Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

We're in the same boat. My last blast I got strong as hell, but put on too much roundness in my face and belly. I want to maintain strength but lean out too.

It doesnt help that @ROB581211, @RodgerThat, and @Masters Power hang around here flaunting themselves making me feel bad.

The one good thing that came when I had my hospital visit and lost weight was it happened quickly so I could start building myself back up. But I have been thinking of finally trying some tren as ive heard its good for keeping lean (or recomping), and building strength.
I know, I've seen recent pictures of me and my face looks kind of fat. Doesn't help with those guys looking all lean and aesthetic while still lifting heavy. I'm glad I joined here though, huge motivation all around here.

I'm still holding off a few cycles before trying tren, too.

You guys have different goals than me. I'm more than willing to sacrifice some strength ( I said some) to keep my look. We all have different goals and ideas. Jay you've made some huge gains in strength since I've been following along. Perrin your just a strong mofo to begin with.
You guys have different goals than me. I'm more than willing to sacrifice some strength ( I said some) to keep my look. We all have different goals and ideas. Jay you've made some huge gains in strength since I've been following along. Perrin your just a strong mofo to begin with.

Thanks, Rob. I'm not sure how far I want to take it on "the look" but I'm thinking a little of both is possible? Elite numbers by any means is still the goal, of course. Having a lower BF% is good for a lot of reasons anyway, plus I'm probably going somewhere with a beach next year after I get married.
Glucosamine chondroitin combination works well for me and has for years. Used to have shoulder, elbow and knee issues. Completely took care of the shoulders and elbows. My knees have bigger issues than just joint soreness unfortunately.

The only reason you don't hear more about the glucosamine/chondroitin combination in my opinion is it is cheap enough the supplement companies can't make much on it and therefore don't advertise it even though it is effective.
You guys have different goals than me. I'm more than willing to sacrifice some strength ( I said some) to keep my look. We all have different goals and ideas. Jay you've made some huge gains in strength since I've been following along. Perrin your just a strong mofo to begin with.

I know. Im just messing with y'all. When it comes to everyone here all y'all motivate me. Besides just the strength or looks aspect, when I have days im not feeling it in the gym I think about my Meso bros and knock out them last reps.
Glucosamine chondroitin combination works well for me and has for years. Used to have shoulder, elbow and knee issues. Completely took care of the shoulders and elbows. My knees have bigger issues than just joint soreness unfortunately.

The only reason you don't hear more about the glucosamine/chondroitin combination in my opinion is it is cheap enough the supplement companies can't make much on it and therefore don't advertise it even though it is effective.

I picked some up at Wal-Mart $18 for 80 days worth to see how it does me. I'm just hoping it's nothing major with my knee.
What bout TB-500 for your knee?? I'm gonna give it a try for my shoulder and elbow. 2mg twice EW for 4-6 weeks. A lot of guys swear by it...EBK, Mands, Bill Roberts, lightspan to name a few. Check it out on the top of the screen under "HGH & Peptides."
What bout TB-500 for your knee?? I'm gonna give it a try for my shoulder and elbow. 2mg twice EW for 4-6 weeks. A lot of guys swear by it...EBK, Mands, Bill Roberts, lightspan to name a few. Check it out on the top of the screen under "HGH & Peptides."
Someone at my gym told me about TB-500 as well, so the positive reactions to this make me want to man up and get some to ease the troubles with my knees.
What bout TB-500 for your knee?? I'm gonna give it a try for my shoulder and elbow. 2mg twice EW for 4-6 weeks. A lot of guys swear by it...EBK, Mands, Bill Roberts, lightspan to name a few. Check it out on the top of the screen under "HGH & Peptides."

I'll check that out. I've gotta do something to get it straightened out.
Relief would be priceless. Getting legit peptides would be a concern though, I hear it's hit or miss.
Yep, I had destroyed both my knees playing football in junior high and my right one is rather quite unstable. I'd give my eyeteeth to be able to squat and dead blissfully. I have resorted to using compression shorts and wraps to keep my legs and knees stable.
Yep, I had destroyed both my knees playing football in junior high and my right one is rather quite unstable. I'd give my eyeteeth to be able to squat and dead blissfully. I have resorted to using compression shorts and wraps to keep my legs and knees stable.

I don't know what the deal with mine is. I did get hit in it when I was younger. Not being able to squat would be pretty catastrophic to my powerlifting goals.
That's rough. Luckily my lower back seems to be like steel. Just wish my right knee wasn't like Jello at times.
I hear right knee's like jello as well but been using Ace bandages as a wrap for keeping it stable and it helps. I just tighten it enough to support but not to compress the patella too much.

Check with your fed's rules about wraps if you need to use knee support for your problematic right knee.
2016-02-28 09.00.48.png

Everything went great until the leg press. Used +30 for weighted chin ups. I was warming up on leg press with three plates and my knee gave out. I'm really confused how it's totally fine some days and not the next. I added 155 3x6 strict press and some side raises as well. The usual twenty minutes of cardio.

Weight was 223lbs

One of the 440x2 double paused deadlift sets.

Seems like you are going down a pound eod later man wow is it just from eating less or are you doing something else too?

Edit: sorry to hear about the knee again. Also nice DL your conventional looks natural as can be
Seems like you are going down a pound eod later man wow is it just from eating less or are you doing something else too?

Edit: sorry to hear about the knee again. Also nice DL your conventional looks natural as can be

Just eating less. I'm thinking I might up the calories a bit as I'm dropping a little fast. Part of it could be that I've swapped some carbs with fat and protein, so likely there's less water weight, too. I'm naturally pretty slim, it took a ton of eating to maintain 230+, it's seeming pretty easy to lose right now. I'm not starving by any means.

Seems about right though, I was getting 6000+ to gain and around 5500 was keeping me right around 235lbs. Been getting just over 4000 lately, so by that math I should be losing 2-3lbs a week, right? Keep in mind my job is fairly physical and I'm on my feet all day long plus gym time and cardio.
Just eating less. I'm thinking I might up the calories a bit as I'm dropping a little fast. Part of it could be that I've swapped some carbs with fat and protein, so likely there's less water weight, too. I'm naturally pretty slim, it took a ton of eating to maintain 230+, it's seeming pretty easy to lose right now. I'm not starving by any means.

Seems about right though, I was getting 6000+ to gain and around 5500 was keeping me right around 235lbs. Been getting just over 4000 lately, so by that math I should be losing 2-3lbs a week, right? Keep in mind my job is fairly physical and I'm on my feet all day long plus gym time and cardio.
I guess you do have a good 40lb on me just seems crazy when I'm eating like 2400 calories and losing at the same right I'm jealous of all the food my maintenance is between 3300 and 3900 depending on the day of the week. 6000 sounds like a delight to me but I know it's only fun for a week then it's work. Well keep it up man your looking good and I'm sure you will trim up nicely. Look into the KT tape man I think it'll help.
better late than never :D
You shared some really good info over in my log and I want to follow along here.
I have some catching up to do but I will start at the first post and read everything I have missed here; I am sure it will be a great read and well worth my time.
better late than never :D
You shared some really good info over in my log and I want to follow along here.
I have some catching up to do but I will start at the first post and read everything I have missed here; I am sure it will be a great read and well worth my time.

Good to have you on board, brother. Won't be much excitement for a couple more months yet, but I keep it updated regularly. Right now I'm just cutting some fat I put on getting ready for my last meet and trying to hang on to my strength in the process.