Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

You kill it man ; those calluses are proof of that . 460x10,475x10 pulls.
Damn impressive video :cool:

Thank you, sir. The vid was just 460x10, but 475x10 is the goal this Saturday. May just film it, too.

A lot won't agree with me on the high rep deadlifts, but running sets of 8-10 sometimes absolutely makes my deadlift go up.
Thank you, sir. The vid was just 460x10, but 475x10 is the goal this Saturday. May just film it, too.

A lot won't agree with me on the high rep deadlifts, but running sets of 8-10 sometimes absolutely makes my deadlift go up.

I believe in high rep DLs...if we're counting 5 as high reps.

I may give it a shot though. Im pretty obsessed with DL #s these days
I believe in high rep DLs...if we're counting 5 as high reps.

I may give it a shot though. Im pretty obsessed with DL #s these days

I like to hit 10's beltless and progress what I can for a few weeks and then reintroduce the belt and progress a little further and then drop back to normal reps and start hitting PRs. That's how I got over 500 initially, I was stuck around 460 for awhile. It helped get me from mid 500's to 600, too.
I'm anal about the training and nutrition and I want to be about sleep, but it's hard with life stuff. I almost have to drag my girlfriend to bed, she likes to stay up till 11 or so. She makes her daughters go to bed at 9 and likes to knit, get on Facebook and watch her shows, have personal time, whatever. I'd go to bed at 9 every night on my own.

I'm also a really light sleeper, I fall asleep quick, but wake up often and easily. I have trouble falling asleep with any noise, light or people up and around near me. Like I said, I get up before 6am and staying up much past 10pm really kicks my ass if done too many days in a row. I'd love to get 8-9 hours a night.
If you don't currently have one, I highly suggest getting a nice big box fan. I've had one most of my life and it makes a very noticable difference in sleep quality for me. Drowns out any noise that might wake me up throughout the night.
If you don't currently have one, I highly suggest getting a nice big box fan. I've had one most of my life and it makes a very noticable difference in sleep quality for me. Drowns out any noise that might wake me up throughout the night.

Agree with this. I have sleep problems and sleep with a fan on. The steady fan sound helps and drowns out any small sounds. Worked wonders for me.
If you don't currently have one, I highly suggest getting a nice big box fan. I've had one most of my life and it makes a very noticable difference in sleep quality for me. Drowns out any noise that might wake me up throughout the night.

Agree with this. I have sleep problems and sleep with a fan on. The steady fan sound helps and drowns out any small sounds. Worked wonders for me.

I always used to, I don't currently because my girlfriend is freezing constantly, but getting a little one and pointing it away from the bed might be a good idea.
Weight tonight was 228lbs

Five minute cardio warm-up and stretches
Push press 205 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (failed to hit 5, first rep I've failed in probably six months)
Beltless high bar squats 315 3x8
Two second paused bench press 275 5x3 (last set five second pause)
Pull ups 5x10 (switched from chin ups)
Skipped hammer curls for time
Twenty minutes of stationary bicycle

Also did a set of one arm dumbbell rows 150x5 with just my right. My buddy was saying he needed straps to do over 70 and I said nah, then he pointed at the 150's like to show him how it's done so I did, no straps. I'm certain other things I do maintain rowing strength because I go long periods without doing rows. Currently haven't done a set in at least six weeks. I'm assuming deadlift and chin ups carries over to a high degree.

Besides that my presses are still not feeling good. Could be the calorie deficit, I guess. I think I'll be conservative on my bench max for Sheiko and go with 350. The program calls for 2x1 at 100% in week eight and I don't want to miss 370. I'll be using touch and go bench for everything except the 2x1@100% and the mock meet at the end. I don't find using a lot of paused bench in the off session helpful.

Still tracking calories. Coming in at 4100-4300 daily. I'm going to replace some of my fruit with nuts to cut down on sugar. I'm thinking I'll swap eggs with something else in the morning, I'm not sure what yet. Still working on sodium intake.

Nothing else to report at the moment.
Strong 1 arm row brother.
My sodium is way up too ,sucks.
I gotta have at least 3 whole eggs as part of breakfast, will probably switch out to whites when I cut.
You do any protein shakes?
Strong 1 arm row brother.
My sodium is way up too ,sucks.
I gotta have at least 3 whole eggs as part of breakfast, will probably switch out to whites when I cut.
You do any protein shakes?

I hit 4700mg on sodium today. It's always dinner that puts me way over. I've been having a lot of eggs daily for years now, I need a little break, I think.

Yeah, I make a huge shake and drink half mid morning and the other half mid afternoon at work. On the weekend I just slam it all post workout.
Thank you and welcome aboard. I'm biased, so of course I think you should do it, too.
I really want to. Watching you guys lift heavy shit makes me want to lift heavy shit lol. The only thing holding me back is my gym. No rack for squats. And right now I travel for work 3-5 days a week, and the only gym close by is a snap fitness. But this will all change at the end of the year. My wife and I are adopting our first baby and will be getting a house. So I will have a man cave!
I really want to. Watching you guys lift heavy shit makes me want to lift heavy shit lol. The only thing holding me back is my gym. No rack for squats. And right now I travel for work 3-5 days a week, and the only gym close by is a snap fitness. But this will all change at the end of the year. My wife and I are adopting our first baby and will be getting a house. So I will have a man cave!

Make sure to make a log for your babies gainz! Those little fuckers bulk up quick!!!
I really want to. Watching you guys lift heavy shit makes me want to lift heavy shit lol. The only thing holding me back is my gym. No rack for squats. And right now I travel for work 3-5 days a week, and the only gym close by is a snap fitness. But this will all change at the end of the year. My wife and I are adopting our first baby and will be getting a house. So I will have a man cave!

You could always go push/pull until then, bench and deadlift only. You can compete that way, too. Play catch up on squats later. Not ideal, but better than nothing.

Congrats on the upcoming baby and house, too. My mancave is on hold until we get a bigger place. I got a bench for cheap and put it in our laundry room and kind of regret it because it's just in the way.
I really want to. Watching you guys lift heavy shit makes me want to lift heavy shit lol. The only thing holding me back is my gym. No rack for squats. And right now I travel for work 3-5 days a week, and the only gym close by is a snap fitness. But this will all change at the end of the year. My wife and I are adopting our first baby and will be getting a house. So I will have a man cave!
Try it out, if not for you the only difference when you go back to old lifts is you'll be stronger-[emoji846]. Congrats on the adoption.
Had an awful session today. I did some pretty intense physical labor at work yesterday and combined with the calorie deficit I guess it's to be expected.

Weight was 227lbs
StretchIng and foam rolling at home and a five minute cardio warm-up
Got one rep into my deadlifts with 475 and called it. My hands are still pretty beat up and I was using straps, which felt dirty anyway
Bench press 295 3x6 (felt pretty hard)
Front squat 230x6, 230x3 and the bar rolled off, so I called it, too
Weighted planks +80 3x1min
Side raises 20 3x12
Cable rear delt flyes 10 each side 3x10
Twenty minutes stationary bicycle

I can tell I'm going to have a really hard time with this diet. Not because of the food or tracking it, but the massive strength loss and lack of recovery I'm already having. I'm already tempted to abort honestly, I hate not sticking with something though, so I'm going to tough it out. Looking at Sheiko with the conservative maxes I don't think I'll miss any reps. The 2x1@100% is going to be rough though. Any advice is welcome here, besides an eight week mini cut before my cycle in which I had insane strength loss I've been on a bulk since about August of 2013 when I cut down to 160. I was still such a beginner then I didn't really lose strength. Really feeling demotivated right now. I'm telling myself it'll come back quick and it'll be worth it to look better. That's me whining for today, thanks for readIng and any input any of you might have.
Just look around you man you are a general freak of nature in the normal population strength wise and you could lose 50% of your strength and still impress the general public. Yes your lifts will go down but relative your strength pound for pound might even go up! Gotta find silver linings!
Just look around you man you are a general freak of nature in the normal population strength wise and you could lose 50% of your strength and still impress the general public. Yes your lifts will go down but relative your strength pound for pound might even go up! Gotta find silver linings!
There you go giving bad advice again [emoji12]