Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Looks like a fun day. Definitely be interested to see how it goes

Both days I'll be lifting after work, shouldn't be too bad though. The squat will be a PR without wraps and deadlift will be a conventional PR. I'll definitely get some vids. Kill it Sunday for me to set the tone for the week.
Both days I'll be lifting after work, shouldn't be too bad though. The squat will be a PR without wraps and deadlift will be a conventional PR. I'll definitely get some vids. Kill it Sunday for me to set the tone for the week.

I plan lifting some heavy shit. Never got a chance to mess around with the wraps so it'll just be sleeves but I still plan on hitting well over 500 for my 3rd attempt.
I plan on both for sure. Curious as to how sumo will be. I've messed around a few times and pulled 4 plates. Felt pretty good

I think your deadlift will blow up on it because your back will be more vertical and your legs are strong. I was just watching a good video on YouTube about sumo form earlier.

I'll probably end up switching back for this meet. I've been considering stronger wraps, too. I'm looking to get every pound I can, 1600+.
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Weight was 221lbs

Super easy workout. Did the bench close grip and paused for added challenge. +90 on weighted dips and +45 on weighted hypers. Cardio was biking to the gym.
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Weight was 220lbs

Another easy session, I'm thinking it's a mild deload before the heavy singles next week. I used 225 on incline bench, +35 for the first two sets of weighted chin ups and +45 for the last two and did ab wheels for the abs. Cold and rainy today so I took my car to the gym. Cardio was stationary bicycle and it felt easy compared to a real bike.
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Weight was 222lbs :eek: (If you've seen my posts in OGH's thread since the weekend it's surprising it's not higher, but I intentionally went high on carbs for this week)

Great session, everything went up. Not as easy as I'd like, but I'm pretty happy since I've been cutting and only running a cruise dose. Used +90 for weighted dips and +45 for weighted hypers.

Now just need to crush this 585 deadlift Thursday.
Hot diggity! Good job bud those look flawless to me and that's defiantly not everything in the tank, pumped to see what you can do with just sleeves in the future
Hot diggity! Good job bud those look flawless to me and that's defiantly not everything in the tank, pumped to see what you can do with just sleeves in the future

Thanks, I'm really surprised with all the time off for my knee. I think 500+ with just sleeves is definitely possible on this next blast. I'm supposed to do a mock meet here in 2-3 weeks for the end of my Sheiko routine, I think I've got a few more pounds in me for that.
Hey yea man. Glad it all went well. Some good looked lift man. Looking forward to your mock meet for sure and your final thoughts on Sheiko
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Weight today was 223lbs :eek:

Not my best work, but I'll take it. I was having trouble staying tight today and was feeling it on heavy pulls. Got one set with 585 and called it because I felt a second would have risked injury. 50 dumbbells for incline flyes and 80 for face pulls. Cardio was riding to the gym.

585 Conventional Deadlift

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Weight today was 223lbs :eek:

Not my best work, but I'll take it. I was having trouble staying tight today and was feeling it on heavy pulls. Got one set with 585 and called it because I felt a second would have risked injury. 50 dumbbells for incline flyes and 80 for face pulls. Cardio was riding to the gym.

585 Conventional Deadlift

Congratulations, you're a fuckin monster!
Is this not a new conventional PR? Congratz on the lift as rob said it definitely went up and that's all that matters. Ain't no fucking about with that kind of weight it's smart if it doesn't feel right then just ditch not worth injury.
Is this not a new conventional PR? Congratz on the lift as rob said it definitely went up and that's all that matters. Ain't no fucking about with that kind of weight it's smart if it doesn't feel right then just ditch not worth injury.

It is a conventional PR, old one was 555 at a meet. I could probably match my sumo PR pretty quick. I may try 600 on my mock meet day. But yeah, I couldn't stay as tight as I needed and I was feeling it in my upper back. The 555 set was worse than the 585 set honestly.

Awesome lift. 585 at 220 is something to be proud of.

Strong as hell man. Congrats on the pr

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Thanks guys. I'd like to hit 3x bodyweight eventually. It's hard when you keep gaining weight though. 726@242lbs sounds good.