gains come slower, but they're there. If not you're either very advanced or your diet and/or training sucks and you're relying on the gear alone to make progress.
This is soooo true. I went from 1400mg of various compounds per week too a cruise dose of 200mg testE and not only am i stronger but im a bit fuller as well. The diff is on blast i was eating at a deficit and on cruise im eating clean but at a surplus. Also i feel fantastic and im giving my body a break as well. If your not making gains on cruise its time to re think your diet and prob training program as well.
I think it depends a lot on how advanced someone is too though. you can't expect someone who squats 450 to have the same results on a cruise as someone squatting 750, all other factors being equal. the latter would probably be thrilled just to maintain that strength on a 200 mg/wk cruise dose.
I think it depends a lot on how advanced someone is too though. you can't expect someone who squats 450 to have the same results on a cruise as someone squatting 750, all other factors being equal. the latter would probably be thrilled just to maintain that strength on a 200 mg/wk cruise dose.

I see your point, but what im saying is gains are attainable on low dose
( 200-300mg) test per week if like you say you are advanced in your training and knowledgable about diet. I have said this many times , that i could bench 440lb on 250mg sus per week in ,my 20's and 30's
At a BW of 192. At 188 i benched 420 in a contest all low dose. But i lived ate and slept lifting. Course i have very good genetics when it comes to strength but i believe anybody that trains smart and hard while also eating properly can make great gains on a low dose.
Just my 2c take it for what its worth[emoji4]
Just my 2CC take it for what its worth[emoji4]

I see what you did there

I agree tho, and I've heard Stan Efferding talk about this. If you're able to devote majority of your time to training( diet, proper sleep, proper nutrition and proper training program) you will advance much further and faster than someone who does not have those same means. I battle between this. I have 2 jobs and work a minimum of 52 hours a week. If I could just work my day gig I would be MUCH better off. But I have other goals also and this is a hobby for now. As it is with most of us. I try my best to get the work done that I can with what I'm dealing with life wise
211lbs bodyweight today

Power cleans 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 185x2 (missed second rep, got third), 205x1, 225x0

Flat dumbell press 90's 3x10

Banded good mornings 135 plus 60lbs in bands 3x10

One arm dumbbell rows 100 3x10

Last deload day today, back to business as usual in Wednesday. Still trying to get the hang of power cleans and use good form rather than just muscle the weight up, that's why I missed a rep with 185 and 225, not heavy, just trying to use finesse rather than strength.
211lbs bodyweight today

Power cleans 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 185x2 (missed second rep, got third), 205x1, 225x0

Flat dumbell press 90's 3x10

Banded good mornings 135 plus 60lbs in bands 3x10

One arm dumbbell rows 100 3x10

Last deload day today, back to business as usual in Wednesday. Still trying to get the hang of power cleans and use good form rather than just muscle the weight up, that's why I missed a rep with 185 and 225, not heavy, just trying to use finesse rather than strength.
Lat feeling good?
Also, another update I got some test E and primo blend. Gonna run that on this cruise to hopefully remove the need for any AI. I feel like I need a break from it. So I'll be switching from 160mg/week of test cyp to 1ml a week of this, which is 100mg test E and 100mg primo E. I'll adjust as needed by way of adding a little extra test if necessary. Just an experiment at this point. Will be getting bloods next month or beginning of January to see where I'm at including lipids and iron levels to make sure that's all good after so many DIY blood donations. Still running black tops 5iu on training days about thirty minutes pre workout.