Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

2/3 on squats. I felt great on my ramp up sets and once I put the wraps on I didn't feel great. Maybe just out of practice with them, I don't know.

425 good
465 good, but rough
495 fail

Think I hurt my upper back a little on the fail, too. Nothing serious, but it doesn't feel right, so we'll see how bench and deadlift goes. About to hit my opener bench in a minute.
3/3 bench


365 was a little rough and the pause was a little short, good for a gym lift though. Warming up deadlifts now. Waiting between sets sucks today since I'm here alone.

550 good
575 good
600 couldn't get it over my knees. I'm going to rest about fifteen minutes and try again because I feel like I could do it. Accidentally deleted the bench video trimming and deleting the rest of them, but will upload squat and deadlift in a bit.
Good stuff man. Sounds like a good day for a gym mock meet.

I'm not happy with it. I shouldn't have been so ambitious with the third squat because I think that's what jacked up the deadlifts.

1405 @219lbs

I'm sure once I start this cycle and put some weight back on I'll get my strength back. I'm still shooting for 1600 @242 in September. Today just wasn't my day.

Sorry @insaiyan93 I've let everyone down. :(

Vid coming momentarily. Had to mute the whole video because the radio station was giving away my location. Accidentally deleted the bench portion while trimming and deleting the other Videos. You'll just have to take my word on it. First deadlift video had my face in it too much, so I went with a bandana for the last two.
Ahh hey, cheer up, sport! As long as you tried your best we're all proud of ya. I mean you hit 1405 at 20 something pounds lighter than you will be at the real meet. Plus this is good, gives you all the more reason to work even harder.

lol, it's all good. I was happy with the singles I hit a couple weeks ago and I'm well ahead of where I started my last cycle from. I think the strength I had at the end of it will come back quickly once the test prop kicks in. I'll be back on track in no time.

Honestly I should've been smarter on squat and just went 425-450-475. I think I'd have gotten the 600 deadlift if I hadn't of missed it. My upper back still doesn't feel quite right. Even on the conservative side I think I'd have been good for 475/365/590 s/b/d. When I started my cycle last year I was around 430/325/530 estimated. I'll be in good shape to hit my goals this year.

I don't often miss lifts though, so I'm just a little disappointed. And beat up feeling.

Here's what I'm thinking for next week. Start of nice and light for reps with short rest periods. I might make adjustments, but we'll see. Still haven't decided on all the accessory lifts.

Edit: just realized I haven't gotten my volume or reps formula functioning properly at the bottom.
View attachment 41278

Here's what I'm thinking for next week. Start of nice and light for reps with short rest periods. I might make adjustments, but we'll see. Still haven't decided on all the accessory lifts.

Edit: just realized I haven't gotten my volume or reps formula functioning properly at the bottom.

That bottom part Bout weekly volume, what is the big number, total weight lifted for each movement?
That bottom part Bout weekly volume, what is the big number, total weight lifted for each movement?

Yes, but I'm not sure it's all correct. I've changed a bunch of things and it went kind of screwy when I started moving exercises around and adding new rows and columns. Once I'm done with everything I'm going to go back and correct all the errors. I'm mostly done with weeks 1-8 and weeks 17-20.
Solid starting point for your next meet training cycle even with a couple of misses.

What program are using to do the editing. The bandana looks real.
Solid starting point for your next meet training cycle even with a couple of misses.

What program are using to do the editing. The bandana looks real.

I'm feeling good about it, even after the misses. I'm a little bummed about those as it's been a year or so since I've bombed lifts like that. The last time was a few months after my first meet and I'd been running The Texas Method for a few months and went for 455/335/565 and missed the bench and dead. I'm really feeling it in my upper back and right shoulder now that a little time has passed, too.

Editing for the videos? Just standard Android editing and Vidtrim to combine them and take the audio out since the local radio station was on. The bandana is a real bandana, I took it with me to the gym for that reason.
@Perrin Aybara do you highbar? Maybe its just the angle but looks like you're doing highbar with lowbar execution mechanics.

I bring this up because you mentioned your upper back getting tweaked and from my personal experience, if I sit too upright into the hole (like a highbar squat, with lowbar position) my mid back doesn't stay tight coming out of the hole when the weight gets heavy enough, eventually causing injury. I have to make sure I push my hips back slightly before knees bend get in the correct groove where I'm locked in and strongest.

I'm thinking you're at a slight leverage disadvantage IF you are in fact doing highbar with low bar execution mechanics. Your thoughts?
@Perrin Aybara do you highbar? Maybe its just the angle but looks like you're doing highbar with lowbar execution mechanics.

I bring this up because you mentioned your upper back getting tweaked and from my personal experience, if I sit too upright into the hole (like a highbar squat, with lowbar position) my mid back doesn't stay tight coming out of the hole when the weight gets heavy enough, eventually causing injury. I have to make sure I push my hips back slightly before knees bend get in the correct groove where I'm locked in and strongest.

I'm thinking you're at a slight leverage disadvantage IF you are in fact doing highbar with low bar execution mechanics. Your thoughts?

It's more like what they call mid bar. I don't have the mobility to get into true low bar, barely do for mid bar as my arms and shoulders don't seem to bend that way. I've done a few mobility exercises as suggested by some members here and didn't see any improvement from it. That could be part of why my squat is lacking so much. Do you have any suggestions for that?
It's more like what they call mid bar. I don't have the mobility to get into true low bar, barely do for mid bar as my arms and shoulders don't seem to bend that way. I've done a few mobility exercises as suggested by some members here and didn't see any improvement from it. That could be part of why my squat is lacking so much. Do you have any suggestions for that?

Gotcha. A good friend of mine stretches for about 45min prior to squatting so he can get into the low bar position and its improved his squat tremendously. I'll ask him for more specifics but from what I remember seeing, he does a ton of shoulder dislocations with a band.

A couple of other things he does is stretch his hip flexors and extensors, hamstrings, and his back in general. This increases his entire body mobility while squatting which is important so when he starts nearing the hole in the descent, mobility or flexibility problems don't 'pull' him out of position in other areas. Also, he takes his time getting the bar lower and lower as he warms up.

I just shot him a text. I'll post up his methods for lowbar mobility when he gets back to me.
Gotcha. A good friend of mine stretches for about 45min prior to squatting so he can get into the low bar position and its improved his squat tremendously. I'll ask him for more specifics but from what I remember seeing, he does a ton of shoulder dislocations with a band.

A couple of other things he does is stretch his hip flexors and extensors, hamstrings, and his back in general. This increases his entire body mobility while squatting which is important so when he starts nearing the hole in the descent, mobility or flexibility problems don't 'pull' him out of position in other areas. Also, he takes his time getting the bar lower and lower as he warms up.

I just shot him a text. I'll post up his methods for lowbar mobility when he gets back to me.

For sure let me know. I need to put together a serious mobility routine. It's something I always end up neglecting. I need to improve my squat tremendously and that might be part of what's holding me back.
For sure let me know. I need to put together a serious mobility routine. It's something I always end up neglecting. I need to improve my squat tremendously and that might be part of what's holding me back.

Not saying it is but, don't let my stated observations get you down. I'm just always thinking of ways to improve tomorrow and sometimes I neglect to outwardly recognize and enjoy the accomplishments of today. Meaning - you're doing an awesome job and you're a strong mofo - I just want to do what I can to try to help make you even better!

On that last note, I do think there's room for improvement in your squat set up and execution. I see a weak link in the chain and although internet vids make it difficult to gather all the info needed, I'm pretty sure you need to get that bar lower to take advantage of the way you squat.