Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

2016-02-28 21.43.48.png

Weight was 223lbs

Successful workout, no knee pain. There was never anything close to failure, but 352 felt a little heavy on squats. Guess I'm detraining a bit from all the time off. Did incline dumbbell flyes for the chest exercise and cable crunches for the abs. Too short on time for my extras, so I may start doing a little curl and side raise session at home on another day.

In other news my workout partner hit his first 275 on bench tonight. 40 years old, been training him 6-8 months now and put 100lbs on his bench. He's natty as well.

In other other news I found a bitchin' pair of sunglasses at work. Very expensive brand and so far nobody has come in to claim them, so I'm hoping I'll be rocking them permanently. If I found them on the street I'd think they were fake, but the clientele where I work makes me pretty sure they're real.

I'll be reducing calories ever so slightly. This new protein powder I got has half the calories of my old stuff and I'm just going to go with it.
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Weight was 223lbs

Successful workout, no knee pain. There was never anything close to failure, but 352 felt a little heavy on squats. Guess I'm detraining a bit from all the time off. Did incline dumbbell flyes for the chest exercise and cable crunches for the abs. Too short on time for my extras, so I may start doing a little curl and side raise session at home on another day.

In other news my workout partner hit his first 275 on bench tonight. 40 years old, been training him 6-8 months now and put 100lbs on his bench. He's natty as well.

In other other news I found a bitchin' pair of sunglasses at work. Very expensive brand and so far nobody has come in to claim them, so I'm hoping I'll be rocking them permanently. If I found them on the street I'd think they were fake, but the clientele where I work makes me pretty sure they're real.

I'll be reducing calories ever so slightly. This new protein powder I got has half the calories of my old stuff and I'm just going to go with it.

Overall, how are you feeling about the program so far? Im thinking of giving it a run myself.
Overall, how are you feeling about the program so far? Im thinking of giving it a run myself.

The knee thing has cast a dark cloud over everything lately, but the non squat work is going well. I like it for what I'm doing now, cutting on a cruise dose, but I would never run this program on cycle. With the weights and sets already chosen there's no room to take advantage of going for some AMRAPs or heavier sets. I guess you could always raise your maxes in that situation. The bright side of it is there's little chance for injury with so muchd submaximal work and after the grueling program I ran getting ready for the meet my body is feeling good besides the knee.

I guess what I'm saying is it has it's place for me, I think I'll maintain strength and heal up, but I'd want something much more aggressive on cycle.
The knee thing has cast a dark cloud over everything lately, but the non squat work is going well. I like it for what I'm doing now, cutting on a cruise dose, but I would never run this program on cycle. With the weights and sets already chosen there's no room to take advantage of going for some AMRAPs or heavier sets. I guess you could always raise your maxes in that situation. The bright side of it is there's little chance for injury with so muchd submaximal work and after the grueling program I ran getting ready for the meet my body is feeling good besides the knee.

I guess what I'm saying is it has it's place for me, I think I'll maintain strength and heal up, but I'd want something much more aggressive on cycle.

I hear ya. I guess Ill keep looking. I was looking at the other link you posted for DUP, just havent had much time to really dig into it like I like to do.
I hear ya. I guess Ill keep looking. I was looking at the other link you posted for DUP, just havent had much time to really dig into it like I like to do.

I ran the RTS Generalized Intermediate Program when I was natty and it ran me into the ground, but I think it was because I suck at judging RPE and I was hitting 9's and 10's too much. It seems like it'd be decent to run on cycle. Some of the advanced Texas Method templates by Justin Lascek look promising, too. I'm still liking how DUP worked for me the best though.
2016-02-28 21.43.19.png

Weight was 223lbs. Easy workout. Did the bench close grip and paused. 125 on lying triceps extensions, light on leg press, no knee pain. Added hammer curls and side raises. Twenty minutes of cardio.

On a personal note I've been raging since last night over my bitch ass half brother. For a little history on this my dad died two years ago with no will and his affairs in a mess. The house and his newer truck were in his mother's name and she died while I was in prison. He put things in a "trusted" nephew's name to make sure I got it all. Instead what I got was 48 hours to get out so he could sell his house and move his family into mine. Took the truck, too.

Now, my dad died from cancer due to exposure at work and had a lawsuit going. I've been in charge of that since hoping I could salvage something from this. Just found out last night my half brother is demanding 50%. Never spoken to this man in my life and he never once came to see my dad in my lifetime. I even reached out to him though a mutual acquaintance when my dad was dying and he told them he was glad and my dad was a piece of shit. Of course now he's got his hand out and the lawyer says he might not get 50%, but he'll get some. I wanted to drop the whole thing so nobody gets anything, but can't since he's part of it now.

Only stand up guy in all this was my dad's best friend, had the antique car and Harley Davidson in his name and signed it over to me no questions asked. Everyone else turned out to be snakes. Not enough that all these people have money and I'm starting from scratch in my 30's, they still want it all. No honor whatsoever.

Just needed to get that off my chest, I'm trying not to let it eat me up, but I'm full of hate right now. I know from experience it's toxic and I've got to let it go, it's hard though. Anyway, thanks for reading.
Tough situation man. What kind of car does he drive?? Where does he work?? And where does he live?? :)
That's super fucked up brother. I wish I could help somehow. Keeping that hatred isn't hurting anyone but you though, I'm sure you know that. I'm just a pm away if you ever want to blow off some steam.
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Weight was 223lbs. Easy workout. Did the bench close grip and paused. 125 on lying triceps extensions, light on leg press, no knee pain. Added hammer curls and side raises. Twenty minutes of cardio.

On a personal note I've been raging since last night over my bitch ass half brother. For a little history on this my dad died two years ago with no will and his affairs in a mess. The house and his newer truck were in his mother's name and she died while I was in prison. He put things in a "trusted" nephew's name to make sure I got it all. Instead what I got was 48 hours to get out so he could sell his house and move his family into mine. Took the truck, too.

Now, my dad died from cancer due to exposure at work and had a lawsuit going. I've been in charge of that since hoping I could salvage something from this. Just found out last night my half brother is demanding 50%. Never spoken to this man in my life and he never once came to see my dad in my lifetime. I even reached out to him though a mutual acquaintance when my dad was dying and he told them he was glad and my dad was a piece of shit. Of course now he's got his hand out and the lawyer says he might not get 50%, but he'll get some. I wanted to drop the whole thing so nobody gets anything, but can't since he's part of it now.

Only stand up guy in all this was my dad's best friend, had the antique car and Harley Davidson in his name and signed it over to me no questions asked. Everyone else turned out to be snakes. Not enough that all these people have money and I'm starting from scratch in my 30's, they still want it all. No honor whatsoever.

Just needed to get that off my chest, I'm trying not to let it eat me up, but I'm full of hate right now. I know from experience it's toxic and I've got to let it go, it's hard though. Anyway, thanks for reading.
I lost everything when I went away too man. My place, personal belongings, appliances, truck, car, everything. My friends and old lady at the time ended up being pieces of shit. I hated them. I hated them with my soul and honestly wanted to kill them. I got out got drunk and went looking for some redemption and ended up back in prison[emoji3].In the end I had to let it go man. Don't let it control you.
Handle the lawsuit as best you can and keep the rest of the snakes out of your life.
In 12 years I've made a family, bought a house, purchased some nice vehicles, and built a business. I've also found peace from my past. It's awesome to look back and see the road you've walked and hills clawed up.
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Weight was 223lbs. Easy workout. Did the bench close grip and paused. 125 on lying triceps extensions, light on leg press, no knee pain. Added hammer curls and side raises. Twenty minutes of cardio.

On a personal note I've been raging since last night over my bitch ass half brother. For a little history on this my dad died two years ago with no will and his affairs in a mess. The house and his newer truck were in his mother's name and she died while I was in prison. He put things in a "trusted" nephew's name to make sure I got it all. Instead what I got was 48 hours to get out so he could sell his house and move his family into mine. Took the truck, too.

Now, my dad died from cancer due to exposure at work and had a lawsuit going. I've been in charge of that since hoping I could salvage something from this. Just found out last night my half brother is demanding 50%. Never spoken to this man in my life and he never once came to see my dad in my lifetime. I even reached out to him though a mutual acquaintance when my dad was dying and he told them he was glad and my dad was a piece of shit. Of course now he's got his hand out and the lawyer says he might not get 50%, but he'll get some. I wanted to drop the whole thing so nobody gets anything, but can't since he's part of it now.

Only stand up guy in all this was my dad's best friend, had the antique car and Harley Davidson in his name and signed it over to me no questions asked. Everyone else turned out to be snakes. Not enough that all these people have money and I'm starting from scratch in my 30's, they still want it all. No honor whatsoever.

Just needed to get that off my chest, I'm trying not to let it eat me up, but I'm full of hate right now. I know from experience it's toxic and I've got to let it go, it's hard though. Anyway, thanks for reading.

Sorry to hear. Had something kind of similar happen when my grandfather passed. He didnt want me or my cousin to have to go through trouble when we were grieving so he left his will to be executed by a family friend. She took the opportunity to steal almost everything and the little we did get went to his funeral and lawyer costs.
Tough situation man. What kind of car does he drive?? Where does he work?? And where does he live?? :)

It's a dish best served cold if the opportunity presents itself. Not worth dwelling on now though.

That's super fucked up brother. I wish I could help somehow. Keeping that hatred isn't hurting anyone but you though, I'm sure you know that. I'm just a pm away if you ever want to blow off some steam.

Thanks, brother. I know that very well from experience. Eats you up inside and only hurts you. I appreciate the offer, too. I won't hesitate to hit you up if I need to.

I lost everything when I went away too man. My place, personal belongings, appliances, truck, car, everything. My friends and old lady at the time ended up being pieces of shit. I hated them. I hated them with my soul and honestly wanted to kill them. I got out got drunk and went looking for some redemption and ended up back in prison[emoji3].In the end I had to let it go man. Don't let it control you.
Handle the lawsuit as best you can and keep the rest of the snakes out of your life.
In 12 years I've made a family, bought a house, purchased some nice vehicles, and built a business. I've also found peace from my past. It's awesome to look back and see the road you've walked and hills clawed up.

I know, brother. Gotta let it go and move forward. I've been so low in my lIfe this is nothing. All in all my life is better than it's ever been. It's just money I never had, there will be more, it's just fresh and still upsetting.

Sorry to hear. Had something kind of similar happen when my grandfather passed. He didnt want me or my cousin to have to go through trouble when we were grieving so he left his will to be executed by a family friend. She took the opportunity to steal almost everything and the little we did get went to his funeral and lawyer costs.

Crazy how family turns out to be snakes in the grass. I couldn't live with myself.
On a personal note I've been raging since last night over my bitch ass half brother. For a little history on this my dad died two years ago with no will and his affairs in a mess. The house and his newer truck were in his mother's name and she died while I was in prison. He put things in a "trusted" nephew's name to make sure I got it all. Instead what I got was 48 hours to get out so he could sell his house and move his family into mine. Took the truck, too.

Now, my dad died from cancer due to exposure at work and had a lawsuit going. I've been in charge of that since hoping I could salvage something from this. Just found out last night my half brother is demanding 50%. Never spoken to this man in my life and he never once came to see my dad in my lifetime. I even reached out to him though a mutual acquaintance when my dad was dying and he told them he was glad and my dad was a piece of shit. Of course now he's got his hand out and the lawyer says he might not get 50%, but he'll get some. I wanted to drop the whole thing so nobody gets anything, but can't since he's part of it now.

Only stand up guy in all this was my dad's best friend, had the antique car and Harley Davidson in his name and signed it over to me no questions asked. Everyone else turned out to be snakes. Not enough that all these people have money and I'm starting from scratch in my 30's, they still want it all. No honor whatsoever.

Just needed to get that off my chest, I'm trying not to let it eat me up, but I'm full of hate right now. I know from experience it's toxic and I've got to let it go, it's hard though. Anyway, thanks for reading.

Thats a rough situation and I went through something similar with my grandma. My dad and step mom took care of my Grandma after my Uncle stole essentially her life savings from her. my grandma moved back out west after my grandfather died, because that was where she was from and had family out there. My uncle took everything from her essentially. my dad and step mom flew her back, added an inlaw suite to their house. did not charge her for anything other than monthly food expenses. drove her everywhere she needed to go for years on end. and when my grandma passed away the family was in outrage that she left a bunch of stuff to us and that she didnt have more money. accused my step mom, who is one of the kindest gentlest souls ive ever met, of stealing money from her. this was YEARS back and none of the familyt speaks to us still. occasionally my aunt will call.

on a more recent note, my exes Grandma is in hospice and dying. her parents have paid for her to live in a nursing home and for hospice out of their own pockets, using very little of the grandmas own money. but the rest of the family doesnt contribute and hardly ever come to see her. while my ex and her parents are there every week, often times multiple times a week. her Aunts just stole a bunch of jewlery out of the grandmas jewlery cabinet that was supposed to go to my exes Mother.

moral of the story, Greed and envy knows no boundaries and will consume you. Be glad you have a moral upstanding and are able to recognize these things. Use this negativity in the gym. its my outlet for sure. you know as well as i do, resentments are something that will eat you alive and put you in places you dont want to be back in. if you need ANYTHING at all, PM me.
Thats a rough situation and I went through something similar with my grandma. My dad and step mom took care of my Grandma after my Uncle stole essentially her life savings from her. my grandma moved back out west after my grandfather died, because that was where she was from and had family out there. My uncle took everything from her essentially. my dad and step mom flew her back, added an inlaw suite to their house. did not charge her for anything other than monthly food expenses. drove her everywhere she needed to go for years on end. and when my grandma passed away the family was in outrage that she left a bunch of stuff to us and that she didnt have more money. accused my step mom, who is one of the kindest gentlest souls ive ever met, of stealing money from her. this was YEARS back and none of the familyt speaks to us still. occasionally my aunt will call.

on a more recent note, my exes Grandma is in hospice and dying. her parents have paid for her to live in a nursing home and for hospice out of their own pockets, using very little of the grandmas own money. but the rest of the family doesnt contribute and hardly ever come to see her. while my ex and her parents are there every week, often times multiple times a week. her Aunts just stole a bunch of jewlery out of the grandmas jewlery cabinet that was supposed to go to my exes Mother.

moral of the story, Greed and envy knows no boundaries and will consume you. Be glad you have a moral upstanding and are able to recognize these things. Use this negativity in the gym. its my outlet for sure. you know as well as i do, resentments are something that will eat you alive and put you in places you dont want to be back in. if you need ANYTHING at all, PM me.

Thank you, much appreciated. My mom is going through it with her sister right now, too. Before my grandpa died he built a new house with my grandma and sold his old place to his daughter and her husband just on a spoken contract that they pay each month. As soon as he died they started being shady on it. At first they offered to mow the yard once a week for the payment. The house is right next door and the yard is small, too. Then my mom's sister said she'd buy groceries for my grandma, but once she got into it with my mom she started literally buying nothing but Whoppers candy and soda with the entire payment every month. My grandma isn't supposed to have either and she has advanced dementia so she doesn't know any better. For awhile the cabinets were overflowing with these two items. My mom got so pissed once she dumped all of it out and threw it away. My aunt is in her 50's, so strong maturity and spitefulness on her part for hurting her own mother to get at my mom. So now they don't pay anything and even though they live next door and she doesn't work she won't help take care of my grandma. She proposed some ridiculous deal at one point that she would help for like $6k a month for a few years and would just take my grandma's new house as payment.

Crazy how these people behave for real. I'll admit I've done some rotten things in my addiction, but none of them have ever even touched any drugs. I can't imagine doing those things with a clear mind. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Honestly I expected this from the half brother. I don't know him, but I've always heard he was no good. Used to be an officer at the jail and also had his own karate dojo and it was well-known he brutalized inmates at the jail and never got into trouble over it. Wasn't really surprised by my cousin either, wasn't exactly expecting it, not surprised though.

I'm already in the process of letting this go. It'll play out however it's going to and that's how it's going to be. I'll be the better person here. I've never been part of AA, but the serenity prayer is something I try to live by. There was a rehab saying something like, "your level of contentment is directly proportional to your level of acceptance" and another part I don't remember, but it's usually true as well. I spent a lot of time in my addiction dwelling on anger and hate and it absolutely eats you up and makes you physically sick. I learned to let all that go in prison for the sake of my sanity and I found peace there for the first time in my life. As peaceful as you can be in prison anyway, but you get the point. I think we've been through a lot of the same things, brother, and look at life in very similar ways. Again I appreciate you taking the time to say all that and I won't hesitate to take you up on the offer if I ever need to.
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Weight was 223lbs. Easy workout. Did the bench close grip and paused. 125 on lying triceps extensions, light on leg press, no knee pain. Added hammer curls and side raises. Twenty minutes of cardio.

On a personal note I've been raging since last night over my bitch ass half brother. For a little history on this my dad died two years ago with no will and his affairs in a mess. The house and his newer truck were in his mother's name and she died while I was in prison. He put things in a "trusted" nephew's name to make sure I got it all. Instead what I got was 48 hours to get out so he could sell his house and move his family into mine. Took the truck, too.

Now, my dad died from cancer due to exposure at work and had a lawsuit going. I've been in charge of that since hoping I could salvage something from this. Just found out last night my half brother is demanding 50%. Never spoken to this man in my life and he never once came to see my dad in my lifetime. I even reached out to him though a mutual acquaintance when my dad was dying and he told them he was glad and my dad was a piece of shit. Of course now he's got his hand out and the lawyer says he might not get 50%, but he'll get some. I wanted to drop the whole thing so nobody gets anything, but can't since he's part of it now.

Only stand up guy in all this was my dad's best friend, had the antique car and Harley Davidson in his name and signed it over to me no questions asked. Everyone else turned out to be snakes. Not enough that all these people have money and I'm starting from scratch in my 30's, they still want it all. No honor whatsoever.

Just needed to get that off my chest, I'm trying not to let it eat me up, but I'm full of hate right now. I know from experience it's toxic and I've got to let it go, it's hard though. Anyway, thanks for reading.
Two words: Lawyer up.

Your half brother may or may not have a valid claim so let a court decide that. Get a lawyer to help you get this resolved.
Two words: Lawyer up.

Your half brother may or may not have a valid claim so let a court decide that. Get a lawyer to help you get this resolved.

I've got one already, but he says I'll need to hire another one and take it before a judge. I hope they'll do the right thing once all the facts are presented. I was the one that was there through the whole cancer thing, he never so much as visited or came to the funeral. On the other hand I have very little faith in our court system to do the right thing, so only time will tell.
There was a rehab saying something like, "your level of contentment is directly proportional to your level of acceptance" and another part I don't remember, but it's usually true as well. I spent a lot of time in my addiction dwelling on anger and hate and it absolutely eats you up and makes you physically sick. I learned to let all that go in prison for the sake of my sanity and I found peace there for the first time in my life. As peaceful as you can be in prison anyway, but you get the point. I think we've been through a lot of the same things, brother, and look at life in very similar ways. Again I appreciate you taking the time to say all that and I won't hesitate to take you up on the offer if I ever need to.

not sure of the second half of the saying, as you will hear things regionally alot. but something that goes right along with that is My level of peace and serenity is directly proportionate to my level of expectation. when i expect people to act a certain way, when i expect people to live morally correct, when i expect anything in life to happen the way I think it should happen, and it doesnt? I get anger and upset. It sucks, but i dont expect anyone to do anything for me or when they do, how i want it to be done. but as a result i get to live a happy life.
not sure of the second half of the saying, as you will hear things regionally alot. but something that goes right along with that is My level of peace and serenity is directly proportionate to my level of expectation. when i expect people to act a certain way, when i expect people to live morally correct, when i expect anything in life to happen the way I think it should happen, and it doesnt? I get anger and upset. It sucks, but i dont expect anyone to do anything for me or when they do, how i want it to be done. but as a result i get to live a happy life.

Yeah, the one I heard was a little different but the same. Seems like maybe it was "your level of contentment is directly proportional to your level of acceptance and inversely proportional to your level of expectation." Definitely along those lines and true for sure. My girlfriend struggles with this kind of thinking and causes her a lot of stress she doesn't need. She's not an addict though and has never even really been exposed to anyone that was.

I'm not a religious person at all, but there's a series of books called Conversations with God that have some philosophical ideas that are pretty relevant to recovery. I've only read the first one, but it's good. If you ever have a minute search for Neale Donald Walsch quotes on Google. He's the author and you'll see what I mean.
2016-02-28 21.42.32.png

Weight was 221lbs.

No knee pain, so that's another win. I can tell my squat strength is way down though. That could be just as much a result of the weight cut. Oddly enough my squat goes down much more than my bench when I cut. Another thing I've noticed is I think I'd been breaking at the knee for squats and lately I've focused on breaking at the hip. Hopefully it helps.

Did 30's and 35's for incline flyes, 120-130 for lying triceps extensions, 120 for cable crunches. Twenty minutes on the bicycle for almost six miles.

I have to confess I've eaten pizza five times in the last week, I've been careful to keep calories in a deficit and it seems I'm still losing weight anyway.
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Weight was 221lbs.

No knee pain, so that's another win. I can tell my squat strength is way down though. That could be just as much a result of the weight cut. Oddly enough my squat goes down much more than my bench when I cut. Another thing I've noticed is I think I'd been breaking at the knee for squats and lately I've focused on breaking at the hip. Hopefully it helps.

Did 30's and 35's for incline flyes, 120-130 for lying triceps extensions, 120 for cable crunches. Twenty minutes on the bicycle for almost six miles.

I have to confess I've eaten pizza five times in the last week, I've been careful to keep calories in a deficit and it seems I'm still losing weight anyway.

Losing weight = calories in < calories out doesn't matter what you eat could be straight butter as long as it's less then you expend you'll lose weight. Wish I was big enough to eat pizza on a cut lol.

Glad to hear the knee is seeming to do alright, hopefully it's not just giving you a false sense of security though hate when injuries do that.
Losing weight = calories in < calories out doesn't matter what you eat could be straight butter as long as it's less then you expend you'll lose weight. Wish I was big enough to eat pizza on a cut lol.

Glad to hear the knee is seeming to do alright, hopefully it's not just giving you a false sense of security though hate when injuries do that.

Yeah, I don't feel as well eating that much pizza though. I've not been actively tracking calories like I should, but my educated guess is I'm around 3800 currently. Not sure that I'm willing to lose too much more, feeling small and I worry my squat will suffer too much.