Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

So, I think I'm actually sick. Apparently my fiancee's daughter was really congested around the end of last week and my fiancee has had it this weekend. Tired, congested and difficulty breathing. Pretty much how I've been feeling. Headed to the gym now for my accessory day.

Weight was 216lbs

Still feeling sick, seems like I'm getting a sore throat, too. I hope it clears up soon as I'll be outside for work this week running equipment and doing it sick is sounding pretty awful.
Just got back from the doctor. Got a respiratory infection. I guess that explains the not breathing well the other day. I'm picking up my antibiotics here in a bit, so hopefully I'll feel better by tomorrow.

Also took this pic this morning. I feel like I'm starting to notice more fat loss. Pants are definitely looser and lower belly fat seems to be getting less. Weighed in at 215 at the doctor, maybe a little dehydrated from being sick.

2016-05-09 10.18.58.png
Do yourself a favor n ditch the boxers for some UA heatgear boxer briefs. Instant 10lb gain to all lifts

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Do yourself a favor n ditch the boxers for some UA heatgear boxer briefs. Instant 10lb gain to all lifts

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

lol, I could use that in conjunction with growing a longer beard and driving a classic car to my next meet and be in elite territory just on those boosts. No need to keep training hard like a sucker.

Edit: and listening to Pantera beforehand. I'll be ready for nationals.
I have also been dealing with illness. I know how frustrating it is---we have lifts to hit, ain't nobody got time to be sick. Hope you feel 100% asap!

Weight was 218lbs

Good pump from this workout. Higher reps are feeling good. Cut the AMRAP at 11 on beltless squats. Stamina still isn't there from being sick.
Also talked to the strongman competitor at my gym about getting in with them sometime for some strongman stuff. Sunday at 10am is their day and that's perfect for my schedule because that's exactly when I go. That's my overhead and accessory day, so may just log press and do some stuff with them. They deadlift on that day. Not sure if I'll switch my deadlift day or not.
lol, I was thinking about that on my way to work this morning that it would suck to puke at the gym. I've actually never puked from a set before.

It's great man! Once it's up you feel all better and no one comes near you for the rest of the day! I've probably made a specticul of myself at the gym about 5-7 times and every time after I feel great

Weight was 218lbs tonight. Everything felt great. Squats were done beltless. Got 18 on my AMRAP with 235 on bench. My little brother was at the gym and I told him give me a number and I'd hit it, he said 18. The weighted dips were +60, so that's just total weight on the spreadsheet. Side raises just used 12's. The glute exercise I don't know the name and it was my first time trying them. Was going to just use a machine and ended up trying this out instead.


Deep squats standing on the bench with the custom kettlebell at around 180lbs. Felt pretty decent.

Also, at the suggestion of @Wunderpus I started pinning the gh 45 minutes pre workout today and on off days I'll be doing first thing in the morning. I'll update on how I like it as time goes on.
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Weight was 218lbs tonight. Everything felt great. Squats were done beltless. Got 18 on my AMRAP with 235 on bench. My little brother was at the gym and I told him give me a number and I'd hit it, he said 18. The weighted dips were +60, so that's just total weight on the spreadsheet. Side raises just used 12's. The glute exercise I don't know the name and it was my first time trying them. Was going to just use a machine and ended up trying this out instead.

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Deep squats standing on the bench with the custom kettlebell at around 180lbs. Felt pretty decent.

Also, at the suggestion of @Wunderpus I started pinning the gh 45 minutes pre workout today and on off days I'll be doing first thing in the morning. I'll update on how I like it as time goes on.
Curious to see how it goes for you brother! Hoping it doesn't make you sleepy :)
So, all the front squat fever around here is kind of making me want to give them another shot. I'm worried about my knee though, it's been good for awhile now and I'm not sure if I should push it right now. My current quad builder is the high bar box squat. I haven't gone heavy yet, but from past experience I should be doing sets of 10 around 405 soon. What's everyone's opinion on them versus front squats as a quad builder and also squat/deadlift accessory? The high bar box squat I'll literally be doing twice the weight, while the front squats will be much lighter while isolating the quads more. Another reason I chose the box squats was to feel heavy weight on my back, work the abs in the process and possible carryover to wrapped squats.

Should I stick with the box squats or run front squats the next six weeks and then switch to box squats?

Weight was 217lbs

Kind of an intense day with so many reps, everything felt good though. 15 on the 405 sumo AMRAP. Used 40's for incline dumbbell flyes 3x10 and 70 3x15 face pulls. Bicycle for cardio.