Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

If you are blasting and cruising I think deca is better as you don't have to worry about poor recovery. NPP is better if you need it in and out but other then that I think it's unnecessary pinning when you are on TRT as the side effects of deca aren't something that your like "oh crap I need this outa me now" like tren insomnia is kinda thing.

I'd considered NPP just in case I wanted it out quick, but I haven't found anything on deca causing any sides like tren insomnia or EQ anxiety. Should be all good. I'm still thinking about whether to run dbol again or not. I'm getting some extensive bloods this week or next and I'll see how I'm looking heath wise before making that call. Specifically liver values.
Hate to hear about the knee brother. Hope everything is back to normal by the weekend. Gotta keep you healthy though I need to be able to compare results. As far as cycle goes if your still on the low side of cycles I think the 600 test and around 400 Deca will work. I think anavar would be a waste at first if anything save for the end of your trying to use it. I got a nice little strength boost out of it.
Hate to hear about the knee brother. Hope everything is back to normal by the weekend. Gotta keep you healthy though I need to be able to compare results. As far as cycle goes if your still on the low side of cycles I think the 600 test and around 400 Deca will work. I think anavar would be a waste at first if anything save for the end of your trying to use it. I got a nice little strength boost out of it.

I know, I hate it. It's been a continuing thing, but the last six months it's been worse than ever. 600/400 it is. I'm going to start getting things together before long.
Benefits of having a restaurant in the same building where you work.


They have buffets and I can get free leftovers. Five apricot glazed chicken breasts, some turkey and rice. Looks like my post workout meals for the weekend are taken care of.
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Crushed this workout easily. First time using chains, the ones at my gym are 27lbs each, 54lbs total. I liked how if felt, kind of forces the bar to stay on track. Did weighted chin ups with 25lbs for lats and cable crunches for abs. The usual twenty minutes of cardio after.

Weight was 225lbs

Nothing else to report except I could feel an ache in my knee today at work. Still worried about that.
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Crushed this workout easily. First time using chains, the ones at my gym are 27lbs each, 54lbs total. I liked how if felt, kind of forces the bar to stay on track. Did weighted chin ups with 25lbs for lats and cable crunches for abs. The usual twenty minutes of cardio after.

Weight was 225lbs

Nothing else to report except I could feel an ache in my knee today at work. Still worried about that.

Weights dropping nicely eh bud. Hopefully that knee feels better soon. Every look into some KT tape to help it recover I always tape up my joints if they hurt and speeds up the healing process I'm sure. Plus KT has an idiot proof how to guide on their website for all kinds of pain
Weights dropping nicely eh bud. Hopefully that knee feels better soon. Every look into some KT tape to help it recover I always tape up my joints if they hurt and speeds up the healing process I'm sure. Plus KT has an idiot proof how to guide on their website for all kinds of pain

You mean like tape it up all day at work?
Thanks. Looks like 600/400 is the way to go and I agree on keeping doses low for as long as possible. I really want to get the most out of every cycle. Another reason I'm saving tren until down the road. Do you prefer NPP to deca? I've looked into both and in the end it was just cost that made me go with deca.

Yeah, keep me posted on how the injury feels. Pharma GH is well out of my price range for now, I'd have to go with a generic if I ran it. I appreciate the input.
No i dont prefer NPP to deca i love deca, i used NPP cause i had it and wanted a fast acting effect without the long wait for it to clear my system when i came off. Deca takes a good 3-4 weeks to clear before you can start pct.
Ya take your morning shower then put the tape on usually last 2-3 days on and helps the body heal better and recover. Google KT tape and check out their website it's great stuff

I shower after work since I get pretty dirty at my job, but I get the idea. Any opinion on glucosamine chondroitin? I just bought some to see if it helps even though I don't have a ton of faith in supplements.
I shower after work since I get pretty dirty at my job, but I get the idea. Any opinion on glucosamine chondroitin? I just bought some to see if it helps even though I don't have a ton of faith in supplements.
I take glucosamine and msm for joints cause my knees are crap and squeak sometimes. I don't know if it truly works but I " think " I feel a difference when I quit taking it for weeks at a time.
I use glucosamine everyday because it's cheap and if it does what it claims then great and if not oh well 30bucks worth lasts me like 3 months.
Just got some bloods drawn a few minutes ago. I'm trying to see where I'm at on everything, so I'll post it when I get the results.

Gotta love the convenience of picking them out and paying for them on your phone at work in the morning, sending an email saying you don't have a printer and they need to fax the order, then stopping on your way home from work. In and out in five minutes and results sent via email.
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Crushed every rep easily. No knee pain at all today, but the thought was in my mind every rep. Added some hammer curls and face pulls to the end. I'll come up with a way to run my accessories at the end.

Weight was bouncing between 224-225lbs this morning.

I guess since I'm cutting I should include pics for progress and for holding me accountable to seeing this through.

All taken this morning before breakfast.

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Obviously got a ways to go. I don't really have a weight goal in mind, just want to lose the lower belly fat. I'm still planning on competing in the 242's. Just need to lean up some and grow back into it.
Do you have a certain amount of weight in mind that you want to lose?

Nah, just lean up a bit and not lose much strength before next cycle. I just want to look a little better is all. Big numbers on squat, bench and deadlift is still the ultimate goal, this is just a side quest so to speak. I've been inspired by guys like Rob hitting the big numbers while maintaining aesthetics.
Nah, just lean up a bit and not lose much strength before next cycle. I just want to look a little better is all. Big numbers on squat, bench and deadlift is still the ultimate goal, this is just a side quest so to speak. I've been inspired by guys like Rob hitting the big numbers while maintaining aesthetics.

We're in the same boat. My last blast I got strong as hell, but put on too much roundness in my face and belly. I want to maintain strength but lean out too.

It doesnt help that @ROB581211, @RodgerThat, and @Masters Power hang around here flaunting themselves making me feel bad.

The one good thing that came when I had my hospital visit and lost weight was it happened quickly so I could start building myself back up. But I have been thinking of finally trying some tren as ive heard its good for keeping lean (or recomping), and building strength.
We're in the same boat. My last blast I got strong as hell, but put on too much roundness in my face and belly. I want to maintain strength but lean out too.

It doesnt help that @ROB581211, @RodgerThat, and @Masters Power hang around here flaunting themselves making me feel bad.

The one good thing that came when I had my hospital visit and lost weight was it happened quickly so I could start building myself back up. But I have been thinking of finally trying some tren as ive heard its good for keeping lean (or recomping), and building strength.

I know, I've seen recent pictures of me and my face looks kind of fat. Doesn't help with those guys looking all lean and aesthetic while still lifting heavy. I'm glad I joined here though, huge motivation all around here.

I'm still holding off a few cycles before trying tren, too.