Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

My deadlift was really close to international elite, would have been over if it wasn't for the injury during the prep. My squat is way off, bench a fair bit. I'm really on the fence about just going for elite at 198, I think I could do it by then.

I'll still get with coach in January and have a nice, long prep for it. I think we could place pretty well. First is unlikely right now, but the experience will be awesome.

You will definitely hit many pulls that qualify as international elite going forward. You are a strong puller and your form is great.
Weight was 214lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 130x20, 140x20, 150x20

Incline Barbell Bench 225x12, 235x12, 245x12

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 with 30

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x12 with 315

Leg extension 3x10 with 150

Weighted chin up 3x8 with +45
From last night

Weight 214lbs

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15 with 15's

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x15 with 110's

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25's

Good mornings 3x12 with 185 plus 60 in bands

Leg Curl 2x10 with 105

Pull ups 2x12

Had to cut it short, was dealing with a crisis last night. Only slept two hours and missed work today. Diet a little off track, too.
From last night

Weight 214lbs

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15 with 15's

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x15 with 110's

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25's

Good mornings 3x12 with 185 plus 60 in bands

Leg Curl 2x10 with 105

Pull ups 2x12

Had to cut it short, was dealing with a crisis last night. Only slept two hours and missed work today. Diet a little off track, too.
Weighted pullups?
I'm going to try to put rows back into the rotation next week if no pain, deadlift in a month if still no pain.

Joe DeFranco has some information out there on how to use bands for upper back work. I believe he had some athletes using bands only for upper back training and they still developed just as well as any athlete doing heavy rows and maintained excellent shoulder health by doing so.

Could be worth trying if you want to maintain or build some upper back musculature without doing any machine or dumbbell / barbell rows. Easy to program too.
Weight was 212lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 140x20, 150x20, 160x20

Incline Barbell Bench 250x8, 265x8, 275x8

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 30x10, 30x10, 25x1p

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 365x10

Leg extension 150x10, 165x10, 180x10

I guess this last week of poor eating and sleeping and high stress is catching up with me. Did 100mg of TNE pre workout and still couldn't get through this workout. The incline and squats were PRs though. This is the last week of my cycle, so hopefully i can get back on track the last few days.
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I just realized i forgot to log Tuesday's workout.

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15 with 15's

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x10 with 120's

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10 with 20's

Banded good mornings 3x8 with 225 + 60lbs in bands

Leg Curl 3x10 can't remember the weight

Seal rows 3x10 with 135 no pain

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 with 110

About to head to the gym now for my last squat and incline bench session on this cycle, gonna try to make it good.
Weight was 216lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20 with 150lbs

Incline Barbell Bench 285x5, 295x5 and 305x5 (all PRs, last set was a little rough)

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x20 with 15lbs

Beltless high bar squat 385x5, 395x5 and 405x5 (all time squat PR of any kind of squat, I'd have to look, but i think my old low bar with belt 5RM was like 370)

Weighted Chin-up 321lbs total (216 + 105) for 5, then 3, then bodyweight for 15 (bit off more than i could chew here, thought i could get 3x5 with +105 and it just wasn't happening)

Vid of incline bench and squats

Got a vid of the first set of weighted chin ups, but i didn't think about my face being visible in the mirror. If anyone wants to see it I'll show it privately, it's nothing special though.

So my cycle ends tomorrow. I've been back to a cruise dose of 150mg of test cyp almost two weeks now, dropping the tren tomorrow. Probably going to change my hgh protocol as well, although I'm not sure how yet.
Weight was 216lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20 with 150lbs

Incline Barbell Bench 285x5, 295x5 and 305x5 (all PRs, last set was a little rough)

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x20 with 15lbs

Beltless high bar squat 385x5, 395x5 and 405x5 (all time squat PR of any kind of squat, I'd have to look, but i think my old low bar with belt 5RM was like 370)

Weighted Chin-up 321lbs total (216 + 105) for 5, then 3, then bodyweight for 15 (bit off more than i could chew here, thought i could get 3x5 with +105 and it just wasn't happening)

Vid of incline bench and squats

Got a vid of the first set of weighted chin ups, but i didn't think about my face being visible in the mirror. If anyone wants to see it I'll show it privately, it's nothing special though.

So my cycle ends tomorrow. I've been back to a cruise dose of 150mg of test cyp almost two weeks now, dropping the tren tomorrow. Probably going to change my hgh protocol as well, although I'm not sure how yet.

Good stuff homie