Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I get tired of that warning every time I plug it in. They should change it to say "self destruct activated" instead. I might look at an S7 or Pixel XL, I don't know yet. I do like this phone a lot. I doubt you could have a lawsuit if it exploded now after they've warned us constantly for a month.

Man...can you imagine that first person one exploded on? Lucky bastard. Dude is probably somewhere tropical dping blow of some strippers ass
Man...can you imagine that first person one exploded on? Lucky bastard. Dude is probably somewhere tropical dping blow of some strippers ass

Oh yeah, I dreamed of getting burned when it first happened. If it would have ignited I'd have held it to the side of my head and claimed I was sleeping next to it. Would've solved 98% of my problems in life.
Oh yeah, I dreamed of getting burned when it first happened. If it would have ignited I'd have held it to the side of my head and claimed I was sleeping next to it. Would've solved 98% of my problems in life.

Hahahahahaha thats pretty much what life comes to....please please please let something tragic happen to me so i can sue someone and not have to stress anymore lol
Hahahahahaha thats pretty much what life comes to....please please please let something tragic happen to me so i can sue someone and not have to stress anymore lol

I'm desperate as fuck right now. Been bouncing around with no place of my own since the beginning of August. One car problem away from not even being able to get to work.
Weight was 213lbs

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15 with 15's

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x15 with 100's

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10 with 20's

Good mornings 3x12 with 185 + 60lbs resistance bands

Leg Curl 3x10 with 95

Pull ups 3x12

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 with 100

Preacher dumbbell curls 3x12 with 25

Rope triceps press downs 3x15
I'm desperate as fuck right now. Been bouncing around with no place of my own since the beginning of August. One car problem away from not even being able to get to work.

I hear you on that. I remember not too long ago I was bouncing around from place to place with no money, no phone, no car, basically nothing. With a lot of hard work and dedication. I now have plenty of money, a decent place, a couple nice vehicles and plenty of toys. Being someone who has multiple violent felonies on his record, I know it can be really hard to make a comeback and dig yourself out of a hole. It's definitely possible though.
I hear you on that. I remember not too long ago I was bouncing around from place to place with no money, no phone, no car, basically nothing. With a lot of hard work and dedication. I now have plenty of money, a decent place, a couple nice vehicles and plenty of toys. Being someone who has multiple violent felonies on his record, I know it can be really hard to make a comeback and dig yourself out of a hole. It's definitely possible though.

Yeah, I've been a lot worse off than I am now. Multiple felonies (non violent though) and almost two years prison time, got 4 1/2 years clean from heroin right now.

I have a job, a vehicle and places to stay, even though they aren't my own. Actually have some land and a trailer, it's just not ready to live in at the moment. I was living with a woman I never should have trusted and when we broke up a couple months ago I had no backup plan and no money saved. Things are looking up for sure though, before the year is over I'll be where I need to be.
Yeah, I've been a lot worse off than I am now. Multiple felonies (non violent though) and almost two years prison time, got 4 1/2 years clean from heroin right now.

I have a job, a vehicle and places to stay, even though they aren't my own. Actually have some land and a trailer, it's just not ready to live in at the moment. I was living with a woman I never should have trusted and when we broke up a couple months ago I had no backup plan and no money saved. Things are looking up for sure though, before the year is over I'll be where I need to be.

Ive started over many times before too , sounds like your on the right track with life and lifts . Goodluck :cool:
Ive started over many times before too , sounds like your on the right track with life and lifts . Goodluck :cool:

I have as well and usually much worse off than I am now. I guess I shouldn't really bitch, things aren't that bad. Honestly I'm happier than I can remember being. Just being broke and not having my own place gets to me and I feel like at my age I should be better off.

Like I said I have a beautiful girlfriend, a job, a car, I get to lift and run gear, plenty of food to eat, life is pretty good.

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 120x20, 130x20, 140x20

Incline Barbell Bench 250x8, 255x8, 260x8

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 25x10, 30x10, 25x10

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 335x8, 345x8, 350x8

Leg extension 105x15, 120x15, 135x15

Weighted chin up 3x8 with +45lbs (261lbs total)

One sided Smith machine shrugs 2 35's x40, x30, x30

Flat dumbbell flyes 50's 3x10

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All lifts are going up big time. I'm pretty sure 350x8 is a new 8RM of any squat, including low bar with a belt, not sure because I can't remember the last time I was doing 8's. Probably going to go for 275x8 next incline bench day. Noticing some trap and delt gains as well. Might need to hit the brakes on weight gain, not looking to get over 220lbs right now.
Weight was 214lbs

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15 with 20's

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x8 with 110's
*Press to 3/4 lockout

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25's

Good mornings 3x8 with 185 +60lbs resistance bans 5

Leg Curl 3x10 with 105

Pull ups 3x10

Dumbbell Pullovers 110x10, 110x10, 110x8

Dumbbell preacher curls 3x10 with 30

One set of rope press downs and some old woman took the cables, so I just did two sets of bodyweight dips, 30 and 20.

Got almost crippling lower back pumps on the good mornings, got them yesterday on squats, too.

Question: I have two weeks left after this week on this cycle, currently running 700mg a week each of test cyp and tren ace. Should I go ahead and drop to a cruise dose of test next week since it'll take a couple weeks to clear anyway or run the test high until I drop the tren in two weeks?
Weight was 214lbs

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15 with 20's

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x8 with 110's
*Press to 3/4 lockout

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25's

Good mornings 3x8 with 185 +60lbs resistance bans 5

Leg Curl 3x10 with 105

Pull ups 3x10

Dumbbell Pullovers 110x10, 110x10, 110x8

Dumbbell preacher curls 3x10 with 30

One set of rope press downs and some old woman took the cables, so I just did two sets of bodyweight dips, 30 and 20.

Got almost crippling lower back pumps on the good mornings, got them yesterday on squats, too.

Question: I have two weeks left after this week on this cycle, currently running 700mg a week each of test cyp and tren ace. Should I go ahead and drop to a cruise dose of test next week since it'll take a couple weeks to clear anyway or run the test high until I drop the tren in two weeks?

It's really up to you and how you feel. One way or the other won't make s huge difference other than saving a couple CCs
So I gave in and got the S7 edge today. Phone is okay. Not as sturdy. Since they took my Note7 right away I ended up not transfering a bunch of shit
So I gave in and got the S7 edge today. Phone is okay. Not as sturdy. Since they took my Note7 right away I ended up not transfering a bunch of shit

It seemed pretty similar, smaller, but the screen is almost as big. What kind of case did you get?

They told me at the store I could keep the Note. The website says I have to mail it in, so I don't know. They initially charged me for the new phone and after it shipped I realized and called and they couldn't refund my card and added it as a bill credit, so I don't know if they sent a box to return it in since they sent it like I bought a new phone. We'll see
It seemed pretty similar, smaller, but the screen is almost as big. What kind of case did you get?

They told me at the store I could keep the Note. The website says I have to mail it in, so I don't know. They initially charged me for the new phone and after it shipped I realized and called and they couldn't refund my card and added it as a bill credit, so I don't know if they sent a box to return it in since they sent it like I bought a new phone. We'll see

So far its kinda similar. The note7 is definetely better, but its not a huge difference. I had to get the gold one since it was the last one in stock. Then I already had the bodyguardz screen and case and they replaced em. Easy process, but I miss my phone.