Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

farmers walks for sure.
my hamstrings get tight as hell I have to do a lot of stretching in the am's to loosen them up and unlock my lower back.

I did a lot of stretchIng and warming up on Saturday. Didn't do much before that session, but I will next time. I'll be doing what I can throughout the day at work today and might take a bike ride and use my Voodoo Floss later on. I've got squats, bench and Romanian deadlift tomorrow.

I'm trying hard to be more consistent with stretches going into this next cycle.
RDLs, single leg RDL, stiff leg deads, good mornings, split squats, BB walking lunges...
shit I love all those exercises and keep me in tune with stretching and mobility issues. My hips got really locked up over the winter squatting heavy so frequently, I moved the chains on my backsquat numbers but now Im trying to get all the mobility back while trimming down. Strength has stayed
RDLs, single leg RDL, stiff leg deads, good mornings, split squats, BB walking lunges...
shit I love all those exercises and keep me in tune with stretching and mobility issues. My hips got really locked up over the winter squatting heavy so frequently, I moved the chains on my backsquat numbers but now Im trying to get all the mobility back while trimming down. Strength has stayed

I'm down 22lbs since January. Strength is almost the same on bench and deadlift, squat is way down due to the knee issues I was having around meet time. It's been good lately and I'm thinking I'll bounce back pretty quick.

You ever try the Limber 11 routine? It's good for lower body mobility.
I'm down 22lbs since January. Strength is almost the same on bench and deadlift, squat is way down due to the knee issues I was having around meet time. It's been good lately and I'm thinking I'll bounce back pretty quick.

You ever try the Limber 11 routine? It's good for lower body mobility.
Thats awesome man killin it..
its fuckin hard to continue to make progression in strength gains while maintaining the same weight once you are at least an intermediate lifter. Im all about strength:bodyweight ratios while maintaining cardio capacity and flexibility. The more I train though Im finding it's still easier to just bulk and cut within reason than trying to maintain the same weight year round. 10-12 lbs is all I can really afford to go up bc any more fat gain gets too hard to cut while preserving strength.

Ive never heard of Limber 11..I will look into it thx man!
Been doing a lot of stuff from Juggernaut and now doing some of these Jen Setler workouts to encourage my girl to shape dat ass up (btw donkey kicks are deceivingly hard :confused:)

Thats awesome man killin it..
its fuckin hard to continue to make progression in strength gains while maintaining the same weight once you are at least an intermediate lifter. Im all about strength:bodyweight ratios while maintaining cardio capacity and flexibility. The more I train though Im finding it's still easier to just bulk and cut within reason than trying to maintain the same weight year round. 10-12 lbs is all I can really afford to go up bc any more fat gain gets too hard to cut while preserving strength.

Ive never heard of Limber 11..I will look into it thx man!
Been doing a lot of stuff from Juggernaut and now doing some of these Jen Setler workouts to encourage my girl to shape dat ass up (btw donkey kicks are deceivingly hard :confused:)


Yeah, almost makes me want to compete at 220, but I'd be over that in the first few weeks of my cycle and I think trying to stay under would limit my gains. I figure I'll get up around 230-235 again by September. I've managed a 425 raw squat, 465 wrapped squat, 365 paused bench and 585 conventional deadlift in recent weeks, all weighing under 220. Not too far off from my meet lifts weighing 237.

Still shooting for elite powerlifting numbers as my main focus. After yesterday I might consider a strongman event someday as well. Just for fun at least. Strength and athleticism interest me far more than aesthetics.

I'm getting my girl more serious lately, too. Had her on box squats yesterday to see if her knee could handle it and she said it felt good. Got her on reverse hypers and hip thrusts, too. I'm doing the hip thrusts myself.

I'll get some strongman shots for your work album soon. He's out of town this Sunday, but I'll get my next session in the week after.
farmers walks for sure.
my hamstrings get tight as hell I have to do a lot of stretching in the am's to loosen them up and unlock my lower back.

Look up Donnie Thompsons lower back protocol. Has helped me TONS to loosen up lower back and relieve any pumps or discomfort. Do you have any heavy bands?
Bottom of my feet are sore today, that's a new one. Traps still a little sore as well.

In other news I pinned my delt for the first time Sunday. Minimal PIP, so definitely going to rotate that in from now on.
yea man we got it all...I will check it out thanks boys

Choke a heavy band off on a monolift, power rack, or pull-up bar. Go through the band and put it around your hips and hang inverted like a possum for 2-5min. Let your legs go through rom in all directions. Great for unlocking lower back and hips
Bottom of my feet are sore today, that's a new one. Traps still a little sore as well.

In other news I pinned my delt for the first time Sunday. Minimal PIP, so definitely going to rotate that in from now on.

I love delts. Try your pecs too man. They seem to leak some for me so if you're pinning more then a ml at a time split your dose between them. I'm not sure why mine leak I have pretty thick pecs.
I love delts. Try your pecs too man. They seem to leak some for me so if you're pinning more then a ml at a time split your dose between them. I'm not sure why mine leak I have pretty thick pecs.

I heard it's dangerous because it's close to your heart?
Been getting my wifey out in the gym the last couple weeks too doing some 5/3/1. She doesn't like lifting together as much as me training her so we're going to stick with that for awhile. It actually works better for me cause through the week I'm off before her and love lifting after work between 3-5pm. And I can focus better when I'm doing my thing. She's no stranger to the gym ,she worked in a gym and did personal training through college but her focus was more on staying thin back then.

I don't want her looking like a runway model again, looking forward to a massive squat booty[emoji3]

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Been getting my wifey out in the gym the last couple weeks too doing some 5/3/1. She doesn't like lifting together as much as me training her so we're going to stick with that for awhile. It actually works better for me cause through the week I'm off before her and love lifting after work between 3-5pm. And I can focus better when I'm doing my thing. She's no stranger to the gym ,she worked in a gym and did personal training through college but her focus was more on staying thin back then.

I don't want her looking like a runway model again, looking forward to a massive squat booty[emoji3]

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I go to the gym with mine, but she mostly does her own thing now. I'll just help set up her plan, spot and help with new stuff.

My last gym partner got his work schedule changed, so we don't lift anymore. I honestly prefer lifting solo anyway.

I use a 23g 1". As long as you're not using too long of a needle don't see a problem. I pin them e4d and still alive. No pip after the 2nd pin in them.

I meant too close to your heart as in an infection wouldn't have far to travel if you got one.