Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I'd do test p 150 eod for 1 and 2 then 100 on week 3. Id also drop the deca 2 weeks before but since you cruise I don't know if you have to.
If your var is caps you'll probably end up doing 60. I'm running 60 ed right now.

I think that would put me over where I'd be on 600mg cyp because something about prop being stronger than cyp. Don't need an early mid cycle comedown.

The var are 10mg tabs. Will likely just run the test two extra weeks then.

Looks good, but I'd start adex day one based on where your E2 was on your blood work.

I really don't see the need to kickstart at all, to each his own though.

And yeah if it was me I'd run the test a couple weeks longer, but I like long cycles. :)

I just want to get back where I was last cycle right away and go from there. I'm really not down much at all though.

Will do on the Adex, too. It's been tricky with e2 because I seem to get no symptoms. No gyno and I'm kind of emotionally crippled, so no getting overly emotional either. Blood pressure has been normal, too. Gonna have to dial it in with bloodwork.

So, I'll probably run the test 18 weeks rather than cut the deca at week 14 and risk losing strength before the meet.
My bloods came back different. 600 wk test e had me at 3400 and 700 prop ( 100 ed) had me at 2700. Different sources though.
I've done the math before. For reference, 500 mg of test e or c is just about equal to 425 mg prop in terms of just straight testosterone.

*edited for number typo

Thanks. With ~350/week of prop plus I already have 120mg/week of cyp in my system it should be about right. Under a little what it'll be at 600mg/week of cyp once it kicks in.

I like the idea of the cycle coming on in stages. Prop first, then the cyp and deca and then var at the end. Hopefully the strength gains will keep coming to the end.

Weight was 214lbs :eek::eek::eek: (lower than my weight at my first meet, much stronger and leaner though)

Getting tempted to increase calories now. I don't if it's the gh kicking in or what. I don't think I'm comfortable going much lower, not looking to compete at 198lbs

Overall good workout. The first two sets of deads felt rough, I think it's lingering fatigue from kettlebell squat/deadlift on Thursday. Bench and squat felt super easy. I dropped the hip raise weight down to 135 and really focused on form and pauses at the top. Cardio was riding to the gym.
I'd jusy keep going my man! Keep it up until you start your cycle. Shit, if you can compete at 220 and still hit your 1600 I'd say that would be the best option. Higher Wilks score.
I'd jusy keep going my man! Keep it up until you start your cycle. Shit, if you can compete at 220 and still hit your 1600 I'd say that would be the best option. Higher Wilks score.

I guess if I hit 210 I could realistically stay around 225 or so on cycle and take advantage of the 24 hour weigh in. I don't know, we'll see how the cycle goes. I won't let trying to stay in a weight class limit my progress, it's not like I'm going for records or anything.
I guess if I hit 210 I could realistically stay around 225 or so on cycle and take advantage of the 24 hour weigh in. I don't know, we'll see how the cycle goes. I won't let trying to stay in a weight class limit my progress, it's not like I'm going for records or anything.
Not yet anyway.
Weight today was 214lbs

My strongman buddy was out of town this weekend, so I just did a normal Sunday session.

Push press 175x5, 185x5x2
Chin ups 5x10
Shrugs 5x15
Hammer curls 3x10 with a drop set
Triceps push downs 20, 15, 15

Took the short way for cardio.

I've been feeling the extreme fatigue from switching to morning gh dosing. Had been using 100mcg of T4 for a couple days and that knocked it right out and I felt normal again. Cut it down to 50mcg yesterday because I want to take the minimum amount possible and the fatigue was back strong today. Slept three hours after the gym and I'm still tired. I guess I'll go back to 100mcg for a few weeks and hopefully I'll get through this phase. If not I'll switch back to before bed dosing.
I just pulled the trigger on some Animal Pak vitamins. I haven't taken a multi in years, but I'm not taking any chances with this next blast. I want everything I can get out of it. Got the buy one get one at 50% from The Vitamin Shoppe and also two more 8lb tubs of Optimum Nutrition whey.

Finally got my blood drawing equipment yesterday, too. Drained a little blood yesterday, but didn't push too far because I was alone. Next time I'll find someone to supervise in case I pass out. Hopefully I can get my hematocrit down a few points and keep it there.

One week from today will be first pin of the blast and sixteen weeks out from the meet. I'm pretty excited about the weeks and gains to come.
I just pulled the trigger on some Animal Pak vitamins. I haven't taken a multi in years, but I'm not taking any chances with this next blast. I want everything I can get out of it. Got the buy one get one at 50% from The Vitamin Shoppe and also two more 8lb tubs of Optimum Nutrition whey.

Finally got my blood drawing equipment yesterday, too. Drained a little blood yesterday, but didn't push too far because I was alone. Next time I'll find someone to supervise in case I pass out. Hopefully I can get my hematocrit down a few points and keep it there.

One week from today will be first pin of the blast and sixteen weeks out from the meet. I'm pretty excited about the weeks and gains to come.

Prepair for some neon piss with animal paks that's the multi I take, I like their products for sure I use to take all of them when I was natty, like 56 pills a day with all the different animal products, pinning is very managable in comparison
Looks like you have everything sorted out well here, really organized. Can't wait to see your #'s when you're ready to hit the meet.
Prepair for some neon piss with animal paks that's the multi I take, I like their products for sure I use to take all of them when I was natty, like 56 pills a day with all the different animal products, pinning is very managable in comparison

I used to take the GNC multi back in the day. I guess if it makes a 1% difference it'll be worth it.

Looks like you have everything sorted out well here, really organized. Can't wait to see your #'s when you're ready to hit the meet.

My ballpark goal is 550 squat, 415 bench and 635 deadlift for 1600 total. Of course I'll take a little less on one and more on another if that's how it works out. I was pretty spot on last cycle, so hopefully envisioning it now and working towards it will make it happen again. I think the plan is better put together this time now that I know more what to expect.

Weight was 215lbs

Good session, still pretty intense with the higher reps. Did shrugs with plates after reading it on a thread here today. Cardio was biking to the gym and back.
Forgot to include this earlier, but got 12 on the AMRAP on squat, still beltless for the next few weeks. I was squatting outside the rack, so I didn't push too hard. Also hit RPE 10 on the last set of strict press. All that time not doing them on Sheiko made me quite a bit weaker on them.

Weight was 216lbs

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I'm doing oly grip on front squat. Only hit 12 on my bench AMRAP with 255. Bench is feeling a little off lately. +90 on weighted dips. Added some more plate shrugs just because I was feeling it.


Also got my goodies from The Vitamin Shoppe buy one get one 50% off sale. Stocked up on protein for awhile. Also I haven't taken a multi in years, but I decided to give them another shot.
Everything looks good!
I would start the adex in week 1 with the prop -- my opinion is it is better to be a little too low with E2 and then can let it come up as opposed to it jumping on you and then having to deal with bringing it down. Short term a little too low E2 will not hurt you, but too high could make some negative sides.