Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

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I'm getting good at hitting my numbers right on. We went to a trivia night tonight and I just threw together leftovers before I left, had two protein bars there and a glass of milk when I got home and I was right on what I was aiming for.

In other news I got my BPC-157 today. I'll be starting that tomorrow. I've been researching the best protocol and it seems lower doses split up and injected around the injury in several injections is the way to go. I'll update more on that soon.

Also looking ahead on Sheiko and I'll be doing some heavier weight soon. Pretty psyched about that.
Phew!!! Finally caught up. I was 111 posts behind. I don't personally know anybody thats had ED problems from deca, like jaymax said his issue was more than likely a estro problem. Also i like the idea of starting with NPP first cpl weeks as youll get nandro in your system quickly. After your deca comes on though your GTG.
I really love deca for strength and size, used it more times than i can remember and it kept my joints feeling good and gave me gorrilla strength. Im looking forward to your results.
Take care brother!!!
Phew!!! Finally caught up. I was 111 posts behind. I don't personally know anybody thats had ED problems from deca, like jaymax said his issue was more than likely a estro problem. Also i like the idea of starting with NPP first cpl weeks as youll get nandro in your system quickly. After your deca comes on though your GTG.
I really love deca for strength and size, used it more times than i can remember and it kept my joints feeling good and gave me gorrilla strength. Im looking forward to your results.
Take care brother!!!

What's up @Mr.B66 good to see you back. You doing alright?

That makes me feel better. I'm the type that reads everything I can find on a topic, so if course I find some possible downsides. Good to hear that. I think I'll do the NPP kickstart. It'll be two more months before I start, but I'm looking forward to it, too.
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Weight today was 220lbs
I actually increased calories slightly to what I believe is maintenance lately, but I've also significantly lowered sodium intake, so I believe the weight loss is due to that. I woke up to take a leak 4-5 times the last couple nights.

Another successful workout. Felt a little off at first and worked through it. 35's and 40's on incline dumbbell flyes. 60 on hypers. Twenty minutes of cardio.

I did get a bicycle I plan on riding to the gym on weekends and hopefully a couple fasted morning cardio sessions a week if I can muster up the motivation.

Also, don't think I mentioned it, but lowered my cruise dose to 140mg/week for the last two weeks.
My girlfriend hit a rep PR on bench today, too. 107.5x3 after doing 4x3 with 102.5 and 105. She's already hit 115 for a single a long time ago, hoping for 135 this year.
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Weight today was 220lbs
I actually increased calories slightly to what I believe is maintenance lately, but I've also significantly lowered sodium intake, so I believe the weight loss is due to that. I woke up to take a leak 4-5 times the last couple nights.

Another successful workout. Felt a little off at first and worked through it. 35's and 40's on incline dumbbell flyes. 60 on hypers. Twenty minutes of cardio.

I did get a bicycle I plan on riding to the gym on weekends and hopefully a couple fasted morning cardio sessions a week if I can muster up the motivation.

Also, don't think I mentioned it, but lowered my cruise dose to 140mg/week for the last two weeks.
That looks just like mine today. I'll post in a min. Literally same sets and all I think
My girlfriend hit a rep PR on bench today, too. 107.5x3 after doing 4x3 with 102.5 and 105. She's already hit 115 for a single a long time ago, hoping for 135 this year.

My man! Give her props from the meso boys! That's one thing my ex couldn't get was the 1 plate bench she hit 205 squat and 225 deadlift but 135 eluded her for 3 years. Does she hit the gym with you most days?
That looks just like mine today. I'll post in a min. Literally same sets and all I think

The three day and four day look about 85% the same in my opinion. Just split up a little different.

My man! Give her props from the meso boys! That's one thing my ex couldn't get was the 1 plate bench she hit 205 squat and 225 deadlift but 135 eluded her for 3 years. Does she hit the gym with you most days?

I put her in the low 120's for a single right now. I won't have her try until I'm sure of 125. Yeah, she's got back into going 3-4 days a week again since the meet. She was interested in powerlifting at first, got her to 145x10 squat, 240x1 deadlift and 115x1 bench. She was in a bad motorcycle accident three years ago before we got together and has some pins and rods in one ankle, no feeling in one quad and a torn meniscus in one knee. She struggled with squats at first and right about the time I got her good at them the old injury flared up.

Got some MRIs and they're wanting to do surgery, which she's putting off until after we're married. Anyway, she stopped doing squat and deadlift for a long time. Just recently got back to light deadlift and squats on a hammer strength machine and so far, so good. Deadlift is around 155-185 for sets of five. Squat machine just very light. Bench is going well. She's just wanting to look better for the most part, not really PL specific anymore. I really don't know how to advise her on that, might all some ladies around here. I have been helping her with diet lately.
The three day and four day look about 85% the same in my opinion. Just split up a little different.

I put her in the low 120's for a single right now. I won't have her try until I'm sure of 125. Yeah, she's got back into going 3-4 days a week again since the meet. She was interested in powerlifting at first, got her to 145x10 squat, 240x1 deadlift and 115x1 bench. She was in a bad motorcycle accident three years ago before we got together and has some pins and rods in one ankle, no feeling in one quad and a torn meniscus in one knee. She struggled with squats at first and right about the time I got her good at them the old injury flared up.

Got some MRIs and they're wanting to do surgery, which she's putting off until after we're married. Anyway, she stopped doing squat and deadlift for a long time. Just recently got back to light deadlift and squats on a hammer strength machine and so far, so good. Deadlift is around 155-185 for sets of five. Squat machine just very light. Bench is going well. She's just wanting to look better for the most part, not really PL specific anymore. I really don't know how to advise her on that, might all some ladies around here. I have been helping her with diet lately.

Sounds like a solid plan marrying that one congratz man. Pushing the weight will make her look better and feel better and with your help on diet I'm sure she will incredibly happy with her results. But ya I'm sure tons of gals here can help you out for sure. So many ladies lately!
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Weight was 221lbs

Things weren't feeling great today, but they moved fast. +25 for weighted chin ups, 120 for lying triceps extensions and just four plates on leg press, but my knee felt great.

As far as the BPC-157 I'm doing 200mcg before and after lifting and just 200mcg once on off days. I split the injection into several sites right above my knee.

For macros I had a local pizza place last night, so no way to track that. I think we're having lunch with my girlfriend's mom, today, so if it's a chain type place I'll be able to look it up. Either way I'm not quitting and it'll be back to normal on Monday.
As far as the BPC-157 I'm doing 200mcg before and after lifting and just 200mcg once on off days. I split the injection into several sites right above my knee.

How long are you gonna run BPC-157?? I'm looking at 10mg vials. Does that sound right??
How long are you gonna run BPC-157?? I'm looking at 10mg vials. Does that sound right??

According to what I've read four weeks on, then take time off and repeat as necessary. The ones I got were 5mg.


I'll have extra if I end up needing more. It's really hard to judge effectiveness with my knee since it never really hurts until it goes out. So far so good though as I've done squats and leg press with no pain. If I have a month pain free I'd say it helps because it was getting to be about every other workout I'd have knee trouble.
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Weight was 221lbs

Terrible workout. Was actually feeling great until the first rep with 330 on squat and my knee did it's little thing. Almost had to lower the weight to the safeties, but managed to get it up. Did everything else like normal.

Not really sure what I'm going to do. I'm seriously considering taking some time off squats, 2-4 weeks maybe.
Not really sure what I'm going to do. I'm seriously considering taking some time off squats, 2-4 weeks maybe.

As much as it sucks it seems like your only option. I mean, going in and tweaking it every time you're squatting isnt doing any good, and you dont want to risk it becoming a more serious issue. Have you been to get it checked out yet?
As much as it sucks it seems like your only option. I mean, going in and tweaking it every time you're squatting isnt doing any good, and you dont want to risk it becoming a more serious issue. Have you been to get it checked out yet?

No, I just got medical insurance for the first time in my life this year and I don't even have a doctor yet. I'm hoping I can avoid getting MRIs and seeing a specialist because of cost.
I tweeked my knee last week. Since then Ive dialed back % on back squats, and focused more on variations I can do still. I dont know how bad yours is, but its worked for me so far.