Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

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We had a big dinner tonight, grilled chicken breast, baked potatoes and green beans, so I was a little over on calories. Tomorrow will be the last day I post macros daily. I'll still be keeping an eye on them though. Voodoo Floss isn't here yet, so I'm not sure if I'll do squats tomorrow or wait until Tuesday.

Cut/recomp progress pic I took yesterday morning. Not sure my morning weight, but I was 221 that evening.

2016-03-25 20.44.15.png
2016-03-10 22.35.16.png

I didn't take my own advice and tried squatting after stretching and foam rolling and got the knee pain on the first rep with 265. Hopefully I'll get the voodoo floss early in the week and will try again on Tuesday.

Weight was 220lbs
Used 45 dumbbells for incline flyes
135 for two sets of lying triceps extensions, then 115
120 for cable crunches
Twenty minutes of cardio
Excuse my ignorance, but on your chart on the last squat spot what do the multiple numbers in the reps mean? Do you choose one of those, or do you 1 set at each of those reps?
I need to get some Werebear swears by it.

Several guys from here do. I just tried it out like I saw on a couple YouTube videos. Brutal on the leg hair, pretty sure every guy using it on YouTube shaves his legs.

I'm going to watch some more vids and practice with it and see what's what on Tuesday.
Any of you guys that are knowledgeable about such things care to give me a bf% estimate from that pic I posted yesterday? 16-18% maybe?
Several guys from here do. I just tried it out like I saw on a couple YouTube videos. Brutal on the leg hair, pretty sure every guy using it on YouTube shaves his legs.

I'm going to watch some more vids and practice with it and see what's what on Tuesday.
Guys shaving legs on YouTube. What kinda stuff you watching bro? [emoji3]
Any of you guys that are knowledgeable about such things care to give me a bf% estimate from that pic I posted yesterday? 16-18% maybe?

Probably say your about 17% BF from that pic. Also if you have the voodoo floss long enough you don't need to shave your legs it pulls it all out for you lol. But ya it is bad on the hairs.
15% I'd guess.

I have a hard time comparing with those picture charts. All the sub 10% guys clearly lift and then all the +12% guys clearly don't.

Guys shaving legs on YouTube. What kinda stuff you watching bro? [emoji3]

Ssh, let's keep this on the down low.

Probably say your about 17% BF from that pic. Also if you have the voodoo floss long enough you don't need to shave your legs it pulls it all out for you lol. But ya it is bad on the hairs.

I ended up putting my deadlift sock on and putting them over it. Helps a little.

I'd say 15 as well.

I guess I'll assume 15-17%, that's probably pretty close. I have a hard time losing the lower belly fat from when I got fat years ago. When I cut down to 160 a few years ago I had visible lower ab veins and still some of that fat was hanging on. Sucks.
sorry about the knee bro. keep us informed about how the floss pans out. I'm really interested in that.

Thanks. I've been dealing with it off and on for awhile, but it's really flared up lately. I'll update with how the Voodoo Floss works. I'm running BPC-157 right now as well in the hopes it'll alleviate the pain, too.
Any of you guys that are knowledgeable about such things care to give me a bf% estimate from that pic I posted yesterday? 16-18% maybe?

BF is hard to judge by looking. Some people store fat inside the muscle which makes it less visible (this is me). Some people store it outside. I've done multiple caliper tests a me basically everything you can outside going to a pod or dunk tank and I'm around 13ish give or take. I know I look less than that but I think it's pretty accurate. I wouldn't even begin to try to estimate another persons BF by looks
BF is hard to judge by looking. Some people store fat inside the muscle which makes it less visible (this is me). Some people store it outside. I've done multiple caliper tests a me basically everything you can outside going to a pod or dunk tank and I'm around 13ish give or take. I know I look less than that but I think it's pretty accurate. I wouldn't even begin to try to estimate another persons BF by looks

I've been looking at calipers online. Most aren't that expensive.
I stopped caring about the actual number for bf% a while ago. Too hard to tell without paying $100 for a professional test and IMO the actual number doesn't really matter anyway. What does it matter if I'm 18 or 24%? If I want to lose fat then I'll start cutting til I like how lean I am. Now I just ask myself am I comfortable with how much fat I have and if the answer is yes I'll keep bulking and if it's no I'll start cutting. Makes life a little easier not stressing out trying to decide exactly what number I am.

Sorry for the rant, this was just thinking out loud (in text haha) what I think now whenever I see people ask this kinda thing.
I stopped caring about the actual number for bf% a while ago. Too hard to tell without paying $100 for a professional test and IMO the actual number doesn't really matter anyway. What does it matter if I'm 18 or 24%? If I want to lose fat then I'll start cutting til I like how lean I am. Now I just ask myself am I comfortable with how much fat I have and if the answer is yes I'll keep bulking and if it's no I'll start cutting. Makes life a little easier not stressing out trying to decide exactly what number I am.

Sorry for the rant, this was just thinking out loud (in text haha) what I think now whenever I see people ask this kinda thing.

Yeah, I agree with most of that. I'm a numbers guy and I just wanted an idea where I'm at though. I won't be losing anymore weight anyway. Gotta keep my strength up to hit 1600 in September.