Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Choke a heavy band off on a monolift, power rack, or pull-up bar. Go through the band and put it around your hips and hang inverted like a possum for 2-5min. Let your legs go through rom in all directions. Great for unlocking lower back and hips

POB show you that also? I can't beleive how much it has helped me! Even after just doing it once
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Also tracked calories today for the first time in awhile. I eat the same things every day except for dinner we have different things. I keep track in my head and pretty well know what's in what I eat though. I was slightly off today because I forgot to grab a piece of fruit or pop tart right before the gym. That puts me around 3900-4000 for the day which is my normal goal. I'll be bumping back up over 4000 before the month is over.
looks like a solid break down in meals to me. how many Cals have you been eating during your cut?

Pretty much what I posted there, no less than 3500 ever. Fast metabolism plus active job plus gym and cardio.

Snacks is how I track my daily shake. I split it into two portions. Mid morning and mid afternoon.
We are at about the same amount of daily Cals then, thats why i was curious. i suppose i couldve done the math to figure out your calories. haha

ive been doing 320P 411C 81F for 3,650 daily Cals. really like whats this has been doing to my composition. it works out to 45% carbs 35% Protein 20% Fat. i need to add some more cardio in to be honest. We both have that fast metabolism for sure. this is maintaining me right around 235. plan is to see where this takes me for the next month and adjust from there accordingly. goal would be to hit 250 on this next blast and do a small water cut into the meet.
Pretty much what I posted there, no less than 3500 ever. Fast metabolism plus active job plus gym and cardio.

Snacks is how I track my daily shake. I split it into two portions. Mid morning and mid afternoon.
so you are at 216 right now? lets see some pics man I haven't been that lean in...what feels like forever lol.
We are at about the same amount of daily Cals then, thats why i was curious. i suppose i couldve done the math to figure out your calories. haha

ive been doing 320P 411C 81F for 3,650 daily Cals. really like whats this has been doing to my composition. it works out to 45% carbs 35% Protein 20% Fat. i need to add some more cardio in to be honest. We both have that fast metabolism for sure. this is maintaining me right around 235. plan is to see where this takes me for the next month and adjust from there accordingly. goal would be to hit 250 on this next blast and do a small water cut into the meet.

I'm not sure where I'll get on this next blast. Probably back to mid 230's realistically, so no pre meet cutting for me. I've been toying with a little less carbs and a little more fats lately.

Cardio has been good lately with riding my bike to the gym. I take a long way home and really get it in. Trying to talk my fiancee into hitting a couple bike rides after work on off days, too. Weather hasn't permitted lately though. Also going to be doing that strongman day once a week, too. Did you see my post about that from the weekend?

so you are at 216 right now? lets see some pics man I haven't been that lean in...what feels like forever lol.

I wouldn't call it lean just yet, but I'm getting there. Don't forget I was in natty fat powerlifter mode until late last year. I took these yesterday or the day before.

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2016-05-18 14.02.06.png

The plan is to continue as I've been doing until the end of the month. I've got eight weeks of hypertrophy training planned, the end of this month will be four weeks of it. I start my blast the last week of this month with prop/cyp/deca. I'll up calories a little over maintenance and finish the next four weeks and then switch over to my meet specific training for eight weeks and continue to increase calories as needed. I'll begin my peaking phase after that to compete in September. I'll be competing at 242, but doubtful I get that heavy, probably mid 230's like last time except with much better body composition.

Weight was 215lbs

Bench felt rough the last two sessions. Maybe my upper body is still fatigued from Sunday. Did the kettlebell squat thing with 200lbs. Will probably move that to Tuesday because it's similar to a deadlift. Did 90 for leg curls and 12's for side raises. Bike for cardio.
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Also tracked calories today for the first time in awhile. I eat the same things every day except for dinner we have different things. I keep track in my head and pretty well know what's in what I eat though. I was slightly off today because I forgot to grab a piece of fruit or pop tart right before the gym. That puts me around 3900-4000 for the day which is my normal goal. I'll be bumping back up over 4000 before the month is over.
I'm having a cheat day after seeing your cals. Just called in some sonic blasts- a medium and small. Going to blow mud like a boss
I wish my metabolism let me eat 3500 a day during a cut. I'm 6'1" been getting in less than 2k the last 5 weeks after subtracting the step counter on myfitnesspal. Been a hell of a struggle getting down below 260 from 274. I can't wait to hit maintainance cals.
I'm having a cheat day after seeing your cals. Just called in some sonic blasts- a medium and small. Going to blow mud like a boss

I wish my metabolism let me eat 3500 a day during a cut. I'm 6'1" been getting in less than 2k the last 5 weeks after subtracting the step counter on myfitnesspal. Been a hell of a struggle getting down below 260 from 274. I can't wait to hit maintainance cals.

Makes bulking pretty hard. I'm not looking forward to 6000+ again. Didn't even get me to 240 last time.

Chili cheese tots from Sonic are fantastic.
Also, my fiancee got her nails done during my gym time and I came back with her for an hour of stretchIng and mobility work. Still not super consistent with it, but getting better.

@insertnamehere I've been doing a lot of the shoulder dislocations and that lat stretch you told me about. I do a ton of them at work with a bungee cord. I feel like it's helping with low bar position. I tried to take a video the other day to see where I was and it ended up being too low to see. Anyway, I appreciate the advice. I'll try to get another video next time I do low bar for comparison.
Okay, my next blast begins on the 29th of this month. I'd like to get some final feedback before I start to make sure everything is in order. It's going to look like this:

Test cyp 600mg weeks 1-16
Deca 400mg weeks 1-16
GH 4iu/day weeks 1-16
Test prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-3
Anavar 50mg/day weeks 13-16
Adex starting at 0.25mg/day around week 2-3 and increasing as necessary

Currently cruising at 120mg/week of test cyp and 3iu/day gh. First question is will three weeks kickstart with test prop be long enough? Second is should I keep running the test for two weeks after the deca? I'll be competing at the end of week sixteen. Or should I drop the deca at week fourteen? It'll be back to cruise mode after the meet, by the way.

Any other advice is welcome. Diet and training have already been laid out in previous posts. Goal is a 1600 pound total in September. I've got everything on hand already, plus some BP meds if they become necessary. Thanks in advance.
I'd do test p 150 eod for 1 and 2 then 100 on week 3. Id also drop the deca 2 weeks before but since you cruise I don't know if you have to.
If your var is caps you'll probably end up doing 60. I'm running 60 ed right now.
Looks good, but I'd start adex day one based on where your E2 was on your blood work.

I really don't see the need to kickstart at all, to each his own though.

And yeah if it was me I'd run the test a couple weeks longer, but I like long cycles. :)