Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

2016-04-04 21.34.58.png

Weight was 217lbs

35's for light incline flyes. Bicycle cardio.

Nothing much to report. I'm doing some serious research into programming at the moment. I should have something for this meet prep cycle in the coming weeks. Hiring a coach for this one isn't going to work financially, so I'm going to come up with something from scratch.
Forgot earlier, but did some light power cleans at the end of my workout demonstrating it to my fiancee because she wants to learn to do them. She hit a bench PR of 110x3 as well. She'd been doing her sets with 105 and I slipped some 2.5's on while she wasn't looking because I knew she had it.
I didn't realize today was an off day until I was walking out the door. I took a 25 minute bike ride instead since I was already ready to do something. I might do some Voodoo Floss work at some point.
I'm making good progress on my five month meet prep spreadsheet. I'm working backwards from meet day and here's what it's looking like so far.


Also, progress on my Sheiko recomp:

2016-04-26 07.11.33-1.png

Still weighing around 217-220lbs on any given day. Noticeably leaner. Got a light day today and Thursday, mock meet over the weekend to find out how well Sheiko worked for me. I'll hopefully get this new programming worked out and start it next week. Also will start fasted cardio 1-2 days a week next week for the 3-4 weeks until I begin my next cycle to try to further lean out some more.
Hell yea man. Looking good. Glad the programming is coming along too

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2016-04-04 21.34.17.png

Weight was 219lbs

Had to drive today because of weather and I forgot my gym bag, so this was a truly raw session. First time I've done deadlifts without chalk since I started using chalk. I guess I'll go ahead and weigh in for my mock meet at 220 just for fun and see how close I can match my 242 total.
Forgot earlier, but did some light power cleans at the end of my workout demonstrating it to my fiancee because she wants to learn to do them. She hit a bench PR of 110x3 as well. She'd been doing her sets with 105 and I slipped some 2.5's on while she wasn't looking because I knew she had it.

Hell yeah!! I always used to do that with my old training partners. No one ever does that shit with me :(

Been out of your log for a minute and just caught up on it. Awesome job on that 585 dead man!
Hell yeah!! I always used to do that with my old training partners. No one ever does that shit with me :(

Been out of your log for a minute and just caught up on it. Awesome job on that 585 dead man!

Thanks, brother. I'm nowhere near your level on power cleans. I trained them a little last year and got up to 225 singles and then quit doing them. They're fun, I just can't make enough time to train them properly. My girl is wanting to learn them, so it looks like I'll be doing some light ones for awhile at least.

I'll be going for another conventional PR this weekend and see if I can't pull 600 on a stiff, gym bar almost twenty pounds lighter and with a much lower level of test than at my last meet.
Thanks, brother. I'm nowhere near your level on power cleans. I trained them a little last year and got up to 225 singles and then quit doing them. They're fun, I just can't make enough time to train them properly. My girl is wanting to learn them, so it looks like I'll be doing some light ones for awhile at least.

I'll be going for another conventional PR this weekend and see if I can't pull 600 on a stiff, gym bar almost twenty pounds lighter and with a much lower level of test than at my last meet.
After seeing how easy you pulled that 585, i have no doubt you'll get 6 hundo!!!!!
After seeing how easy you pulled that 585, i have no doubt you'll get 6 hundo!!!!!

I think so too. I got my ammonia caps in the mail today and this deload week has me itching to pull some heavy weights. It's only fifteen more pounds, right? What's a little 10 and 5 on top of all those 45's?
I think so too. I got my ammonia caps in the mail today and this deload week has me itching to pull some heavy weights. It's only fifteen more pounds, right? What's a little 10 and 5 on top of all those 45's?

Haha!! Agreed. That 585 went up easy!! 600 is gonna be exciting man, you definitely got it.

Yeah power cleans get fun man, especially when you hit that 225 mark.
With an EASY 585 dead like you pulled, power cleans should be a great lift for you.
I'm by no means an expert, or really someone qualified to give advice on the topic, but I think the most important thing with power cleans is the initial pull off the ground. That's got to be fast and snappy, the rest is just dropping under the bar
Haha!! Agreed. That 585 went up easy!! 600 is gonna be exciting man, you definitely got it.

Yeah power cleans get fun man, especially when you hit that 225 mark.
With an EASY 585 dead like you pulled, power cleans should be a great lift for you.
I'm by no means an expert, or really someone qualified to give advice on the topic, but I think the most important thing with power cleans is the initial pull off the ground. That's got to be fast and snappy, the rest is just dropping under the bar

I think speed and proper execution are what holds me back on power cleans. And lack of practice. I could probably power clean a lot more right away if the form would just click with me. Anything over about 175 andit feels awkward, but I'm able to get it up.
Just catching up on all of this. Life has been hectic lately.
Im excited to see what you can do on saturday! weight loss has been coming along nicely i see! what were you r number in the 242 class and what are your projections for saturday?
Just catching up on all of this. Life has been hectic lately.
Im excited to see what you can do on saturday! weight loss has been coming along nicely i see! what were you r number in the 242 class and what are your projections for saturday?

Hang on, I'll PM you on the last meet numbers.
Just catching up on all of this. Life has been hectic lately.
Im excited to see what you can do on saturday! weight loss has been coming along nicely i see! what were you r number in the 242 class and what are your projections for saturday?

PM sent on those numbers, but I'm looking to come in right around my meet lifts which would be awesome. I've got a new belt coming in the next couple days, got some more ammonia caps, too. Been pretty much a deload this week and I'm feeling good. Going to up the carbs starting tomorrow or Friday.

After the weekend I'm going up the fat loss a little for a few weeks and then begin my next cycle. I'm in the process of putting my program together and I'll start that tomorrow. I'm in the process of getting some better knee wraps, but communication with the company has been terrible because the site says out of stock, they say they actually have some though.
@Perrin Aybara

Sounds like you got a solid plan laid out for sure. Do you have a specific weight you'd like to get down to pre cycle?

Also let me know what you come up with some wraps. I'm in the market to purchase some also.
@Perrin Aybara

Sounds like you got a solid plan laid out for sure. Do you have a specific weight you'd like to get down to pre cycle?

Also let me know what you come up with some wraps. I'm in the market to purchase some also.

No specific weight, just want to be a bit leaner. I don't want to lose too much more because I'll be well over 220 before the meet. It's just me being vain and wanting to look better and they say you react better to test being lean and require less AI, so that will be nice, too. I'm due to start the cycle I believe on the 28th of next month if I have my dates right. Will do on the knee wraps, too.