Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Don't take too much that you're jittery. Do you have ammonia caps? They help a lot and they're cheap.

Not the caffeine type of PWO lol. I ordered a bunch but they are with my inzer belt in hurry up and wait land. I got ammonia caps and nose torque.
Not the caffeine type of PWO lol. I ordered a bunch but they are with my inzer belt in hurry up and weight land. I got ammonia caps and nose torque.

The good kinda PRE eh. What mg you going to run? Pumped for your mock meet and good on ya for lowering the openers don't need to try and tucker yourself out on a lift just to get on the board

Edit: didn't realize I was in Perrins thread not robs so this was for rob :p
The good kinda PRE eh. What mg you going to run? Pumped for your mock meet and good on ya for lowering the openers don't need to try and tucker yourself out on a lift just to get on the board

Was thinking 150mg TNE 1.5hrs before then another 100mg right before I leave. 30-40mg halo 30mins before then another 10-20 after squats
Did a little work with the Voodoo Floss tonight and then a quick delt and hammer curl circuit with my dumbbells at home. Board press and block pulls tomorrow.
Was thinking 150mg TNE 1.5hrs before then another 100mg right before I leave. 30-40mg halo 30mins before then another 10-20 after squats

@ROB581211 I love it! that is the go hard or go home style.
I am thinking of trying some TNE if I get hold of it.

@Perrin Aybara lol man that backpack on the previous page is awesome -- it has me inspired to go get something like that just for the laughs and to look even crazier then people already think I am in the gym haha
Training appears to be going great brother. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing your new numbers after this run.
As for the back pack....I was thinking Hello Kitty with a Punisher emblem sewn on. lol
@ROB581211 I love it! that is the go hard or go home style.
I am thinking of trying some TNE if I get hold of it.

@Perrin Aybara lol man that backpack on the previous page is awesome -- it has me inspired to go get something like that just for the laughs and to look even crazier then people already think I am in the gym haha

There's a guy at my gym that does strongman and he wears crazy deadlift socks with animals and whatnot on them. I've yet to have anyone mention anything about the bag though. I think I'm looked at as being crazy at my gym because most people there don't even touch the free weights, let alone go anywhere near heavy on anything.

Training appears to be going great brother. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing your new numbers after this run.
As for the back pack....I was thinking Hello Kitty with a Punisher emblem sewn on. lol

Even though my squat numbers are down 425 without wraps will technically be a PR because all my PRs last cycle were with wraps. I was good for at least twenty pounds more before all the knee trouble, but it'll come back.

585 will be a conventional deadlift PR. My sumo PR is 600, but my old conventional PR is only 555.

350 bench won't be anywhere near a PR, but I'll be happy with it since I've been cutting weight.

Overall I'm feeling better now than I have in a long time. Strength is down from the cut, but I guess it's to be expected. Besides the off and on knee thing I have no lingering aches and pains. I think it's due to the lower intensities of this program and I'm glad to be going into this next cycle feeling good body-wise. I don't have a lot of experience with cutting, but my strength usually comes back quickly once the calories come back up.
The backpack is hilarious bro. Knew a guy that would go to random gyms wearing a cut off pink sweatshirt just to mess with people.

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The backpack is hilarious bro. Knew a guy that would go to random gyms wearing a cut off pink sweatshirt just to mess with people.

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Poor people problems.

Some little girl yelled, "cool backpack, bro!" when I was riding to the gym earlier. Nobody at the gym has mentioned it.
Poor people problems.

Some little girl yelled, "cool backpack, bro!" when I was riding to the gym earlier. Nobody at the gym has mentioned it.

Cuz the people at the gym know you're pullin 6 plates and when you're moving that kind of paylosd you can have whatever backpack you want lol
2016-04-04 21.39.08.png

Weight was 221lbs

The smallest board the gym had was a double board and the program calls for a single, so after two very easy singles at 315 I went to 335 and it was still easy. DeadlIfts felt a little hard today though. For weighted chin ups I did +25 on all sets. Weighted dips +70 for two sets and +80 for two sets to hit 300 total. Did them superset with the chin ups. Cardio was riding to the gym and back in the rain.

Edit: scratch riding home in the rain, a guy I know from the gym let me throw my bike in his truck and gave me a ride. It's pouring and it's cold.
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Strong dips bro. That would ruin me.

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The lying triceps extensions were starting to hurt my elbows, I'm hoping dips don't. Besides close grip bench there aren't any other triceps exercises I want to do.

I don't know what my max would be, I felt like I could do 300 total for 10+ easily. When I'm done with Sheiko I may test my limits on chin ups and dips and might do some power cleans, too. I'll have a few weeks before I start preparing for my next meet.
I was gonna say.... your 221 on all the posts I've seen.
Finally got those macros back to 100% I see ;)

I've been right around this weight for about a month now and yeah, back down from 101%. I'll be at this weight another couple months, then it's back up towards 242 for my next meet.
This isn't today's workout, it's for Tuesday and Thursday of next week.

2016-04-04 21.37.48.png 2016-04-04 21.37.09.png

I'm psyched to finally hit some heavy weight again. I'm thinking about upping my calories from Sunday until Thursday. I'll try and get some vids those days.