Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

2016-03-01 17.48.21.png

Knee gave out first set, second rep of squats. Crushed the rest of the workout. I guess I'll take a week off squats. Chains on bench were 54lbs. Rack was taken so I clean and pressed 135 to do the good mornings. Lying triceps extensions with plates on the EZ curl. Added side raises and hammer curls. Twenty minutes of cardio. Weight was 224lbs.
2016-02-28 21.45.08.png

Another easy session. Used 110's, 120's and 100's for incline dumbbell for the chest exercise and 45lbs for the hyperextensions. Added some shrugs and face pulls to the end. Did the shrugs one side at a time on the Smith machine, before you lol try it out, I used to do these often and they feel pretty good. Only acceptable use for the Smith machine in my opinion. Twenty minutes of cardio at the end.

Weight was 224lbs. I'm going to go ahead and try to stick right around here for awhile, I feel like I was losing too fast there for awhile. I'll slowly reduce again in a few weeks.
Are you doing a 3 day split? I'm thinking about starting sheiko 29 and didn't know if that's what most people do. I seen they got an app now for sheiko. It's 12.99 in the I phone store. I'm thinking about buying it so I have something to keep track of everything easily.
Are you doing a 3 day split? I'm thinking about starting sheiko 29 and didn't know if that's what most people do. I seen they got an app now for sheiko. It's 12.99 in the I phone store. I'm thinking about buying it so I have something to keep track of everything easily.

I'm running the Sheiko four day split. I got the spreadsheet here.


I didn't like the idea of only training three days as I've gotten more used to four days.
Thanks for the help. Probably won't start for another month bc I'm taking a week off for my wife's surgery, but when I do, this will definitely help.
2016-03-05 12.34.26.png

Weight is 224lbs

Did this workout kind of backwards because the benches were taken at first. +35 on the weighted chin ups and 35's and 40's on the hammer curls. Added in side raises at the end. Twenty minutes of cardio to finish. Also did the bench close grip and paused just because.

In other news that guy at my gym that's always telling stories is now saying he's both squatting and deadlifting 645lbs. I'm surprised he's not at The Arnold right now, lol. Also says he never trains at less than 90% of 1RM ever, day after day, maxes weekly.
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2016-02-28 21.44.25.png

Weight still 224lbs

Did the deficit deadlifts beltless and hook grip aka ravager of thumbs. RPE on these was too low to call, RPTP (rate of perceived thumb pain) was about 9 though. Incline I used 235. Lying triceps extensions with 120 and 45 on the hypers. Nothing extra because I was running late today. Twenty minutes of cardio as usual. The deadlift off boxes felt good, pretty much the first deads I've done on Sheiko so far that didn't feel like warm-up weight. I recorded some sets, but nothing really worthy of being uploaded.
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Weight still 224lbs

Did the deficit deadlifts beltless and hook grip aka ravager of thumbs. RPE on these was too low to call, RPTP (rate of perceived thumb pain) was about 9 though. Incline I used 235. Lying triceps extensions with 120 and 45 on the hypers. Nothing extra because I was running late today. Twenty minutes of cardio as usual. The deadlift off boxes felt good, pretty much the first deads I've done on Sheiko so far that didn't feel like warm-up weight. I recorded some sets, but nothing really worthy of being uploaded.

Man I've been going double overhand until 355 then go hook grip until 455 then switch grip gotta say deadlifts feel easier when all you can think about is the RPTP being 11/10 lol.
Man I've been going double overhand until 355 then go hook grip until 455 then switch grip gotta say deadlifts feel easier when all you can think about is the RPTP being 11/10 lol.

I don't think I've even went that heavy with hook grip, the thumb pain is killer. You ever tried it with tape? I never have, but I've heard it mentioned on the Starting Strength forums.
I don't think I've even went that heavy with hook grip, the thumb pain is killer. You ever tried it with tape? I never have, but I've heard it mentioned on the Starting Strength forums.
Ya I've used tape a bunch of times doing hook grip it helps grab better and prevents the thumb ripping open but pain is defininetly still there. It's like high bar squats though eventually the pain eases as your thumbs nerve endings get destroyed
Ya I've used tape a bunch of times doing hook grip it helps grab better and prevents the thumb ripping open but pain is defininetly still there. It's like high bar squats though eventually the pain eases as your thumbs nerve endings get destroyed

I'll have to try that eventually. Who needs nerve endings in the thumbs anyway?