Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I always prelog all my meals for 3 days into myfitnesspal so I already know how much I can eat and when otherwise if I just eat and add as I eat I'll be caloried out by like 2pm

I might try that for convenience. My eating schedule is pretty much set in stone, so no worries about eating too much. It's one of the things I'm OCD with.
those look like perfects numbers to me. id keep up with the 500C 300P 100F and see where it takes your weight. (those are actually very close to my exact macros i have a touch more protein and slightly less fat. 500-550C 320P 80-90F) and if you get stagnant in the losing weight department after a week, id pull some Fat out. Leave carbs and protein where they are at.
those look like perfects numbers to me. id keep up with the 500C 300P 100F and see where it takes your weight. (those are actually very close to my exact macros i have a touch more protein and slightly less fat. 500-550C 320P 80-90F) and if you get stagnant in the losing weight department after a week, id pull some Fat out. Leave carbs and protein where they are at.

I recently swapped some fruit I was eating with peanuts to lower by daily sugar intake. Honestly, I think I'm good on weight loss and I'm looking to recomp for the next couple months until my next blast. You think this is a good plan?
i do.
just see where your weight is at a couple times a week. if you are staying at the same weight, i would even try pulling out something like 10g of Fat anyways just to see what it does. i know a guy eatting at 350P 650C 60F right now and is really lean and is pushing big weights. ive been on a high carb lower fat diet for months now and have really liked it.

my other suggestion is to take weekly pics. same day, same time, same mirror, same everything. that will be the tell tale sign for a recomp. the changes are going to be small considering youre not blasting right now with something to hlep you along. but if you look back at 4 weeks of pics youll see changes. just stick to the diet and cardio.
2016-03-10 22.38.11.png

Another successful session. The weights are feeling heavier than I'd like, but still smooth and fast and a little strength loss is to be expected.

Weight was 223lbs
Did 120's on the first set of dumbbell press, then 100's. The bigger ones are just too hard to get into position. +25 on weighted chin ups and 155 on good mornings. Twenty minutes of cardio to finish with.

One of the singles at 395, not anything special, but I filmed it to see form anyway.

Are your wrists bent under the bar during the squat? Sorry I'm watching on my phone and can't tell. The depth and speed looks great though especially at that weight seeing as you figure 440 is your raw top squat that looks like a 440 even though you've lost 16lbs now?
Are your wrists bent under the bar during the squat? Sorry I'm watching on my phone and can't tell. The depth and speed looks great though especially at that weight seeing as you figure 440 is your raw top squat that looks like a 440 even though you've lost 16lbs now?

Thanks, was 16lbs, back up 3lbs somehow today. Yes, wrists bent way back. I lack the shoulder mobility to bring them in close enough and I hate going wide as I lose upper body tightness. This is the only way I can have them close with elbows up high to avoid elbow pain and keep upper body tightness. Probably not ideal, but it's how I've done it for quite awhile now and at my meet. Doesn't cause me any discomfort so far. Probably should work on mobility at some point anyway. Do you see some possible problem with this method?
Only possible problem it pushing up against the bar and putting a lot of strain on your wrists but if you've been doing it a while and it's working then obviously you aren't straining them. Not everybody is the same and not everyone squats the same hell Layne Norton has one of the ugliest squats in the game but holds a world record so if it works for you it's only a very minor thing anyways I'm just a technique loser lol
Only possible problem it pushing up against the bar and putting a lot of strain on your wrists but if you've been doing it a while and it's working then obviously you aren't straining them. Not everybody is the same and not everyone squats the same hell Layne Norton has one of the ugliest squats in the game but holds a world record so if it works for you it's only a very minor thing anyways I'm just a technique loser lol

It's all good. Yeah, no discomfort or lingering pain at all, even with 400-500lbs. And no elbow pain, which is awesome because that used to kill my bench.