Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Everything looks good!
I would start the adex in week 1 with the prop -- my opinion is it is better to be a little too low with E2 and then can let it come up as opposed to it jumping on you and then having to deal with bringing it down. Short term a little too low E2 will not hurt you, but too high could make some negative sides.

Thanks, will do for sure. I have a ton of Adex on hand, too.

Weight was 214lbs

The first couple sets of deads were very hard and I swore I must be getting weaker, but I got 415x14 beltless on my AMRAP set. Everything else was good.

In other news I went ahead and started my prop yesterday instead of tomorrow. I'll start everything else tomorrow as planned. For now I'm pinning 50mg ed instead of 100 eod to cut down on PIP. So far no PIP though.
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Weight was 214lbs

The first couple sets of deads were very hard and I swore I must be getting weaker, but I got 415x14 beltless on my AMRAP set. Everything else was good.

In other news I went ahead and started my prop yesterday instead of tomorrow. I'll start everything else tomorrow as planned. For now I'm pinning 50mg ed instead of 100 eod to cut down on PIP. So far no PIP though.

wow weighing in at 214 and repping 415x14 -- I am jealous :p
best wishes on the cycle -- hope you make all kinds of gains brother!
wow weighing in at 214 and repping 415x14 -- I am jealous :p
best wishes on the cycle -- hope you make all kinds of gains brother!

Thanks, I'm excited to see how it goes, too. It's better planned than the last one, so it should be pretty productive.

My next AMRAP in two weeks is with 445 with a belt, I really need about twelve to be on track. We'll see.
My strongman buddy didn't show up today, so I just screwed around a little. I kind of needed an easy day anyway. Work was busy last week and we went to concerts last night and the night before, so I was on my feet all day and up very late. Plus yesterday's session and I still need to mow my yard.

Weight was 214lbs

Started out with axle bar push press

2016-05-29 12.33.52.png

Did sets of 5 working up to 190 and only got 4
Then did power cleans working up to some singles at 185
Then some plate shrugs sets of 15
Hammer curls
Neutral grip lat pull downs

A very brisk bike ride home from the gym the long way for cardio.

Also pinned my first real pin of this cycle, 300 cyp and 200 deca. Still pinning 50mg/day of prop as well.

In other news I'm trying out a new shake recipe. I'm trying to cut down on sugar intake, so I'm making my shake with almond milk and using blueberries rather than bananas and apples. I used extra egg whites to make up the protein and now my sodium is higher than I'd like, so it might require a little more thought. I might just go with a little less protein and make up the calories with olive oil, not sure yet.
In other news I'm trying out a new shake recipe. I'm trying to cut down on sugar intake, so I'm making my shake with almond milk and using blueberries rather than bananas and apples. I used extra egg whites to make up the protein and now my sodium is higher than I'd like, so it might require a little more thought. I might just go with a little less protein and make up the calories with olive oil, not sure yet.

I've heard that when you eat clean, like you do, you need more sodium. Like most things, sodium intake is over-hyped. That's what I've heard anyway.
I've heard that when you eat clean, like you do, you need more sodium. Like most things, sodium intake is over-hyped. That's what I've heard anyway.

I just compared it to my old shake and it's only 300mg difference. I agree it's over-hyped, but since I've taken steps to get mine down I've felt better, sweated less and had lower BP. I still get over the recommended amount anyway, just not way over like I used to. Of course it could be other factors like just eating better in general.

Now I'm experimenting with sugar intake. Most of mine comes from milk, fruit and Greek yogurt, which I've read mixed reports on the effects of. I'm going to try limiting these for a few weeks while keeping macros fairly similar and see if it has any effect on body composition.
I just compared it to my old shake and it's only 300mg difference. I agree it's over-hyped, but since I've taken steps to get mine down I've felt better, sweated less and had lower BP. I still get over the recommended amount anyway, just not way over like I used to. Of course it could be other factors like just eating better in general.

Now I'm experimenting with sugar intake. Most of mine comes from milk, fruit and Greek yogurt, which I've read mixed reports on the effects of. I'm going to try limiting these for a few weeks while keeping macros fairly similar and see if it has any effect on body composition.

Plain Greek yogurt has 0 sugar and you get use to the taste or you can add Vinilla extract
My strongman buddy didn't show up today, so I just screwed around a little. I kind of needed an easy day anyway. Work was busy last week and we went to concerts last night and the night before, so I was on my feet all day and up very late. Plus yesterday's session and I still need to mow my yard.

Weight was 214lbs

Started out with axle bar push press

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Did sets of 5 working up to 190 and only got 4
Then did power cleans working up to some singles at 185
Then some plate shrugs sets of 15
Hammer curls
Neutral grip lat pull downs

A very brisk bike ride home from the gym the long way for cardio.

Also pinned my first real pin of this cycle, 300 cyp and 200 deca. Still pinning 50mg/day of prop as well.

In other news I'm trying out a new shake recipe. I'm trying to cut down on sugar intake, so I'm making my shake with almond milk and using blueberries rather than bananas and apples. I used extra egg whites to make up the protein and now my sodium is higher than I'd like, so it might require a little more thought. I might just go with a little less protein and make up the calories with olive oil, not sure yet.
I just started doing the plate shrugs. Seems way too easy. Have they been working for you?
Plain Greek yogurt has 0 sugar and you get use to the taste or you can add Vinilla extract

The brand I get does.


I know about the ones with no sugar, but they're literally 2-3x as expensive. Kroger has a sugar free kind, but for some reason only has half the protein per serving.
I just started doing the plate shrugs. Seems way too easy. Have they been working for you?

I just started them last week, so I'm not sure yet. I saw them on a thread here and figured I'd give them a shot. I don't like how barbell or dumbbell shrugs feel with how the bar drags and it isn't in line with the traps very well.

In the past the best shrugs I've found were one arm Smith machine shrugs or getting a cambered bar and sitting on the edge of a bench with it under you so you can pull directly up under your traps.
Damn man 214?? We are neck in neck in weight right now.

Yeah, lightest I've been in two years. If I keep losing I'll up the calories early, otherwise I'd like to recomp further my first month of the cycle. I'll probably go ahead and raise calories to 4000-4250 though to account for the increased test levels.
I just started them last week, so I'm not sure yet. I saw them on a thread here and figured I'd give them a shot. I don't like how barbell or dumbbell shrugs feel with how the bar drags and it isn't in line with the traps very well.

In the past the best shrugs I've found were one arm Smith machine shrugs or getting a cambered bar and sitting on the edge of a bench with it under you so you can pull directly up under your traps.
I just started em last night. The 45plates seemed excessively light, so I did 6 sets of 15 last night didn't get a good pump till the 5th set really feeling them this morning.
I just started em last night. The 45plates seemed excessively light, so I did 6 sets of 15 last night didn't get a good pump till the 5th set really feeling them this morning.

I've been doing three sets of 15 with pauses at the top, long one on the last rep. I've done them 3x this week and probably will do them 3-4 times a week for the next month to see if I notice any extra size. Might even try sets of 20-25 if necessary. Sometimes smaller muscles respond well to crazy rep ranges.
I've been doing three sets of 15 with pauses at the top, long one on the last rep. I've done them 3x this week and probably will do them 3-4 times a week for the next month to see if I notice any extra size. Might even try sets of 20-25 if necessary. Sometimes smaller muscles respond well to crazy rep ranges.
I didn't do the pauses I'll have to try that tomorrow. I saw em on someone else's thread too. I learn something new every day on here.
Hey Perrin does your gym have a trap bar? Mine has a trap bar and a machine trap thing you can load plates onto so your hands are at your side, personally I like barbell shrugs I always get a good trap workout doing 315 4x12 followed by a drop to 225x20 then 135x20 with the bar behind me pulling it
Hey Perrin does your gym have a trap bar? Mine has a trap bar and a machine trap thing you can load plates onto so your hands are at your side, personally I like barbell shrugs I always get a good trap workout doing 315 4x12 followed by a drop to 225x20 then 135x20 with the bar behind me pulling it

I'm not sure if we have one or not. I don't think so. We have the shrug machine you're talking about, I don't care for it much. I'm just going to have to experiment a little. I might try loading a short bar and using it like a dumbbell or go back to the edge of the bench shrugs with the bar directly under.
Heavy band shrugs work too, just get a 120 band stand on it in the middle grab the ends and shrug that until your pumped right up
Trap bar works good for shrugs, or one of those lunge machines, been doing those alot cuz i cant find my wrist straps to do heavy BB or DB shrugs. Plate shrugs are just too light, even with the hundred pound plates imo.

Like RT said i hear the behind the back ones work really good, i cant do them cuz my butt is just a little too big hahaha