Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Trap bar works good for shrugs, or one of those lunge machines, been doing those alot cuz i cant find my wrist straps to do heavy BB or DB shrugs. Plate shrugs are just too light, even with the hundred pound plates imo.

Like RT said i hear the behind the back ones work really good, i cant do them cuz my butt is just a little too big hahaha

We don't have any hundo plates at my gym. I might try putting some plates together somehow. I'm not that strong on shrugs anyway since I rarely do them.
We don't have any hundo plates at my gym. I might try putting some plates together somehow. I'm not that strong on shrugs anyway since I rarely do them.

We have a set of 8 of them, for the leg press set up.
They hardly get touched because the people who are strong enough to heft them up onto the sled dont do leg press, and the people that do use the leg press usually arent strong enough to get the hundos on hahah
We have a set of 8 of them, for the leg press set up.
They hardly get touched because the people who are strong enough to heft them up onto the sled dont do leg press, and the people that do use the leg press usually arent strong enough to get the hundos on hahah

Man hundos would be legit for deadlifts only have to load 2 plates a side, or rack pulls. Leg press Meh could care less
Trap bar works good for shrugs, or one of those lunge machines, been doing those alot cuz i cant find my wrist straps to do heavy BB or DB shrugs. Plate shrugs are just too light, even with the hundred pound plates imo.

Like RT said i hear the behind the back ones work really good, i cant do them cuz my butt is just a little too big hahaha
Wish my gym had some 100lb plates
Wish my gym had some 100lb plates
I also wish there was a hardcore gym in my area like the one they make fun of in the planet fatness commercials. I go to an anytime fitness most of the time:oops: they honestly have a great staff most of them are into crossfit but their at least cool with whatever I want to do. Zero "gymtimadation":rolleyes:
I also wish there was a hardcore gym in my area like the one they make fun of in the planet fatness commercials. I go to an anytime fitness most of the time:oops: they honestly have a great staff most of them are into crossfit but their at least cool with whatever I want to do. Zero "gymtimadation":rolleyes:

I wish there was one around here like that. A dungeon with concrete floors, no air conditioning and very few machines or cardio equipment. Enough gymtimidation to scare off the casual lifters.

I heard Crossfit gyms have nice equipment and don't freak out over doing real exercises. I don't know if they expect you to do Crossfit or not.
I wish there was one around here like that. A dungeon with concrete floors, no air conditioning and very few machines or cardio equipment. Enough gymtimidation to scare off the casual lifters.

I heard Crossfit gyms have nice equipment and don't freak out over doing real exercises. I don't know if they expect you to do Crossfit or not.
There's a hardcore/ghetto gym one county over but it's kind of an all black gym. I live in the south and theirs still a lot of racism on both sides. I've been a couple of times with a friend of mine that's black, really bad ass gym no air, lots of benches tons of weights no treadmills. Got lots of bad looks, bad comments probably still going to show up there every time my buddy asks if I want
415x14. Holy shit that is impressive my friend.

Thanks, MP. I'm going to continue on with these AMRAPs every two weeks basing my next two weeks on how they go and progressing all the way back into heavy territory. I'm working on getting some ideas of what I need to be hitting at certain points from now to the meet to be on track for pulling 635.

There's a hardcore/ghetto gym one county over but it's kind of an all black gym. I live in the south and theirs still a lot of racism on both sides. I've been a couple of times with a friend of mine that's black, really bad ass gym no air, lots of benches tons of weights no treadmills. Got lots of bad looks, bad comments probably still going to show up there every time my buddy asks if I want

I wouldn't mind that as long as it wasn't downright hostile. When I was in prison I was the only white dude in the group I lifted with.

I don't think I live terribly far from you and I know what you mean. There's still a lot of very segregated areas and it's not good to be in one if you don't match everyone else, whether it's white in a black neighborhood or black in a white one.
Thanks, MP. I'm going to continue on with these AMRAPs every two weeks basing my next two weeks on how they go and progressing all the way back into heavy territory. I'm working on getting some ideas of what I need to be hitting at certain points from now to the meet to be on track for pulling 635.

I wouldn't mind that as long as it wasn't downright hostile. When I was in prison I was the only white dude in the group I lifted with.
Not hostile but I think it could easily turn that way if I went by buddy advised me against going some of the guys are great down there and some are full of hate I think most of them just don't trust me...yet
I'd like to incorporate AMRAP. Will that affect my program any?

It shouldn't if you use it sparingly and with mostly lower percentages until close to the meet. Last meet I did them once weekly for each of the big three on a different day. Now I'm doing the same thing except every two weeks. I'll just take the weight I'm doing for 5x5 or 5x3 or whatever and just repping out the final set. I usually drop a set on deadlift when I do it though since it's so taxing.

It gives you an idea where you are and how you're progressing. Like last deadlift AMRAP I got 405x15 and this week I got 415x14. My next one is with 445 and I'd like to see around 12 as I'll be using a belt and more used to sumo by then. Also, when I'm closer to the meet and repping big weights for 3-5 I'll start to have a really good idea on my lift selection for the meet.

The plan is to use my last AMRAP around week 14 or 16 to go for a 2RM and later a 3RM and those weights will be around what my opener and second attempts are and I'll have a good idea what my final attempts will be. Of course part of that will be decided on the fly after the second attempt, but it'll be very close. Definitely a method to this madness.
It shouldn't if you use it sparingly and with mostly lower percentages until close to the meet. Last meet I did them once weekly for each of the big three on a different day. Now I'm doing the same thing except every two weeks. I'll just take the weight I'm doing for 5x5 or 5x3 or whatever and just repping out the final set. I usually drop a set on deadlift when I do it though since it's so taxing.

It gives you an idea where you are and how you're progressing. Like last deadlift AMRAP I got 405x15 and this week I got 415x14. My next one is with 445 and I'd like to see around 12 as I'll be using a belt and more used to sumo by then. Also, when I'm closer to the meet and repping big weights for 3-5 I'll start to have a really good idea on my lift selection for the meet.

The plan is to use my last AMRAP around week 14 or 16 to go for a 2RM and later a 3RM and those weights will be around what my opener and second attempts are and I'll have a good idea what my final attempts will be. Of course part of that will be decided on the fly after the second attempt, but it'll be very close. Definitely a method to this madness.

That makes sense. I may do one for each next week and see where I'm at on that and move forward. I know I did 405 X 10 a couple weeks ago on DL. I'm interested in seeing where the other lifts are
That makes sense. I may do one for each next week and see where I'm at on that and move forward. I know I did 405 X 10 a couple weeks ago on DL. I'm interested in seeing where the other lifts are

It's a better and less taxing approach for testing than true testing in my opinion. It feels taxing in the moment, but it's never severe like I'm still feeling it the next session or anything.
It shouldn't if you use it sparingly and with mostly lower percentages until close to the meet. Last meet I did them once weekly for each of the big three on a different day. Now I'm doing the same thing except every two weeks. I'll just take the weight I'm doing for 5x5 or 5x3 or whatever and just repping out the final set. I usually drop a set on deadlift when I do it though since it's so taxing.

It gives you an idea where you are and how you're progressing. Like last deadlift AMRAP I got 405x15 and this week I got 415x14. My next one is with 445 and I'd like to see around 12 as I'll be using a belt and more used to sumo by then. Also, when I'm closer to the meet and repping big weights for 3-5 I'll start to have a really good idea on my lift selection for the meet.

The plan is to use my last AMRAP around week 14 or 16 to go for a 2RM and later a 3RM and those weights will be around what my opener and second attempts are and I'll have a good idea what my final attempts will be. Of course part of that will be decided on the fly after the second attempt, but it'll be very close. Definitely a method to this madness.

That makes sense. I may do one for each next week and see where I'm at on that and move forward. I know I did 405 X 10 a couple weeks ago on DL. I'm interested in seeing where the other lifts are
Arm size seems to be hanging on well during this cut, especially since I don't really do arm stuff much.

2016-05-30 15.57.45.png

In other news those Animal Paks are way too many pills to swallow. I tried something different today and just threw the whole pack in the blender with my shake. Can't even taste it much, so gonna do this from now on.

Next week I will reintroduce the belt for squats and deads. Four more weeks on my current training setup and then switching back to a more powerlifting focused setup. I'll be swapping most of the alternate movements (Romanian deadlift, front squat, most of the bench variations) with more comp similar movements. I'll also be dropping the strongman/bodybuilding day in favor of another regular training day. The reps will be much lower than they have been and percentages will be higher.

Nothing much else to report. I have misplaced a knee sleeve again, so hopefully someone found it and turned it in at the gym. It needs washed in a bad way, so hopefully that's a deterrent for anyone keeping it. Also can't wait for this prop to kick in.
xt week I will reintroduce the belt for squats and deads

Lookin good bro. I was curious, about what point do you usually start using a belt? Ive never used one before, even when im working up in the 80-100% range, does it help? Of course, i may still be working with toolight of weights for it to make a big difference.
Lookin good bro. I was curious, about what point do you usually start using a belt? Ive never used one before, even when im working up in the 80-100% range, does it help? Of course, i may still be working with toolight of weights for it to make a big difference.

I just took four weeks and did everything beltless as part of a theoretical strategy of mine. Not really any science behind it, just an idea of mine.

I usually put the belt on at 405+ on deadlift and 315+ on squats when I'm training regularly with it. I'd say I get maybe 5% out of it on deadlift and maybe a little more on squat.

You're using enough weight for sure, the Lifting Large website did have a sale going awhile back, not sure if it's still going. I picked up a 3" belt for deadlift and I still have my 4" belt for squats.
I just took four weeks and did everything beltless as part of a theoretical strategy of mine. Not really any science behind it, just an idea of mine.

I usually put the belt on at 405+ on deadlift and 315+ on squats when I'm training regularly with it. I'd say I get maybe 5% out of it on deadlift and maybe a little more on squat.

You're using enough weight for sure, the Lifting Large website did have a sale going awhile back, not sure if it's still going. I picked up a 3" belt for deadlift and I still have my 4" belt for squats.

Cool thank ya brotha, hate to hijack your thread askin questions but im still trying to.figure this all out haha.

I think.maybe i will try it out in the mext couple weeks and see how it feels, my gym.has what a decent selection of belts.

If i.could ask one more thing, any suggestions on hood reads/videos.for proper belt use?