Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Had an awful session today. I did some pretty intense physical labor at work yesterday and combined with the calorie deficit I guess it's to be expected.

Weight was 227lbs
StretchIng and foam rolling at home and a five minute cardio warm-up
Got one rep into my deadlifts with 475 and called it. My hands are still pretty beat up and I was using straps, which felt dirty anyway
Bench press 295 3x6 (felt pretty hard)
Front squat 230x6, 230x3 and the bar rolled off, so I called it, too
Weighted planks +80 3x1min
Side raises 20 3x12
Cable rear delt flyes 10 each side 3x10
Twenty minutes stationary bicycle

I can tell I'm going to have a really hard time with this diet. Not because of the food or tracking it, but the massive strength loss and lack of recovery I'm already having. I'm already tempted to abort honestly, I hate not sticking with something though, so I'm going to tough it out. Looking at Sheiko with the conservative maxes I don't think I'll miss any reps. The 2x1@100% is going to be rough though. Any advice is welcome here, besides an eight week mini cut before my cycle in which I had insane strength loss I've been on a bulk since about August of 2013 when I cut down to 160. I was still such a beginner then I didn't really lose strength. Really feeling demotivated right now. I'm telling myself it'll come back quick and it'll be worth it to look better. That's me whining for today, thanks for readIng and any input any of you might have.
Cutting cals ALWAYS sucks, but i think you'll adjust and your body will get used to it and settle in to a weight that your cal intake will support. You can do this bro, DO NOT ABORT!!
Personally ive seen you give GREAT advice, i wish i knew as much about PL as you.

Thanks man appreciate it, when you ain't the prettiest mother fucker around you should probably be the strongest so that's what I go for lol. @Perrin Aybara you are also doing everything belt less still and different movements then you are accustomed to from running up to your meet so it'll take some time and if you feel weak slap the ol 10mm belt on and brace like you haven't shit in weeks that always gives me the extra go I need.... after the set I also need to go so ya bathroom handy on this one
Just look around you man you are a general freak of nature in the normal population strength wise and you could lose 50% of your strength and still impress the general public. Yes your lifts will go down but relative your strength pound for pound might even go up! Gotta find silver linings!

Yeah, I know in the long run I'm better off getting my BF% down for a lot of reasons and I'll be back and stronger than ever next cycle. I just don't deal with this well. I'm back and forth in my mind constantly about getting more lean and just getting strong, but just getting to 12-15% shouldn't be that hard.

Also, I was using my belt today for the first time since the meet. Just an off day. Funny thing last cut my deadlift and squat took a bigger hit than bench.

Cutting cals ALWAYS sucks, but i think you'll adjust and your body will get used to it and settle in to a weight that your cal intake will support. You can do this bro, DO NOT ABORT!!

Thanks, at least my calorie deficit is 4000+ calories. In it's own way it's a relief not to have to eat 5000-6000 a day. Haven't gagged on a bite of food in awhile now. I'm using a tracking app and trying to get my macros dialed in. I appreciate the support, I know you guys will keep me accountable on this thing.
I hate cutting and usually bail at the 6wk mark because I can't handle it anymore. I'm planning an 8week cut cycle that I will keep the cut going after cycle( I hope). I'm hoping the gear will help me stick with it as I'd like to get around 15% or less.
How long into our out of pct are you? When you going to blast again?
I hate cutting and usually bail at the 6wk mark because I can't handle it anymore. I'm planning an 8week cut cycle that I will keep the cut going after cycle( I hope). I'm hoping the gear will help me stick with it as I'd like to get around 15% or less.
How long into our out of pct are you? When you going to blast again?

I got pharma clomid and nolva when I put my cycle together, but decided cruising made more sense for my goals. I did a lot of research, talked to a few people and for better or worse that's what I went with. I'm hoping it'll minimize strength loss while I cut.

Dropped down to 200mg/week of test cyp the week after the meet. 500 put me at 3000, so i expect 200 to put me around 1200. Getting bloods done around the six week mark with kidney function, lipids, etc. If all is well I'm planning the next cycle in May (four months on, four months off). If anything looks too bad I'll come off and PCT and reevaluate in a few months.

I feel you on the dieting, it feels like throwing away all the work you've done getting stronger. I'm sticking with it, call me vain, but I want to look good and be a beast in the gym.
I got pharma clomid and nolva when I put my cycle together, but decided cruising made more sense for my goals. I did a lot of research, talked to a few people and for better or worse that's what I went with. I'm hoping it'll minimize strength loss while I cut.

Dropped down to 200mg/week of test cyp the week after the meet. 500 put me at 3000, so i expect 200 to put me around 1200. Getting bloods done around the six week mark with kidney function, lipids, etc. If all is well I'm planning the next cycle in May (four months on, four months off). If anything looks too bad I'll come off and PCT and reevaluate in a few months.

I feel you on the dieting, it feels like throwing away all the work you've done getting stronger. I'm sticking with it, call me vain, but I want to look good and be a beast in the gym.
Nice. I may end up cruising in the future. My tt was on the lower end of normal so I'm going to see how I bounce back. Feeling less than enthusiastic right now. I'm 2 weeks into pct.
You could always go push/pull until then, bench and deadlift only. You can compete that way, too. Play catch up on squats later. Not ideal, but better than nothing.

Congrats on the upcoming baby and house, too. My mancave is on hold until we get a bigger place. I got a bench for cheap and put it in our laundry room and kind of regret it because it's just in the way.
Thanks, Im pretty excited/nervous/scared about the baby.
Weight today was 227lbs

Five minute cardio warm-up
Crushed the 230x6x2 front squats I didn't do from yesterday
Then warmed up and took another stab at 225 bench AMRAP
Bench 225x3, 225x3, 275x1, 295x1, 225x23 (disappointed with this, but to be expected while cutting. Video incoming in the bench press max reps challenge thread)
Weighted chin ups +25 3x10
Preacher bench hammer curls 20's x10, 25's x10x4
Twenty minutes of stationary bicycle

Sheiko begins on Tuesday
Good job man. I can't wait to see you start this sheiko so I can get a better understanding of it. It sounds and looks like pain to me lol.
Good job man. I can't wait to see you start this sheiko so I can get a better understanding of it. It sounds and looks like pain to me lol.

I'm looking forward to it, too. I've set my maxes a little conservatively for a few reasons, so I believe it'll be doable. The version I'm running has you hit whatever you enter as a max for two singles in week eight, so I'm going with 440, 350 and 585. I may bump that squat to 455 just to hang with two other members that hit that recently though. The program calls for some board presses and work with chains, which I've never really done. Should be interesting for sure.
Good job man. I can't wait to see you start this sheiko so I can get a better understanding of it. It sounds and looks like pain to me lol.

Want a better understanding of sheiko check out @ROB581211 log hes been crushing it for a couple months now and it's his first powerlifting program ever making stupid strength off of it.... I think he's on steroids though :eek:! I'm expecting @Perrin Aybara to Clean up with it too


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