Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Quick log update:

Next cycle is planned and will begin around the end of next month. Doing another meet around the end of the cycle.

Weeks 1-16 test cyp 600mg/week
Weeks 1-16 deca 400mg/week
Weeks 1-3 test prop 100mg EOD
Weeks 13-16 anavar 40-60mg/day
Weeks 1-16 gh 4iu/day 5 on, 2 off
Weeks 17+ cruise
Adex starting around at the beginning and adjusted as necessary

I appreciate the help with it @RodgerThat and everyone else that gave me tips on it.

I started the gh two weeks ago today at 2iu/day. Will likely increase to 3iu next month and 4iu around the start of the cycle. This isn't set in stone, it's kind of going by feel and I'm also doing a lot of research over on Dat's forum about protocol, so it may change. Primary goal of this is get and keep my knee feeling great. Recovery from heavy sessions and any recomp effect will be nice as well. So far only thing I've noticed is I'm sleeping great and having crazy vivid dreams.

Goals of this cycle are obviously to increase strength. I'd really like to see 1600lbs or more total at this meet. 1550 minimum. 500+ raw squat, 550-600 with wraps, 405-415 bench and 635-650 deadlift.

Now that I've been working on diet I'm going to try to approach this bulk intelligently and not get fat. I'll be bulking back towards 242, but adjusting the calories in stages rather than just going to 6000+ right off the bat. Might seem kind of a mild cycle for strength, I'd like to get all I can before resorting to tren, halo, drol, etc.

I've been cruising at 140mg a week of cyp for awhile now, no AI necessary. When I start it'll be just over the amount of time off for how long I was on last time. I have two more weeks of Sheiko left and then I'll have about a month until I start my meet prep. Not 100% sure on this, but I'm probably going to hire a coach for it to really get the most out of it.

In that month between I'm going to be a little more aggressive on this recomp. Got some peptides (Mod GRF-1 and GHRP-2) and have been doing research on Dat's forum about that as well. I'll get more in-depth on the protocol once I lay it out. It'll involve a couple fasted cardio days, no carbs later in the evening before dosing gh, shorter window of eating, etc. Now that I know my maintenance calories this kind of stuff will be easy to manipulate. For training during that time likely just a generic upper/lower split since the time frame is so short. I had to use a ton of AI last cycle, so hopefully being leaner will help with that as well this time around.

I've been pretty happy with how my lifts have held up on this cut. I will be going back to sumo after I'm done with Sheiko, I think it'll allow me to pull the most weight. I'm also looking into some new knee wraps that'll provide a little more power. Right now it's between APT Strangulators, Powerbelly Felonies and Powerbelly Death Rows.

Post workout progress pic from yesterday:

2016-04-15 10.00.50.png

Should have better progress pics coming soon and vids of lifting ever increasing weights to follow.

Questions, comments, concerns welcome as always.

Thanks again to everyone that follows along for the continued support, advice, laughs and conversation. Things are about to get interesting around here in a couple months.
2016-04-04 21.36.49.png

Weight was 219lbs

Pretty easy session overall. Squats felt harder than they should, but it's probably lingering fatigue from the deadlIft singles on Thursday. Since the only board was a double and I'm supposed to use a single I did 315 on the top sets. +55 on weighted chin ups and ramped up to 175 on seated good mornings. Bike ride for cardio. I filmed a set of weighted chin ups for the hell of it and if anyone actually wants to see it I'll upload it.
Quick log update:

Next cycle is planned and will begin around the end of next month. Doing another meet around the end of the cycle.

Weeks 1-16 test cyp 600mg/week
Weeks 1-16 deca 400mg/week
Weeks 1-3 test prop 100mg EOD
Weeks 13-16 anavar 40-60mg/day
Weeks 1-16 gh 4iu/day 5 on, 2 off
Weeks 17+ cruise
Adex starting around at the beginning and adjusted as necessary

I appreciate the help with it @RodgerThat and everyone else that gave me tips on it.

I started the gh two weeks ago today at 2iu/day. Will likely increase to 3iu next month and 4iu around the start of the cycle. This isn't set in stone, it's kind of going by feel and I'm also doing a lot of research over on Dat's forum about protocol, so it may change. Primary goal of this is get and keep my knee feeling great. Recovery from heavy sessions and any recomp effect will be nice as well. So far only thing I've noticed is I'm sleeping great and having crazy vivid dreams.

Goals of this cycle are obviously to increase strength. I'd really like to see 1600lbs or more total at this meet. 1550 minimum. 500+ raw squat, 550-600 with wraps, 405-415 bench and 635-650 deadlift.

Now that I've been working on diet I'm going to try to approach this bulk intelligently and not get fat. I'll be bulking back towards 242, but adjusting the calories in stages rather than just going to 6000+ right off the bat. Might seem kind of a mild cycle for strength, I'd like to get all I can before resorting to tren, halo, drol, etc.

I've been cruising at 140mg a week of cyp for awhile now, no AI necessary. When I start it'll be just over the amount of time off for how long I was on last time. I have two more weeks of Sheiko left and then I'll have about a month until I start my meet prep. Not 100% sure on this, but I'm probably going to hire a coach for it to really get the most out of it.

In that month between I'm going to be a little more aggressive on this recomp. Got some peptides (Mod GRF-1 and GHRP-2) and have been doing research on Dat's forum about that as well. I'll get more in-depth on the protocol once I lay it out. It'll involve a couple fasted cardio days, no carbs later in the evening before dosing gh, shorter window of eating, etc. Now that I know my maintenance calories this kind of stuff will be easy to manipulate. For training during that time likely just a generic upper/lower split since the time frame is so short. I had to use a ton of AI last cycle, so hopefully being leaner will help with that as well this time around.

I've been pretty happy with how my lifts have held up on this cut. I will be going back to sumo after I'm done with Sheiko, I think it'll allow me to pull the most weight. I'm also looking into some new knee wraps that'll provide a little more power. Right now it's between APT Strangulators, Powerbelly Felonies and Powerbelly Death Rows.

Post workout progress pic from yesterday:

View attachment 39907

Should have better progress pics coming soon and vids of lifting ever increasing weights to follow.

Questions, comments, concerns welcome as always.

Thanks again to everyone that follows along for the continued support, advice, laughs and conversation. Things are about to get interesting around here in a couple months.

Looking pretty cut in that pic. Doesnt look like 220ish. Youre still cruising?
Looking pretty cut in that pic. Doesnt look like 220ish. Youre still cruising?

Thanks. 219lbs today and yes, been at 140mg/week (70 Monday and 70 Thursday) of cyp for awhile now. I hold fat around my lower belly, I look a lot leaner everywhere else. I'm hoping I can get rid of it before next cycle.
All of those sound so angry!

Why not like the APT warm hugs?
The powerbelly soft puppy?

Also, lookin jacked broski, keep up the good work

I'm determined to have a nice little mix of looks and performance. Strength comes first still though.

I never thought about it, but they do sound angry. I'm surprised they don't have depictions of violence on them to maximize angry feelings.
Thanks, brother. I think this next cycle I'll hit a four plate bench and a five plate raw squat, big milestones. I can't wait.

I think I'll actually be with you on the 4 plate bench 5 plate squat and 6 plate pull soon. Sumo deads today gave me a huge boost of confidence in that lift
I think I'll actually be with you on the 4 plate bench 5 plate squat and 6 plate pull soon. Sumo deads today gave me a huge boost of confidence in that lift

I think you'll beat me to it, I'm behind on squat and bench. I'm glad sumo is working out for you. I really had a good feeling that it would.
I think you'll beat me to it, I'm behind on squat and bench. I'm glad sumo is working out for you. I really had a good feeling that it would.
You were right for sure on that. I've been watching my video over and over on the 495 and I'm still a little to far forward but im gonna back the weight down and use 405-455 for a while and get it perfect.
You were right for sure on that. I've been watching my video over and over on the 495 and I'm still a little to far forward but im gonna back the weight down and use 405-455 for a while and get it perfect.

That's the best thing to do. Make yourself a DIY camera stand like I did and film yourself constantly, especially from the side. If you need to play with how wide your stance is and how far out you point your toes do that, too. You'll feel it and know it when it's perfect.
That's the best thing to do. Make yourself a DIY camera stand like I did and film yourself constantly, especially from the side. If you need to play with how wide your stance is and how far out you point your toes do that, too. You'll feel it and know it when it's perfect.

I just PMd you and the bear my video. It's not perfect yet but I kinda used my squat stance just a bit further apart
I just PMd you and the bear my video. It's not perfect yet but I kinda used my squat stance just a bit further apart

1) digging the SBD IPF shirt.
2) don't know but looks like the bar is faded out from your legs due, either from your grip being where your shins are or just not keeping it tight in or I can't tell due to video angle:p
3) I'd go slightly wider and try to dip your butt down a bit before the pull so you have a more vertical back angle
4)try to not shoot the hips up so quick knees and hips should be going up at the same speed
5)being critical because I'm impressed with your numbers, one way or another you pulled that 495 like nothing so bringing the weight down to around 405 and practicing good reps will make you pull 585 just like the big man Perrin in no time

Edit: once again I forgot who's thread I was in meant to post this in robs thread but I guess we can merge you two guys threads.... Awkward
I just PMd you and the bear my video. It's not perfect yet but I kinda used my squat stance just a bit further apart

Just replied with a review. That's good to mimic your squat stance. I read an interesting little article about the subject of elite lifters and how their squat and deadlift forms were related. I'll see if I can dig it up real quick.
I just PMd you and the bear my video. It's not perfect yet but I kinda used my squat stance just a bit further apart

Just replied with a review. That's good to mimic your squat stance. I read an interesting little article about the subject of elite lifters and how their squat and deadlift forms were related. I'll see if I can dig it up real quick.

Here it is if anyone's interested. An analysis of elite lifters and their stance and form on squat and deadlift.
Squat to Deadlift Carryover: A Statistical Analysis
View attachment 39854

Weight today was 223lbs :eek:

Not my best work, but I'll take it. I was having trouble staying tight today and was feeling it on heavy pulls. Got one set with 585 and called it because I felt a second would have risked injury. 50 dumbbells for incline flyes and 80 for face pulls. Cardio was riding to the gym.

585 Conventional Deadlift

DAMN!!!! Perrin, you are strong AF[emoji33] awesome lifting there bud!!!
Im impressed[emoji106]
2016-04-04 21.36.19.png

Weight was 218lbs :eek::eek::eek: and 216lbs when I left. I was working outside all day yesterday, so maybe just water weight.

Easy workout. Did the ab roller for 2x8 and 25 on the last and threw in hammer curls at 35, 40 and 45. Just went the short way home on my bike after. Gotta mow the yard today anyway.