Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Cool thank ya brotha, hate to hijack your thread askin questions but im still trying to.figure this all out haha.

I think.maybe i will try it out in the mext couple weeks and see how it feels, my gym.has what a decent selection of belts.

If i.could ask one more thing, any suggestions on hood reads/videos.for proper belt use?

You're welcome to hijack away, this thread is for everyone. I'm glad to help however I can anyway.

Here's a good start on belt info.
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For anyone that missed it I competed over the weekend and took first for my weight and three state records with just under 1500lbs total. Now it's back to the gym this week.

Due to an injury from deadlift I won't be doing any kind of deadlift for a few months to give myself time to heal. I'll likely include good mornings in the meantime. I'm thinking I'll do a four day a week upper/lower split of sorts. I'd like to bring up some weak points before resuming full powerlifting training again in a few months. Namely quads, traps, delts and arms. I think I'll focus on incline bench and front squats or high bar squats for awhile, too. Something like 3-5 reps one day and 8-10 on the other. I like keeping the chin ups and pull ups very high frequency as I've had good luck with this before.

I'll be running this current cycle another 4-6 weeks. 600 test, 420 tren and 2iu/day of HGH. For this meet I cut from around 220lbs at the start of the cycle to 191lbs at weigh ins last week. I'd like to get back to 220lbs in the next six weeks and then cruise from there and try to maintain and build strength until my next meet prep. Maybe lean up a little more then if necessary depending on how this bulk goes.

I'm thinking my routine will look something like this:

Tuesday Upper
Incline bench 5x5
Weighted chin ups 5x5
????? Delts, traps and arms

Wednesday Lower
Front squat or high bar squats 5x5
Good morning 5x5
Weighted pull ups 5x5
????? Leg extensions and leg curls?

Saturday Upper
Incline bench 3x10
Weighted chin ups 3x10
????? Delts, traps and arms

Sunday Lower
Front squats or high bar squats 3x10
Good morning 3x10
Weighted pull ups 3x10
????? Leg extensions and leg curls?

So my question is to some of the aesthetics guys, how would you all go about this? Hypertrophy training isn't something I'm super familiar with. @Wunderpus @Leancuisine @Thenewera @weighted chinup
Any of you guys have any input or advice? I'm open to change whatever, I just want to keep the benching and squatting frequency intact. Any kind of deadlift is impossible for me at the moment. Putting size on my quads, traps, delts and arms is the goal here while progressing on incline bench (so I guess chest hypertrophy, too) and front/high bar squats and in theory improving or at least maintaining my regular bench and low bar squat in the meantime.

Recent progress pics at around 200lbs at 5'10".

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Current maxes as of Saturday
Squat: low 500's with wraps, so I'm assuming 450-460 raw
Bench: upper mid 300's, probably 375 now that I'm gaining weight back
Deadlift: irrelevant because of the injury, but low 600's.

Goal at next meet: 1600lbs total at 220lbs.
For anyone that missed it I competed over the weekend and took first for my weight and three state records with just under 1500lbs total. Now it's back to the gym this week.

Due to an injury from deadlift I won't be doing any kind of deadlift for a few months to give myself time to heal. I'll likely include good mornings in the meantime. I'm thinking I'll do a four day a week upper/lower split of sorts. I'd like to bring up some weak points before resuming full powerlifting training again in a few months. Namely quads, traps, delts and arms. I think I'll focus on incline bench and front squats or high bar squats for awhile, too. Something like 3-5 reps one day and 8-10 on the other. I like keeping the chin ups and pull ups very high frequency as I've had good luck with this before.

I'll be running this current cycle another 4-6 weeks. 600 test, 420 tren and 2iu/day of HGH. For this meet I cut from around 220lbs at the start of the cycle to 191lbs at weigh ins last week. I'd like to get back to 220lbs in the next six weeks and then cruise from there and try to maintain and build strength until my next meet prep. Maybe lean up a little more then if necessary depending on how this bulk goes.

I'm thinking my routine will look something like this:

Tuesday Upper
Incline bench 5x5
Weighted chin ups 5x5
????? Delts, traps and arms

Wednesday Lower
Front squat or high bar squats 5x5
Good morning 5x5
Weighted pull ups 5x5
????? Leg extensions and leg curls?

Saturday Upper
Incline bench 3x10
Weighted chin ups 3x10
????? Delts, traps and arms

Sunday Lower
Front squats or high bar squats 3x10
Good morning 3x10
Weighted pull ups 3x10
????? Leg extensions and leg curls?

So my question is to some of the aesthetics guys, how would you all go about this? Hypertrophy training isn't something I'm super familiar with. @Wunderpus @Leancuisine @Thenewera @weighted chinup
Any of you guys have any input or advice? I'm open to change whatever, I just want to keep the benching and squatting frequency intact. Any kind of deadlift is impossible for me at the moment. Putting size on my quads, traps, delts and arms is the goal here while progressing on incline bench (so I guess chest hypertrophy, too) and front/high bar squats and in theory improving or at least maintaining my regular bench and low bar squat in the meantime.

Recent progress pics at around 200lbs at 5'10".

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Current maxes as of Saturday
Squat: low 500's with wraps, so I'm assuming 450-460 raw
Bench: upper mid 300's, probably 375 now that I'm gaining weight back
Deadlift: irrelevant because of the injury, but low 600's.

Goal at next meet: 1600lbs total at 220lbs.

Well, I'm a volume guy and tend to never do the same workout twice.. I follow most of John Meadow's principles, however I have added 1 extra bicep "day" in a week to bring up the lagging Bis (with great success, actually).

I do:
su-Legs (heavy)
mon-Chest and shoulders (heavy)
thu-Legs (pump)
fri-Chest, shoulder and tris (pump)
sat-Back and bis (pump for back heavy for bis)

Most of the time I do 1-2 warmup sets and 3 working sets of each lift. There are random things in there like on saturday's bicep routine I do 2 sets of 50 standing cable curls at the end. It would be almost impossible for me to nail down one simple principle that I use... @weighted chinup will probably be much more helpful, as he is great at designing routines that are easily used be most skill levels. I prefer to never do the same thing twice.

Also, the "style" in which I lift changes almost weekly. One week it will be a lot of drop sets, the next pyramids, then maybe isolation holds, etc. etc. It's never the same shit, ever. I have had the best results this way.
Well, I'm a volume guy and tend to never do the same workout twice.. I follow most of John Meadow's principles, however I have added 1 extra bicep "day" in a week to bring up the lagging Bis (with great success, actually).

I do:
su-Legs (heavy)
mon-Chest and shoulders (heavy)
thu-Legs (pump)
fri-Chest, shoulder and tris (pump)
sat-Back and bis (pump for back heavy for bis)

Most of the time I do 1-2 warmup sets and 3 working sets of each lift. There are random things in there like on saturday's bicep routine I do 2 sets of 50 standing cable curls at the end. It would be almost impossible for me to nail down one simple principle that I use... @weighted chinup will probably be much more helpful, as he is great at designing routines that are easily used be most skill levels. I prefer to never do the same thing twice.

Also, the "style" in which I lift changes almost weekly. One week it will be a lot of drop sets, the next pyramids, then maybe isolation holds, etc. etc. It's never the same shit, ever. I have had the best results this way.

I appreciate the input. The whole philosophy is new to me, all I've done is figure out how to get stronger. Isolation holds, drop sets, pump sets and all that I have no idea how to implement. I guess I'm still beginner status as far as bodybuilding, so I likely don't need anything too advanced right now. I just figured I'd make the most of this time I can't deadlift.

I'm actually enjoying being a lot leaner than I was. I've been getting a ton of compliments, so I think I'm going to go ahead and try to stay fairly lean as it seems I can do this and still hit my powerlifting goals. Might as well look the part and lift very heavy things.
Curious what @weighted chinup would think about something like this for you:

Day 1:
Incline bench 5x5
Rope pushdown- 4 sets of 15, squeeze at the bottom for 1 second
DB side raises- 3 sets, grab heavy DBs you can only get half way up do ~10 or so half reps then drop to a lighter weight and do full range for another 10 reps
Weighted chin ups 5x5
Tbar Row 1-2 feeder sets, 3 working sets of 8
1 arm DB preacher curl- 4 sets of 12 per arm, squeeze for 2 seconds at the top of each rep
Barbell shrugs- Work up to 5 rep max (try to get in volume here, so BLAST out the lighter weight almost to failure). Then do a GIANT drop at your 5 rep max, dropping NO LESS than 3 times. Example: Work up to call it 405, so 5 reps of 405, then drop to 315 go to failure, drop to 225 go to failure, drop to 135 go to failure.
Day 2: off
Day 3:
Front squat or high bar squats 5x5 (i'd do a few feeder sets first)
Good morning 5x5
Weighted hyperextensions 2 sets of 25
Leg extensions- 1 set of 25 with a 3 second hold at the top of each rep. 1 set of 25 (increase weight) with a 2 second hold. 1 set of 25 (increase weight again) with 1 second hold. 1 set of 25 where you pump them out (increase weight again).
Leg curls- 3 set of 15 with 30 partials out of the stretched position on the last set
Day 4: off
Day 5:
Flat barbell bench 3x10 (few feeder sets)
Weighted chin ups 3x10
Bent over row w/ hands supinated 3x10
Barbell bicep curl- 5 sets of 10-12 reps w/ good form, each set is a drop set.
V bar pushdowns (10-12 heavy reps) supersetted w/ close grip pushups to failure.
DB shrugs- 3 sets of 15, hold them at the top (SQUUUEEEEZE) for 3 seconds each rep
Day 6
Day 7:
High bar squats 3x10
Bulgarian split squats or lunges w/ barbell, 12 reps each leg for 4 sets
Leg extensions- 3 sets of 40 reps
Leg curls- Work up to 8 rep max, then a GIANT drop set.

Let me know your thoughts on this, took me a few minutes to put it together. I would train calves and abs every day you lift. Is there any way you can slip in another day of training, or is 4 your max?
Curious what @weighted chinup would think about something like this for you:

Day 1:
Incline bench 5x5
Rope pushdown- 4 sets of 15, squeeze at the bottom for 1 second
DB side raises- 3 sets, grab heavy DBs you can only get half way up do ~10 or so half reps then drop to a lighter weight and do full range for another 10 reps
Weighted chin ups 5x5
Tbar Row 1-2 feeder sets, 3 working sets of 8
1 arm DB preacher curl- 4 sets of 12 per arm, squeeze for 2 seconds at the top of each rep
Barbell shrugs- Work up to 5 rep max (try to get in volume here, so BLAST out the lighter weight almost to failure). Then do a GIANT drop at your 5 rep max, dropping NO LESS than 3 times. Example: Work up to call it 405, so 5 reps of 405, then drop to 315 go to failure, drop to 225 go to failure, drop to 135 go to failure.
Day 2: off
Day 3:
Front squat or high bar squats 5x5 (i'd do a few feeder sets first)
Good morning 5x5
Weighted hyperextensions 2 sets of 25
Leg extensions- 1 set of 25 with a 3 second hold at the top of each rep. 1 set of 25 (increase weight) with a 2 second hold. 1 set of 25 (increase weight again) with 1 second hold. 1 set of 25 where you pump them out (increase weight again).
Leg curls- 3 set of 15 with 30 partials out of the stretched position on the last set
Day 4: off
Day 5:
Flat barbell bench 3x10 (few feeder sets)
Weighted chin ups 3x10
Bent over row w/ hands supinated 3x10
Barbell bicep curl- 5 sets of 10-12 reps w/ good form, each set is a drop set.
V bar pushdowns (10-12 heavy reps) supersetted w/ close grip pushups to failure.
DB shrugs- 3 sets of 15, hold them at the top (SQUUUEEEEZE) for 3 seconds each rep
Day 6
Day 7:
High bar squats 3x10
Bulgarian split squats or lunges w/ barbell, 12 reps each leg for 4 sets
Leg extensions- 3 sets of 40 reps
Leg curls- Work up to 8 rep max, then a GIANT drop set.

Let me know your thoughts on this, took me a few minutes to put it together. I would train calves and abs every day you lift. Is there any way you can slip in another day of training, or is 4 your max?

Four is all I've done for years. My current situation would make it hard to get in more than that. I'm kinda homeless right now and my job, girlfriend, mom's house where I keep my stuff and my gym are all pretty far apart. It's making things difficult for me. I actually own a place I was going to rent out and never got around to getting it livable and now I'm trying to get the money together to do that. It's perfectly situated right in the middle of everything, so once I move in I'll be much better off.

Anyway though, feeder is like really light pump sets of very high reps, right? Barbell shrugs I'll have to see if I can do. This deadlift injury is like right where my lat connects to my ribs under the armpit a little. I can do vertical and horizontal pulling, but pulling from the floor really gets into it and I'm trying to get it healed up. This is all kind of fascinating to me because it seems so foreign, lol. Probably like powerlifting does to you.

I'd like to hear the others' input, but I'm going to try day one tomorrow and see what it's like.
Four is all I've done for years. My current situation would make it hard to get in more than that. I'm kinda homeless right now and my job, girlfriend, mom's house where I keep my stuff and my gym are all pretty far apart. It's making things difficult for me. I actually own a place I was going to rent out and never got around to getting it livable and now I'm trying to get the money together to do that. It's perfectly situated right in the middle of everything, so once I move in I'll be much better off.

Anyway though, feeder is like really light pump sets of very high reps, right? Barbell shrugs I'll have to see if I can do. This deadlift injury is like right where my lat connects to my ribs under the armpit a little. I can do vertical and horizontal pulling, but pulling from the floor really gets into it and I'm trying to get it healed up. This is all kind of fascinating to me because it seems so foreign, lol. Probably like powerlifting does to you.

I'd like to hear the others' input, but I'm going to try day one tomorrow and see what it's like.
Put the bar on the safety bar just below your knees for the BB shrugs, should be okay. Start light.

Feeder sets are exactly that, so for a bench: 135x15, 225x10, 315x7 then 3 working sets of 365x5 (or, whatever).
Put the bar on the safety bar just below your knees for the BB shrugs, should be okay. Start light.

Feeder sets are exactly that, so for a bench: 135x15, 225x10, 315x7 then 3 working sets of 365x5 (or, whatever).

That's what I was thinking. I'll just have to see if it aggravates the injury since I usually don't do shrugs. I've pretty much been exclusively doing the big three and close variations for awhile now. I should make beginner gains on some of this stuff though, especially on test/tren.

I really appreciate the responses, too. It's very helpful.