Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Tuesday Upper
Incline bench 5x5
Weighted chin ups 5x5
????? Delts, traps and arms

Wednesday Lower
Front squat or high bar squats 5x5
Good morning 5x5
Weighted pull ups 5x5
????? Leg extensions and leg curls?

Saturday Upper
Incline bench 3x10
Weighted chin ups 3x10
????? Delts, traps and arms

Sunday Lower
Front squats or high bar squats 3x10
Good morning 3x10
Weighted pull ups 3x10
????? Leg extensions and leg curls?

@Wunderpus what do you think of this

This is what I would do if I had to come up with a way to implement high frequency techniques used by bb'ers in a high frequency setup without implementing auto-regulation.


Day 1:

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20

Incline Barbell Bench 3x8
*Very controlled on the eccentric and explosive coming out

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x8
*3 second eccentric explode to 3/4 lockout

Weighted Neutral Grip Chin-up 3x8-10
*Controlled form throughout

Seated Row 3x10
*Strict form, get a good pump on these

Day 2:

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop sets, slow tempo, etc

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
*Press to 3/4 lockout

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Romanian Deadlift 3x8
*Make use of myotatic reflex and explode up

Leg Curl 3x10-15
*Use a high intensity technique on this day

Heavy Dumbbell Row 3x10
*Both arms at the same time

*Dumbbell Pullovers or Rope Pullovers or Machine Pullovers 3x10

Day 3:

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20

Incline Barbell Bench 3x5
*Pause for 1 second then explode and come right down with a controlled eccentric

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x20

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x5
*2 second pause to 3/4 lockout

Weighted Supinated Grip Chin-up 3x5
*Controlled form throughout

Seated Row 3x10
*Strict form

Day 4:

Rear Delt Flys 4x20
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps on pec deck fly, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
*Press to 3/4 lockout at the lowest possible Incline setting

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Romanian Deadlift 3x5 or SLDL
*Make use of myotatic reflex and explode up

Leg Curl 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day

Heavy Row Variant 3x8-10

*Dumbbell Pullovers or Rope Pullovers or Machine Pullovers 3x10
@Wunderpus what do you think of this

This is what I would do if I had to come up with a way to implement high frequency techniques used by bb'ers in a high frequency setup without implementing auto-regulation.


Day 1:

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20

Incline Barbell Bench 3x8
*Very controlled on the eccentric and explosive coming out

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x8
*3 second eccentric explode to 3/4 lockout

Weighted Neutral Grip Chin-up 3x8-10
*Controlled form throughout

Seated Row 3x10
*Strict form, get a good pump on these

Day 2:

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop sets, slow tempo, etc

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
*Press to 3/4 lockout

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Romanian Deadlift 3x8
*Make use of myotatic reflex and explode up

Leg Curl 3x10-15
*Use a high intensity technique on this day

Heavy Dumbbell Row 3x10
*Both arms at the same time

*Dumbbell Pullovers or Rope Pullovers or Machine Pullovers 3x10

Day 3:

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20

Incline Barbell Bench 3x5
*Pause for 1 second then explode and come right down with a controlled eccentric

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x20

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x8
*2 second pause to 3/4 lockout

Weighted Supinated Grip Chin-up 3x5
*Controlled form throughout

Seated Row 3x10
*Strict form

Day 4:

Rear Delt Flys 4x20
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps on pec deck fly, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
*Press to 3/4 lockout at the lowest possible Incline setting

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Romanian Deadlift 3x8 or SLDL
*Make use of myotatic reflex and explode up

Leg Curl 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day

Heavy Row Variant 3x8-10

*Dumbbell Pullovers or Rope Pullovers or Machine Pullovers 3x10

What's with only going to 3/4lockout? (Serious question not trying to sound like a prick I'm curious as to the bodybuilding ways kind of)
What's with only going to 3/4lockout? (Serious question not trying to sound like a prick I'm curious as to the bodybuilding ways kind of)
Straight arm at the top of a lift if a "lockout", like literally locking your elbow into place. The advantage of not locking out if constant tension on the worked muscle. Hope that explains it?
@Wunderpus what do you think of this

This is what I would do if I had to come up with a way to implement high frequency techniques used by bb'ers in a high frequency setup without implementing auto-regulation.


Day 1:

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20

Incline Barbell Bench 3x8
*Very controlled on the eccentric and explosive coming out

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x8
*3 second eccentric explode to 3/4 lockout

Weighted Neutral Grip Chin-up 3x8-10
*Controlled form throughout

Seated Row 3x10
*Strict form, get a good pump on these

Day 2:

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop sets, slow tempo, etc

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
*Press to 3/4 lockout

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Romanian Deadlift 3x8
*Make use of myotatic reflex and explode up

Leg Curl 3x10-15
*Use a high intensity technique on this day

Heavy Dumbbell Row 3x10
*Both arms at the same time

*Dumbbell Pullovers or Rope Pullovers or Machine Pullovers 3x10

Day 3:

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20

Incline Barbell Bench 3x5
*Pause for 1 second then explode and come right down with a controlled eccentric

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x20

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x5
*2 second pause to 3/4 lockout

Weighted Supinated Grip Chin-up 3x5
*Controlled form throughout

Seated Row 3x10
*Strict form

Day 4:

Rear Delt Flys 4x20
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps on pec deck fly, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
*Press to 3/4 lockout at the lowest possible Incline setting

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Romanian Deadlift 3x5 or SLDL
*Make use of myotatic reflex and explode up

Leg Curl 3x10
*Use a high intensity technique on this day

Heavy Row Variant 3x8-10

*Dumbbell Pullovers or Rope Pullovers or Machine Pullovers 3x10

I like this a lot, however I omitted deads due to his injury.... Also, he wants to build up his traps a bit more. For arms, I think he should definitely add in a bit of isolation work, too, no?
What's with only going to 3/4lockout? (Serious question not trying to sound like a prick I'm curious as to the bodybuilding ways kind of)

For dumbbell I added that modality to minimize fatigue of triceps since we are doing full ROM on barbell pressing and to get added chest frequency in there without negatively impacting his performance on Incline, the main pressing movement in the routine. Pressing every training session I believe this is ideal if a lifter wants to use bb'ing techniques in a way that is sustainable while still getting the frequency in. I don't want someone to get wrecked with fatigue, think of it as a minimal impact pump lift whenever that condition is affixed to a lift.

On back squat I added it because again - it's a fun modality to keep things fun.

I understand the importance of specificity in training, I truly do. But the mental component is absurdly powerful. I think the specific methods I listed attached to the respective lifts will allow Perrin to maintain strength, maybe even get stronger in some areas, and do something different for a while so when he switches to strength again he will be fresh mentally.
I like this a lot, however I omitted deads due to his injury.... Also, he wants to build up his traps a bit more. For arms, I think he should definitely add in a bit of isolation work, too, no?

I just remembered about the DL injury, I never actually use conventional deads in BB'ing routines. If RDL's and SLDL's still remain an issue he can omit them in favor of dumbbell variants or just drop them altogether and do hypers and back extensions.

Arm Iso can be added ED no problem, same with traps.
I quickly edited some changes to the experimental 'bbing / high intensity technique using program' I posted because I fudged the intensities on a couple of the lifts early on, but it's my usual thing I normally use on programs. Intensity and volume requirements change every time a main lift is repeated. Since it's only 4 days per week the changes appear to be kind of linear but I would actually add another intensity and incorporate that for the main lifts and have it warp over into the next week and repeat.

It may be deceiving at first, but this style of training still has a decent amount of specificity - sure, some lifts change entirely or some lifts use the similar intensity - BUT those lifts are meant to be minimal impact and another way to get more frequency and volume in without impacting performance too much.

The main compounds being trained do have their intensities being changed and they remain steady in the lift selection without ever being switched out.

There are a few ways to periodize it, I didn't bother fleshing it out but any kind of NLP will work nicely on a bodybuilding program. I'd be happy to implement if anyone wants to experiment with such sorcery.
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Yeah, @weighted chinup any form of deadlift gets in this injury. I'm not sure about these T bar rows or shrugs yet. Whatever this injury is it hurts tremendously to set heavy weight back down on the floor. I kept making it worse for this meet prep chasing records, but I'm going to leave it alone a few months so I can recover. I'm still here at the gym now, I'll update more shortly.
I'll go over this stuff after I eat and shower and comment on it then. I really appreciate all this help, guys. Seriously, this is fantastic.

Also, I'm gonna have to sub these T bar rows with another variation, it's not bad, but I'm feeling it in my lat in a bad way. Maybe chest supported rows?
I'll go over this stuff after I eat and shower and comment on it then. I really appreciate all this help, guys. Seriously, this is fantastic.

Also, I'm gonna have to sub these T bar rows with another variation, it's not bad, but I'm feeling it in my lat in a bad way. Maybe chest supported rows?

Chest supported rows are suitable, I prefer to do any kind of T-bar variant single armed though, so bonus if you can do chest supported one arm at a time. There are lots of other row variants that are just as effective without having to bring a heavy weight to the floor. If you have kettleballs you can do pronated bent-over rows both arms at the same.

There really is no point making an injury worse over rows imo, there are so many and there are a metric shit load of lifters that train for strength who do all their rowing bb'ing style, so again, this isn't all that detrimental since we don't have deads in the rotation.
Okay, I'm having dinner now.

Weight at the gym was 210lbs if the gym scales are to be believed.

Short cardio warm-up

Incline bench
225 for 5x5 (was actually kind of hard since I never do incline)

Side raises 10 half reps with 25 and then 10 full reps with 15

Rope push downs with one second pause at the bottom 4x15 first set with 70, one with 80 and the last two with 70 (crazy burn)

Weighted chin ups bodyweight +45
5 sets of 5

T bar rows feeder sets with 1 and 2 35's and then 3x8 with 4 35's (hurt my lat injury)

Dumbbell preacher curl 4x12 with two second pause at the top with a 25 dumbbell (these were to failure, lol, deadlift over 600lbs on Saturday and struggle with 25lb dumbbells on Tuesday)

After how the T bar rows felt I skipped the shrugs. They resemble what makes deadlift hurt too much. I'm thinking I'll try either dumbbell or one sided Smith machine shrugs to see if I can make that work.

I appreciate the input and time on this @Wunderpus and @weighted chinup
I'm gonna stick with this the next two or two and a half months until I start my next meet prep. You guys already know my attention to detail with this stuff. I'll be running this test/tren the next 4-6 weeks and then cruising, HGH throughout. I started with tracking my calories again today, will work back into a carb cycling diet and bulk back towards 220lbs. We'll see what this little experiment does for me. I feel like I'll make some beginner gains since I've pretty much been doing the big three almost exclusively for a long time now.

Here's macros for the day minus a dinner my mom made me. I estimate it to be another 1000 added to this. I've still got low carb stuff left, that's why the fat is high.


Mid workout pic, already swelling back up with all the food and carbs.


I'm feeling good about this change of pace, should be an interesting couple months.
Okay, I'm having dinner now.

Weight at the gym was 210lbs if the gym scales are to be believed.

Short cardio warm-up

Incline bench
225 for 5x5 (was actually kind of hard since I never do incline)

Side raises 10 half reps with 25 and then 10 full reps with 15

Rope push downs with one second pause at the bottom 4x15 first set with 70, one with 80 and the last two with 70 (crazy burn)

Weighted chin ups bodyweight +45
5 sets of 5

T bar rows feeder sets with 1 and 2 35's and then 3x8 with 4 35's (hurt my lat injury)

Dumbbell preacher curl 4x12 with two second pause at the top with a 25 dumbbell (these were to failure, lol, deadlift over 600lbs on Saturday and struggle with 25lb dumbbells on Tuesday)

After how the T bar rows felt I skipped the shrugs. They resemble what makes deadlift hurt too much. I'm thinking I'll try either dumbbell or one sided Smith machine shrugs to see if I can make that work.

I appreciate the input and time on this @Wunderpus and @weighted chinup
I'm gonna stick with this the next two or two and a half months until I start my next meet prep. You guys already know my attention to detail with this stuff. I'll be running this test/tren the next 4-6 weeks and then cruising, HGH throughout. I started with tracking my calories again today, will work back into a carb cycling diet and bulk back towards 220lbs. We'll see what this little experiment does for me. I feel like I'll make some beginner gains since I've pretty much been doing the big three almost exclusively for a long time now.

Here's macros for the day minus a dinner my mom made me. I estimate it to be another 1000 added to this. I've still got low carb stuff left, that's why the fat is high.

View attachment 49936

Mid workout pic, already swelling back up with all the food and carbs.

View attachment 49938

I'm feeling good about this change of pace, should be an interesting couple months.
Looking thick and time to take your game to the next level :)
Okay, @weighted chinup I'm looking over all this and have a couple questions.

On this high intensity technique thing paused means like at the bottom of the rep? And if I did a drop set would that be every set or just the last?

My gym doesn't have a neutral grip pull up bar, I could take the cable attachment and throw it over and do the one side at a time variation, acceptable?

I'm going to try dumbbell Romanian deadlift, if that doesn't work I think good mornings would be good. That's what I did most of this meet prep and managed to PR on deadlift.

I think everything else I can do. I believe I can do the chest supported rows one side at a time.

As far as the periodizing I think I can keep it simple at first and just add weight and keep the RPE at 8-9. Since I've pretty much been doing strictly comp lifts and close variations I'll be sort of a beginner on a lot of this. Should be as simple as adding weight every week for awhile.

You mentioned another intensity carrying over to the next week, like 6x3 or 3x10 for that?

I think I've touched on everything I meant to, I'm at work, so I may think of more later.
On this high intensity technique thing paused means like at the bottom of the rep? And if I did a drop set would that be every set or just the last?

It depends on the movement and the technique you're using.

For paused on reverse flys simply hold it in the final portion of the ROM for 1 second flexing hard.

On drop sets I would only do a drop on the very last set, so if you have to do 3 sets, do 2 straight sets and on the 3rd set do a normal set and do 2 or 3 drops.

For paused reps I would do every set using that high intensity technique, but for drop sets maybe only the last set.

Basically it would depend on what technique you're using, some do on all 3 sets, some do on just the last.

My gym doesn't have a neutral grip pull up bar, I could take the cable attachment and throw it over and do the one side at a time variation, acceptable?

Do wide-grip or even pronate (pull-up), I just want 2 different grips or more in the rotation for vertical pulls.

I'm going to try dumbbell Romanian deadlift, if that doesn't work I think good mornings would be good. That's what I did most of this meet prep and managed to PR on deadlift.

Weighted Hyperextensions

Banded Good-mornings

As far as the periodizing I think I can keep it simple at first and just add weight and keep the RPE at 8-9. Since I've pretty much been doing strictly comp lifts and close variations I'll be sort of a beginner on a lot of this. Should be as simple as adding weight every week for awhile.

I agree, keep it simple. Not much is needed, just make sure you're changing intensities every time a main lift is repeated. You can be really methodical if you wish but honestly it's not necessary.

You mentioned another intensity carrying over to the next week, like 6x3 or 3x10 for that?

Yeah, except I wouldn't necessarily use those particular ranges.

Do something you've never done before intensity wise.

Keep it challenging and fun but sustainable.