Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

No, I just got medical insurance for the first time in my life this year and I don't even have a doctor yet. I'm hoping I can avoid getting MRIs and seeing a specialist because of cost.

Yeah i hear ya. Well shit man yeah, i would think taking a break is going to be benificial, and if it persists after the time off then you're going to have to just say fuck it and go have it looked at.

Or stop squatting....but i think you and i both know that isnt an option.
I tweeked my knee last week. Since then Ive dialed back % on back squats, and focused more on variations I can do still. I dont know how bad yours is, but its worked for me so far.

It's either totally fine or I can't even squat 135 without crippling pain. Never any warning or middle ground.
2016-03-10 22.35.44.png

Weight was 221lbs

Felt really strong today, crushed these deadlifts and the bench was pretty fast. Forgot to do the pause on the deadlifts though, but 465 flew up like it was 225. Just did bodyweight pull ups because I was short on time. Skipped leg press because of my knee. Only ten minutes of cardio.

I ordered Voodoo Floss last night. If I get it before the next squat session I'll try to squat, if not I'll take off until next week on squats.
Check the 7th post on page 17 of my log. That's my last squat video and you can see my knees. I don't think it looks bad.

So creeped it out it into my slow motion app drew some lines did some stuff made some magic and yup, nothing lol your knee aligenment looks good your depth is conducive to proper hamstring engagement so you aren't relying on you ACL to hold your knee. Ankles look stable and don't cave in and knees don't cave either. Only thing I can think of is if your knee collapses in maybe you could try and engage your hip abductors more to try and get more lateral femural rotation to lock the knee joint against itself at the bottom of the squat. But ya I'm splitting hairs on a slow motion video blown up, hell I would use that video to yeah people proper bar placement for low bar and for how a bar path should be
So creeped it out it into my slow motion app drew some lines did some stuff made some magic and yup, nothing lol your knee aligenment looks good your depth is conducive to proper hamstring engagement so you aren't relying on you ACL to hold your knee. Ankles look stable and don't cave in and knees don't cave either. Only thing I can think of is if your knee collapses in maybe you could try and engage your hip abductors more to try and get more lateral femural rotation to lock the knee joint against itself at the bottom of the squat. But ya I'm splitting hairs on a slow motion video blown up, hell I would use that video to yeah people proper bar placement for low bar and for how a bar path should be

Thank you for the in-depth analysis, sir. So push my knees out more? Yeah, I didn't think my form was too bad. I suck at squats, but I have spent a ton of time reviewing my own videos and correcting problems. Same with deadlift.
Thank you for the in-depth analysis, sir. So push my knees out more? Yeah, I didn't think my form was too bad. I suck at squats, but I have spent a ton of time reviewing my own videos and correcting problems. Same with deadlift.

Common missed concept is femural rotation is just pushing your knees out but you can do that without rotating your femur bone. Imagine pinning your heal to the ground and grinding outwards with your toes that's will make you engage the proper muscles to rotate your femur. Side note this will make squating more difficult but once you've figured it out then you should feel more stable. The issue is that your squat is good and without every possible camera angle I couldn't even be sure you aren't already doing this subconsciously and that you do feel stable until you don't so it's a hard thing to judge
didn't even see this until now.. subbed!

those nutritional screens, are those from myfitnesspal? the paid version? i need to invest, if so.
didn't even see this until now.. subbed!

those nutritional screens, are those from myfitnesspal? the paid version? i need to invest, if so.

Welcome aboard, brother.

Nah, it's the free version, you just have to click on the options and settings, I didn't realIze they were there at first either.
Yea that doesn't look bad at all. The voodoo floss helped me out a lot with my knee

I should've ordered it before now. I've watched a few videos on using it, so I think I know what to do when it gets here. I'm really starting to think it must be some kind of muscle tightness pulling on my knee somehow.