Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

2016-03-10 22.33.30.png

Weight was 221lbs

Every moved okay, not as fast as I'd like though. The deadlifts with two pauses are absolutely brutal, even at lower weights. Used +25 for weighted chin ups and the hypers since it was handy. I tore a callus on the third set of weighted chin ups.


Cardio was riding a bike to the gym and back. It was raining on the way back, but I still took the long way to get my time in.
Giving more than 100% as usual I see.

Sorry I had to come up with some cheesy joke. Double paused Deads sound fun as hell.
2016-03-10 22.32.40.png

Weight was 220lbs

On the bright side I was able to squat with no pain, but it was feeling very heavy. I'm thinking I'll have to reduce my squat max from 440 to 425 because I'm scheduled to hit singles at my training max in less than two weeks for all lifts. I'm a little worried about bench and deadlift at this point. 350 and 585 are sounding pretty heavy even though I've done well over that. I think I'll increase carbs and calories a few days out at least before those attempts.

Anyway, 50's for incline dumbbell flyes, BW+45 for dips and 120 for cable crunches. Did some voodoo floss work before leaving for the gym. Cardio was riding my bike to and from the gym. Took a scenic route and hit 18 minutes on the way home.
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Today concludes the first block of my Sheiko routine. Tuesday I begin the competition cycle.

Weight today was 219lbs

Decent session, everything moved okay. I did the accessories at the end circuit style. +25 for weighted chin ups, +45 for weighted dips and +45 for weighted hypers. Cardio was biking to the gym and back. Mobility work before lifting, too.

I was thinking the other day about all the video analyzing of my squat and deadlift and how I've never really done it for bench, so I filmed a few side views today. Looks good to me though.

2016-04-04 21.39.31.png

Weight was 221lbs

Knee felt great today. Squats felt heavy though and I lowered my squat max from 440 to 425. Between cutting weight and taking time off squats for the knee I'm down a fair amount. Used 50's for incline dumbbell flyes. Cardio was riding a bike to the gym and going the long way home.

Since my normal gym bag is way too big to carry on a bicycle I'm currently using this ultra manly backpack that belonged to my girlfriend's daughter. Beats buying one though.


Third single with 315 on bench video.

Good to hear your knee is feeling better. Dude the backpack. [emoji81] Fuck it whatever it takes!!
Do you include chains in your bench weight on your spreadsheets?

No, the weight on the spreadsheet is without chains. I forget what chains the program calls for, seems like fifty pounds, but those are the only ones available at my gym. I weighed them at 27lbs each and I figure maybe 2/3 of them leave the ground, so I kind of figure it's +40lbs at the top.

It's been my first experience with them lately and I like them on bench. Deadlift is okay, but if you're not careful you'll land the plates on the chain.

Glad the knee is doing better. Don't need anything holding back your training.

I'm starting to be hopeful it's better. The strength should come back fast once I can train squats regularly for awhile.
No, the weight on the spreadsheet is without chains. I forget what chains the program calls for, seems like fifty pounds, but those are the only ones available at my gym. I weighed them at 27lbs each and I figure maybe 2/3 of them leave the ground, so I kind of figure it's +40lbs at the top.

It's been my first experience with them lately and I like them on bench. Deadlift is okay, but if you're not careful you'll land the plates on the chain.

I'm starting to be hopeful it's better. The strength should come back fast once I can train squats regularly for awhile.

I have no doubt you'll be back full force in no time.
With the reduction in volume you've taken recently I think you'll be surprised with how everything feels come mock meet day. Just focus on form and you'll get it.

I hope your right. Plus I'll be adding some decent amount of pre workout that I've not tried yet. Should give me a little booster

