Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

370 paused has been my best. I'm using 350 for my Sheiko max to account for the cutting.
Nice. Mine is 305 but I'm sure with a decent spotter I could hit more. My wife spots me sometimes and honestly it's a huge pain. I typically lose my set up because I have to lift off 90% of the weight lol.
Just got caught up on some of your posts here. I wouldn't go to conservative on your maxes. I definitely would plug at minimum whatever you hit in your meet. I went way to conservative on bench and had to up it and I feel I could have been even stronger starting with it. I think I could have put a higher squat too. Just didn't know how my back would hold up. Now I wish I would have been at least another 20 if not more higher.
Just got caught up on some of your posts here. I wouldn't go to conservative on your maxes. I definitely would plug at minimum whatever you hit in your meet. I went way to conservative on bench and had to up it and I feel I could have been even stronger starting with it. I think I could have put a higher squat too. Just didn't know how my back would hold up. Now I wish I would have been at least another 20 if not more higher.

I've looked through the routine using my meet maxes and it's 100% doable as far as the day to day work. My concern with using them is the two singles at 100% in week eight. Keep in mind I've switched back to conventional deadlift recently, I don't know 100% what my 1RM raw squat is and I'm in a calorie deficit and only on a cruise dose. I'm just knocking off 15 on dead and 20 on bench. Squat I'm just estimating. I just really don't want to miss lifts.
I've looked through the routine using my meet maxes and it's 100% doable as far as the day to day work. My concern with using them is the two singles at 100% in week eight. Keep in mind I've switched back to conventional deadlift recently, I don't know 100% what my 1RM raw squat is and I'm in a calorie deficit and only on a cruise dose. I'm just knocking off 15 on dead and 20 on bench. Squat I'm just estimating. I just really don't want to miss lifts.
It's always easier to up it if needed then miss reps and have to lower it
It's always easier to up it if needed then miss reps and have to lower it

Yeah, it is. I don't think I'd miss any of the regular reps, it's just the singles that worry me. Any squat without wraps over 405 and any conventional deadlift over 555 will be PRs since I hit my meet PRs with wraps and sumo. Bench I'll be happy to stay over 350 until next cycle. But yeah, if it's too easy I'll up things.
The day has arrived...

Sheiko Universal Four Day Split
Preparatory Cycle Week One Day One

2016-02-23 17.38.21.png

I was crushing the squats easily and my knee gave out first rep of the fourth set. Same knee, same symptoms, no pain and no warning. Was wearing my sleeves, too. I crushed the bench easily. Did incline dumbbell flyes with 30's and good mornings with 155. The usual twenty minutes of cardio after.

Weight was 226, so it's continuing to melt off at least. I've been slacking on tracking calories since the weekend, but going to try to get back on that.

The guy that's always bragging about his half squats was telling someone he hit 625x2 and felt something tear, so he just started repping out 500. Then did 405x25 and should have recorded it, but didn't. Got a world class 198 lifter at my gym, lol. :rolleyes:
The day has arrived...

Sheiko Universal Four Day Split
Preparatory Cycle Week One Day One

View attachment 35948

I was crushing the squats easily and my knee gave out first rep of the fourth set. Same knee, same symptoms, no pain and no warning. Was wearing my sleeves, too. I crushed the bench easily. Did incline dumbbell flyes with 30's and good mornings with 155. The usual twenty minutes of cardio after.

Weight was 226, so it's continuing to melt off at least. I've been slacking on tracking calories since the weekend, but going to try to get back on that.

The guy that's always bragging about his half squats was telling someone he hit 625x2 and felt something tear, so he just started repping out 500. Then did 405x25 and should have recorded it, but didn't. Got a world class 198 lifter at my gym, lol. :rolleyes:

To bad to hear about your knee do you think it's gonna be something you got to take time off for again?
The day has arrived...

Sheiko Universal Four Day Split
Preparatory Cycle Week One Day One

View attachment 35948

I was crushing the squats easily and my knee gave out first rep of the fourth set. Same knee, same symptoms, no pain and no warning. Was wearing my sleeves, too. I crushed the bench easily. Did incline dumbbell flyes with 30's and good mornings with 155. The usual twenty minutes of cardio after.

Weight was 226, so it's continuing to melt off at least. I've been slacking on tracking calories since the weekend, but going to try to get back on that.

The guy that's always bragging about his half squats was telling someone he hit 625x2 and felt something tear, so he just started repping out 500. Then did 405x25 and should have recorded it, but didn't. Got a world class 198 lifter at my gym, lol. :rolleyes:
Interesting knee injury, no pain and it just gave out. Gotta be something that maybe@Doc187123 might know about, he seems to be a walking library of info.
And the half squat dude, seems every gym has at least one of these guys. We had a guy that would load 9 plates on the bar inside the squat rack but set up to bench. He would spend 20 min going through this fucking ritual of trying to get the bar perfectly centered, crawl under it , then back out at least 5-10 times. Then when everything was just right he would put his weight belt on and pull his shirt over his head from the front. Now this guy didnt look like he ever stepped foot in a gym, fat but skinny if you get me. Anyway he would get back under the bar and press for about 2 seconds then get out and strut around like he just did something special. Of course the bar didnt move at all cause he couldn't actually even press 225 for real.
I was gonna record him and post it for everyone to enjoy but they booted him cause he bent two bars doing this.
And dont even get me started on the screamer[emoji33]
Interesting knee injury, no pain and it just gave out. Gotta be something that maybe@Doc187123 might know about, he seems to be a walking library of info.
And the half squat dude, seems every gym has at least one of these guys. We had a guy that would load 9 plates on the bar inside the squat rack but set up to bench. He would spend 20 min going through this fucking ritual of trying to get the bar perfectly centered, crawl under it , then back out at least 5-10 times. Then when everything was just right he would put his weight belt on and pull his shirt over his head from the front. Now this guy didnt look like he ever stepped foot in a gym, fat but skinny if you get me. Anyway he would get back under the bar and press for about 2 seconds then get out and strut around like he just did something special. Of course the bar didnt move at all cause he couldn't actually even press 225 for real.
I was gonna record him and post it for everyone to enjoy but they booted him cause he bent two bars doing this.
And dont even get me started on the screamer[emoji33]

I've been having problems with the same knee for a few years now. It just suddenly gets a sharp pain and gives out and I take a few days to a few weeks and it's good. May not happen again for weeks, months or even a year. I don't get it at all.

Oh this dude is a screamer, too. He's all in one. He claims to be a bodybuilder, too. I think he's legit delusional to be honest.
This is to any of you guys that follow along, I thought I'd get your opinion here rather than start a thread. You all know me a little and what I'm trying to accomplish and I value your opinions.

Anyway, this is regarding my second cycle I'd like to begin in May. The goal is strength and I'd like to go sixteen weeks again. I've decided to run test and deca, I'm just a little unclear on the dosage as I've run across a lot of opinions on ratios. Seems around 350-400mg/week of deca is recommended and that test should be higher than deca. Should I just run test at 500mg/week again or raise it to 700-800 to be twice the deca?

I'll have plenty of AI on hand of course. From what I've read on here prolactin shouldn't be an issue if e2 is kept in check, but to be prepared should I get caber just in case? Just in case of the dreaded "deca dick" I'll pick up some liquid Cialis. Should I acquire Proviron as well for the same reason?

I wasn't really planning to run an oral, but now I'm considering Anavar because of the possible healing properties. Could this have any benefit on my knee and maybe the other little aches and pains that come and go? 40-60mg/day as a kickstarter or waste of time and money?

I did pick up some glucosamine chondroitin today to see if it helps any. Peptides or generic GH worth considering for healing/recovery? Starting soon and continuing into the cycle?

I've acquired about eight months of blood pressure meds to have on hand as well. This particular one, Losartan, has some studies that suggest it might have a slight lowering effect on RBC and hematocrit. I'm not counting on that, but would be helpful since I can't donate and self phlebotomy is unpleasant. I will be doing it as necessary though as apparently deca raises RBCs a lot.

I might not be competing again until next year, so I'm not 100% on what kind of routine I'll be running yet. I'll be getting all that figured out in the months to come.
I wouldn't bother with anavar as the healing effects will be unnoticed in my opinion the deca is what's gonna make you feel good and cushion your joints and aid in aches and pain removal (via masking it not actually fixing) I think
400 deca and 600 test would work well for your goals and if you are bulking up on this cycle dbol for 4 weeks during a peaking point would be nice for strength and size. I wouldn't worry about caber or
Proviron they both are expensive and useless if you get your bloods taken and control e2 properly. GH would be the only thing that I've looked into thoroughly that truly helps fix injuries and strengthens at the same time, but GH is a cost to benifit with me and unless you are in a finical situation were you have the extra money and you don't care about price tag then I think it costs too much for the average person.
I wouldn't bother with anavar as the healing effects will be unnoticed in my opinion the deca is what's gonna make you feel good and cushion your joints and aid in aches and pain removal (via masking it not actually fixing) I think
400 deca and 600 test would work well for your goals and if you are bulking up on this cycle dbol for 4 weeks during a peaking point would be nice for strength and size. I wouldn't worry about caber or
Proviron they both are expensive and useless if you get your bloods taken and control e2 properly. GH would be the only thing that I've looked into thoroughly that truly helps fix injuries and strengthens at the same time, but GH is a cost to benifit with me and unless you are in a finical situation were you have the extra money and you don't care about price tag then I think it costs too much for the average person.

Thanks for chiming in here, the advice is appreciated. 400/600 sounds good. I still have dbol left, only 3-4 weeks worth though. Getting bloods won't be a problem, especially with saving money on doing without some of those.

I'd been researching GH anyway, but it'll depend how the knee does in the near future if I decide to run it. I'm not exactly made of money, but I'm getting my tax return and I have more than enough put away for a six month run of it. If it means the difference between squatting and not I'll consider it worth it. I've looked at some of the peptides and the price is pretty high on those for the mechano growth factor and the like.
I like the 400 deca 600 test should be great, im not a high dose guy so these numbers are perfect IMO others may disagree but ive had fantastic results on 200/200. The deca will work magic on injuries. I ran NPP at 100mg 3x a week and at about week 3 was 100% pain free in my shoulders for the first time in years. Never had deca dick and ive ran several deca only cycles. As rogerthat said keep your e2 in check with an ai and you shouldnt have any problems with prolactin.
I say save the higher doses for when you no longer get great results with these numbers and youll be glad you didnt jump right to the high doses.
Im almost 3 months in on my first GH run and im noticing fat loss and i feel great also skin is looking pretty good too. Injuries still there but ill let you know if and when that changes as im gonna probably do a 7-8 month run. And im using pharm grade.
I like the 400 deca 600 test should be great, im not a high dose guy so these numbers are perfect IMO others may disagree but ive had fantastic results on 200/200. The deca will work magic on injuries. I ran NPP at 100mg 3x a week and at about week 3 was 100% pain free in my shoulders for the first time in years. Never had deca dick and ive ran several deca only cycles. As rogerthat said keep your e2 in check with an ai and you shouldnt have any problems with prolactin.
I say save the higher doses for when you no longer get great results with these numbers and youll be glad you didnt jump right to the high doses.
Im almost 3 months in on my first GH run and im noticing fat loss and i feel great also skin is looking pretty good too. Injuries still there but ill let you know if and when that changes as im gonna probably do a 7-8 month run. And im using pharm grade.

Thanks. Looks like 600/400 is the way to go and I agree on keeping doses low for as long as possible. I really want to get the most out of every cycle. Another reason I'm saving tren until down the road. Do you prefer NPP to deca? I've looked into both and in the end it was just cost that made me go with deca.

Yeah, keep me posted on how the injury feels. Pharma GH is well out of my price range for now, I'd have to go with a generic if I ran it. I appreciate the input.
If you are blasting and cruising I think deca is better as you don't have to worry about poor recovery. NPP is better if you need it in and out but other then that I think it's unnecessary pinning when you are on TRT as the side effects of deca aren't something that your like "oh crap I need this outa me now" like tren insomnia is kinda thing.