Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

i remember reading something by Lilly that said, "eat like a bodybuilder, program like a powerlifter, and train like a strongman"

i think farmers carrys would have a MUCH greater carry over than sit ups. that and beltless work. you can do farmers carries with a hex bar if your gym has one.

I'll be doing all beltless work for the next 4-8 weeks. That's how I started out my last meet prep. I think we have a hex bar.

I'm going to try more slightly above parallel box squats, both high and low bar as well. Should be good for having some heavy weight on the back and simulate knee wraps a little before I start actually training in them again. Just as an accessory, of course. The high bar ones should be good on the quads as I'm not taking any chances on front squats or below parallel high bar for awhile because my knees have been feeling good lately.

When I get these routine all figured out I'll post it and you can have a look at it.
Farmers walks are pretty choice, they helped alot with grip strength for me, even when i had to use straps for the 160lb DBs it still takes quite a bit of force to keep those fuckers from slipping out haha. Feel like they work my calfs alot, and also my traps as i always try and keep my shoulders back and pinched together when i do them. I personally dont feel like they do much for my core, good for endurance a bit though as its gard to fuckin breath hagahah
Farmers walks are pretty choice, they helped alot with grip strength for me, even when i had to use straps for the 160lb DBs it still takes quite a bit of force to keep those fuckers from slipping out haha. Feel like they work my calfs alot, and also my traps as i always try and keep my shoulders back and pinched together when i do them. I personally dont feel like they do much for my core, good for endurance a bit though as its gard to fuckin breath hagahah

I'll have to try them out and see. My gym only goes to 150's though.
I'll have to try them out and see. My gym only goes to 150's though.

That'll be good, you'll probably outgrow it quickly though. Idk if you have access to a trap bar but those are pretty good cuz you can just load plates and it doesnt hinder your movement. Wanna have a nice wide clear path for that though.
That'll be good, you'll probably outgrow it quickly though. Idk if you have access to a trap bar but those are pretty good cuz you can just load plates and it doesnt hinder your movement. Wanna have a nice wide clear path for that though.

The strongman guys at my gym bring the things for farmer's walks you can load with plates, so I'll try those eventually.

Weight was 219lbs

The squats were beltless, everything will be for the next 4-8 weeks. Did 50 for 3x15 on leg curls. Did my shrugs from the other day in place of the side raises. I need to start editing in the numbers in accessories before I take the screenshots. Everything felt good. Worked in a little interval thing on my bicycle ride. Was seriously riding like the wind for a bit. Felt good.

Just got these results back. I can't believe how high the estro and hematocrit is. Haven't been having any symptoms and I haven't taken Adex in months.

I've got some butterfly needles and blood bags on the way, so I'll drain some blood ASAP.

How bad is the cholesterol? Should I worry and what steps can I take to knock that down?

I'm still running the same 24k cyp as last time. 70mg twice a week. Got bloods ~24 hours after pin. Fasted that morning. Also pinned 3iu of TP Grey tops 3 hours before bloods. Been on those a month now. No AI in awhile because I wasn't having symptoms.
Hard to believe your cholesterol would be high, you eat really healthy from what I've seen. Idk but 6 points over doesn't seem like that big of a deal. imo

@Dr JIM should he worry about his cholesterol??
Hard to believe your cholesterol would be high, you eat really healthy from what I've seen. Idk but 6 points over doesn't seem like that big of a deal. imo

@Dr JIM should he worry about his cholesterol??

Yeah, looking at it it's just barely over the range. I eat a lot of eggs, maybe I should skip the yoke?
Drop your test down to a therapeutic dose - 1500ng / dl is too high.

If I remember correctly diminished lipids isn't commonly observed with test only within therapeutic doses. Bring it within normal range and run it there for a few weeks and retest.

Doing this will also bring your e2 down since it's high right now too. This is probably better than having to use an AI if it's not necessary, and it probably isn't if test is kept within normal ranges.

How many weeks has it been since you blasted and what compounds did you run?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe dietary colesterol affects colesterol in the blood. Pretty sure it's a myth.

I'm sure you're right. I've heard that cholesterol meds could be the cause of Alzheimer. Population control?? Out with the old in with the new....
Drop your test down to a therapeutic dose - 1500ng / dl is too high.

If I remember correctly diminished lipids isn't commonly observed with test only within therapeutic doses. Bring it within normal range and run it there for a few weeks and retest.

Doing this will also bring your e2 down since it's high right now too. This is probably better than having to use an AI if it's not necessary, and it probably isn't if test is kept within normal ranges.

How many weeks has it been since you blasted and what compounds did you run?

Came off blast January 14th from 500mg cyp a week for sixteen weeks and dbol the last four weeks at 20-25mg/day. Cruised for 5-6 weeks at 200mg/week and got bloods at 1800. Immediately dropped to 140/week expecting around 1200. Been on that since and dropped the AI because I was getting no sides and BP had been good.

Popped an Adex just a few minutes ago. I've got a comp coming up in a few months. How bad off am I going to be starting this next blast at the end of the month? Would dropping the dose for only a few weeks help that much?
How bad off am I going to be starting this next blast at the end of the month? Would dropping the dose for only a few weeks help that much?

The cautious approach would be to let health markers normalize before blasting but I can't tell you how much worse off it will be - if at all. The bad part is you will be going longer with shittier health markers - but how much worse if at all they will get no one can say.

I would drop down your test so it's within normal range and then start your blast whenever you have it planned for. Just give yourself ample time off after that one so health markers can return to baseline.
The cautious approach would be to let health markers normalize before blasting but I can't tell you how much worse off it will be - if at all. The bad part is you will be going longer with shittier health markers - but how much worse if at all they will get no one can say.

I would drop down your test so it's within normal range and then start your blast whenever you have it planned for. Just give yourself ample time off after that one so health markers can return to baseline.

I'll lower my dose starting on the next pin and start the blast as planned on the 30th. I'll have time for a break after this cycle and meet, might be close to a year before I compete again anyway.

I'll keep an eye on everything and look into some supplements that might be beneficial before and maybe cholesterol meds if necessary to get me through until after this meet.

I appreciate the input.

Weight was 216lbs

Just used 135 on hip raises and 315 on box squats. Still taking it easy this week. 35 on flyes and 50 on face pulls. Bicycle for cardio.

Some of this might be in my head as I felt fine until reading those test results yesterday, but now I can't stop thinking about it and I was really short of breath at the gym today. I'm going to get some aspirin today and hopefully my blood drawing stuff will be here next week. I think I'll try to drain 1/2 to a whole pint a week and get more bloods in a month and see where I am. Hopefully below 50 on hematocrit by then. I think I must be very prone to it getting high because it's been high ever since I've been getting bloods done.
Some of this might be in my head as I felt fine until reading those test results yesterday, but now I can't stop thinking about it and I was really short of breath at the gym today. I'm going to get some aspirin today and hopefully my blood drawing stuff will be here next week. I think I'll try to drain 1/2 to a whole pint a week and get more bloods in a month and see where I am. Hopefully below 50 on hematocrit by then. I think I must be very prone to it getting high because it's been high ever since I've been getting bloods done.

Its in your head. You're alright.