Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

lol, who do we get vengeance on? I'm starting tomorrow on day two. I'm going to incorporate the biceps, triceps and traps as WP described on an every day format and skip when needed.
lol, who do we get vengeance on? I'm starting tomorrow on day two. I'm going to incorporate the biceps, triceps and traps as WP described on an every day format and skip when needed.

I would go hard on traps for a little while then drop them and only do a maintenance amount of work, if that. Some guys only ever hit traps during contest prep and never in the off-season and still build freaky traps. You get a lot of indirect action and it doesn't take much to make them blow up.
I would go hard on traps for a little while then drop them and only do a maintenance amount of work, if that. Some guys only ever hit traps during contest prep and never in the off-season and still build freaky traps. You get a lot of indirect action and it doesn't take much to make them blow up.

That sounds good. I bet a lot of my weak points blow up fast since I pretty much only did comp lifts for a long time. I know my arms and delts are crazy sore today.
Well, I'm a volume guy and tend to never do the same workout twice.. I follow most of John Meadow's principles, however I have added 1 extra bicep "day" in a week to bring up the lagging Bis (with great success, actually).

I do:
su-Legs (heavy)
mon-Chest and shoulders (heavy)
thu-Legs (pump)
fri-Chest, shoulder and tris (pump)
sat-Back and bis (pump for back heavy for bis)

Most of the time I do 1-2 warmup sets and 3 working sets of each lift. There are random things in there like on saturday's bicep routine I do 2 sets of 50 standing cable curls at the end. It would be almost impossible for me to nail down one simple principle that I use... @weighted chinup will probably be much more helpful, as he is great at designing routines that are easily used be most skill levels. I prefer to never do the same thing twice.

Also, the "style" in which I lift changes almost weekly. One week it will be a lot of drop sets, the next pyramids, then maybe isolation holds, etc. etc. It's never the same shit, ever. I have had the best results this way.
I would give input but I like this SOB response and will +1 it
Chest supported rows are suitable, I prefer to do any kind of T-bar variant single armed though, so bonus if you can do chest supported one arm at a time. There are lots of other row variants that are just as effective without having to bring a heavy weight to the floor. If you have kettleballs you can do pronated bent-over rows both arms at the same.

There really is no point making an injury worse over rows imo, there are so many and there are a metric shit load of lifters that train for strength who do all their rowing bb'ing style, so again, this isn't all that detrimental since we don't have deads in the rotation.
Single arm supinated pull downs and single arm seated rows REALLY get my back going, and don't hurt your lower back at all!
Single arm supinated pull downs and single arm seated rows REALLY get my back going, and don't hurt your lower back at all!

What do you think of doing your biceps, triceps and traps protocol like you laid out as a giant set at the end of each of these days? WC said every day is good and I agree. Maybe change up the order and play with different pauses and drop sets and swap exercises every now and then.

Like triceps press downs, followed by preacher curls, followed by shrugs, rest and repeat.
What do you think of doing your biceps, triceps and traps protocol like you laid out as a giant set at the end of each of these days? WC said every day is good and I agree. Maybe change up the order and play with different pauses and drop sets and swap exercises every now and then.

Like triceps press downs, followed by preacher curls, followed by shrugs, rest and repeat.
It's not a BAD idea, but I don't like doing things like that for myself as I like to be around 100% for each lift, especially for my weak group, biceps. You can superset bis and tris together pretty easily, traps might feel a bit weird in the mix...
It's not a BAD idea, but I don't like doing things like that for myself as I like to be around 100% for each lift, especially for my weak group, biceps. You can superset bis and tris together pretty easily, traps might feel a bit weird in the mix...

I was thinking to save time, but I don't even know how long these sessions will take yet. I'll wait and see and try doing them individually if possible. I'm used to 2 1/2 hour PL sessions and rushing the accessories at the end.
I was thinking to save time, but I don't even know how long these sessions will take yet. I'll wait and see and try doing them individually if possible. I'm used to 2 1/2 hour PL sessions and rushing the accessories at the end.
Shouldn't take anywhere near that long, I'd guess an hour to and hour and 15 max.
Weighed in at 207lbs

Day 2:

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15
10lb dumbbells

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x12
100's and only got 9 on the last set. Haven't don't dumbbells in forever and never without lockout, so the weight was just a guess

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10
10's with a drop set at the end

Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Did these with 80lb dumbbells, I don't think I'll be able to do them due to the injury

Leg Curl 3x10
70lbs with pauses

Heavy Dumbbell Row 3x10
Couldn't do these, tried chest supported rows with two plates per side and I'm not sure I can do them.

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10
90lb dumbbell

Tried Smith machine shrugs and it hurt too much

Standing preacher dumbbell curls 4x12
20lb dumbbell pauses at the top

Rope push downs 4x15
70lbs pauses at the bottom

So this was a good workout, but I think I'm going to be limited on more than I thought. I'm going to have to experiment a little. Picking up two heavy dumbbells at once isn't going to work, it seems a lot of the rows might be a problem, too. Gonna try seal rows next time. Not sure about the dumbbell presses except doing barbell. Not sure how to do shrugs either except one side at a time maybe. I didn't realize how easy this injury was to aggravate since I was only doing comp lifts.
Yeah, I agree. I need to get used to keeping a quicker pace, too. Tuesday people kept talking to me about my meet over the weekend and it took forever.
Well just politely tell them to fuck off till you are done training, lol. You aren't at the gym to socialize ;)
205lbs morning weight

Reverse pec deck flye 3x20 50, 60 and 70

Incline bench 3x5 230

Dumbbell lateral raise 3x20 12's

Olympic squat 3x5 315 (beltless ATG)

Weighted chin up 3x5 +45

Seated row 3x10 150, I think
Weighed in at 207lbs this morning.

Dumbbell rear delt flyes 3x20 with 10's with a pause at the top each time

Incline dumbbell press 3x12 with 75's

Dumbbell lateral raises 3x10 with 15's

Good mornings 3x5 with 185

Leg curls with a pause at the top 3x10 with 70

Wide pull ups 3x8

Dumbbell pullovers 3x10 with 75

Dumbbell preacher curls 3x15 with 20

Rope triceps push downs with pauses 3x15 with 70
Weighed in at 207lbs this morning.

Dumbbell rear delt flyes 3x20 with 10's with a pause at the top each time

Incline dumbbell press 3x12 with 75's

Dumbbell lateral raises 3x10 with 15's

Good mornings 3x5 with 185

Leg curls with a pause at the top 3x10 with 70

Wide pull ups 3x8

Dumbbell pullovers 3x10 with 75

Dumbbell preacher curls 3x15 with 20

Rope triceps push downs with pauses 3x15 with 70

How are you feeling with this experimental program?

I would do banded good mornings if you can instead of BB.
How are you feeling with this experimental program?

I would do banded good mornings if you can instead of BB.

I was actually going to tag you later on with my thoughts on it and problems I've run into due to the injury.

Because of this injury I'm not sure I can do any type of rows. Every type so far has aggravated it. I'm going to try seal rows next week and if I can't do that I was thinking I'd just sub in pull up variations like I did today. Another unexpected problem picking up heavy dumbbells for pressing hurts it. Picking up 75's didn't bother it, but I felt like I could've done sets of 20 rather than 12. Should I just do more barbell here or perhaps weighted dips or close grip? I didn't foresee this.

Banded good mornings I can do, I have two red mini bands. The RDLs get into my injury too much and good mornings were the best alternative I could think of. I really didn't realize how much this injury got in the way just doing comp lifts.

Everything else is good though, I'm getting a great pump from this and I was sore the first day or two. I've went pretty light on everything this week to get a feel for it and since I just did a meet last weekend. I'll add more weight next week, although the first two days will be higher rep days since I'm rotating in another rep range like you were saying.

Reverse pec deck flye 3x20
70, 80 and 90

Incline bench 3x15 with 185 slow eccentric, explosive concentric

Dumbbell lateral raises 3x10

Olympic high bar squat, three second concentric, explode to 3/4 lockout
225x10 and 250x10, couldn't complete the third set, crippling back and quad pumps. I thought I was going to have to leave the gym, lol.

Weighted chin ups +25lbs for 3x8

Skipping all rows for now, but did some one sided Smith machine shrugs with a drop set at the end.

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I feel like I'm swelling up already with all this food.

