Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Yeah, I don't feel as well eating that much pizza though. I've not been actively tracking calories like I should, but my educated guess is I'm around 3800 currently. Not sure that I'm willing to lose too much more, feeling small and I worry my squat will suffer too much.

Oh welcome to my world man! I'm following all these monsters logs and I'm a buck 80 and you guys are all 200+ lol just gotta focus on your goals

Edit: @bhog beat me to the punch damn I'm losing it!
Keep going till you hit your goal bf man. If you call it early you'll be pissed.

Yeah, within reason anyway. I don't know that I can live with my lifts going down too much. There's always future cycles that can be cutting cycles. Might shoot for 210 this go round. This lower belly fat is so hard to lose.

Oh welcome to my world man! I'm following all these monsters logs and I'm a buck 80 and you guys are all 200+ lol just gotta focus on your goals

Edit: @bhog beat me to the punch damn I'm losing it!

That's how I feel looking at everyone else's easy squat gains meanwhile my squat remains in poverty. Someday...
Yeah, within reason anyway. I don't know that I can live with my lifts going down too much. There's always future cycles that can be cutting cycles. Might shoot for 210 this go round. This lower belly fat is so hard to lose.

That's how I feel looking at everyone else's easy squat gains meanwhile my squat remains in poverty. Someday...

My favourite is watching @ruckin when he says he had a bad lift day but is repping beyond my Max with most things :p but not everyone can be a powerhouse monster I guess. You lifts will come brotha if your knee wasn't as tweeted as a downtown rubbie I'm sure your squat would be insane
I hear ya man. I started an 11 week cut Thursday. I always totter out at about 5-6 weeks cause I feel like a pussy. I'm hoping the gear will help this like to get back down to 245[emoji3]
My favourite is watching @ruckin when he says he had a bad lift day but is repping beyond my Max with most things :p but not everyone can be a powerhouse monster I guess. You lifts will come brotha if your knee wasn't as tweeted as a downtown rubbie I'm sure your squat would be insane

Yeah, I lol'd a little at that description yesterday. I know what he means though, I've hit rep PRs and still felt mediocre that day.

I'm gonna come back. As long as I'm able I'm going to keep pushing it. I feel like I've got a 600 squat with wraps in me in the next couple years, 500+ raw. Just need some injury free training time.

I hear ya man. I started an 11 week cut Thursday. I always totter out at about 5-6 weeks cause I feel like a pussy. I'm hoping the gear will help this like to get back down to 245[emoji3]

That's how I'm feeling a little. I'm going to keep with it though, I'm seeing results for sure. I'll put up progress pics again soon.
If I were to say anything I wouldnt cut and just try and recomp the best I could off cycle. Especially if your goal is to compete at 242 still. It's gonna be slower than a cut, and you aren't going to see results as fast. But given your predominant goal of strength retention, I'd recomp.

I also don't like the traditional bulk and cut. Let me eat 6k calories for 4-6 months and then eat 3k for 6 months.
I prefer the slow and steady gains. The seem to treat me well and keep my metabolism for yo-yo-ing. Moderate cardio while maintaining proper macros is much better in my experience. What are your macros at right now?
If I were to say anything I wouldnt cut and just try and recomp the best I could off cycle. Especially if your goal is to compete at 242 still. It's gonna be slower than a cut, and you aren't going to see results as fast. But given your predominant goal of strength retention, I'd recomp.

I also don't like the traditional bulk and cut. Let me eat 6k calories for 4-6 months and then eat 3k for 6 months.
I prefer the slow and steady gains. The seem to treat me well and keep my metabolism for yo-yo-ing. Moderate cardio while maintaining proper macros is much better in my experience. What are your macros at right now?

The goal is still compete at 242 and I'm still heavier now than pre cycle. Besides the eight week cut I did before it I've been on a 2 1/2 year bulk. The main reason behind it now is just I wasn't happy with how I looked. Vanity, guess, but I don't want to walk around looking fat. Strength and an elite total is still the goal. Do you think recomping would eventually take care of the belly fat? I'm not looking to be shredded, just a flat stomach.

I was eating 6k on cycle, around 3800 now. I haven't tracked in a few weeks, but at just over 4000 I was about 250 protein, about 600-650 carbs and 60-90 fat. I've lowered carbs and increased fats lately. I'd have to sit down with my tracking app to see exactly where I am.

Really just want to get this lower belly fat off once and for all. I believe I could keep it off easily once I got there with how my metabolism is. When I went to a Methadone Clinic for two years while taking psych meds I really got fat and never really got it all off even when I cut down to 160 in 2013.
The goal is still compete at 242 and I'm still heavier now than pre cycle. Besides the eight week cut I did before it I've been on a 2 1/2 year bulk. The main reason behind it now is just I wasn't happy with how I looked. Vanity, guess, but I don't want to walk around looking fat. Strength and an elite total is still the goal. Do you think recomping would eventually take care of the belly fat? I'm not looking to be shredded, just a flat stomach.

I was eating 6k on cycle, around 3800 now. I haven't tracked in a few weeks, but at just over 4000 I was about 250 protein, about 600-650 carbs and 60-90 fat. I've lowered carbs and increased fats lately. I'd have to sit down with my tracking app to see exactly where I am.

Really just want to get this lower belly fat off once and for all. I believe I could keep it off easily once I got there with how my metabolism is. When I went to a Methadone Clinic for two years while taking psych meds I really got fat and never really got it all off even when I cut down to 160 in 2013.

Yes eventually it will take care of the belly fat. The majority of it at least. The key to all of this is tracking and weighing your food out. And doing some cardio regularly. I'd like to see you up your protein intake. Get back with me about where your macros are at and I'll give you my suggestions with where your weight is going.
Yes eventually it will take care of the belly fat. The majority of it at least. The key to all of this is tracking and weighing your food out. And doing some cardio regularly. I'd like to see you up your protein intake. Get back with me about where your macros are at and I'll give you my suggestions with where your weight is going.

I was thinking constant hormones in the system would have some kind of beneficial effect over time, too. I'll try to be more faithful with MyFitnessPal next week and get an idea where I'm at and let you know. I'm currently doing 20 minutes 4x/week of stationary bicycle, but planning to start adding a day or two a week of fasted morning cardio. My plan was to go back to maintenance and try to recomp soon.
2016-02-28 21.42.08.png

Weight was 220lbs

Everything went up, felt a little off maybe due to the time change. +25 for weighted chin ups, 275 beltless extra deep squats. Twenty minutes of cardio.

I think 220 is as small as I care to get right now. I think I'm going to go to maintenance calories like @theprodgicalson was suggesting and get diet dialed in and increase cardio. Took some pics this morning and I'm feeling really small and stuff at the gym that should be easy feels too hard. Doing a lot of flip flopping, I know, but this calorie deficit is doing funny things to my mind. I'm ready to get this next blast going so I can get my mind back on massive strength gains. Can't wait. Kinda wishing I'd maintained at around 230 because I feel like I've gotten a lot weaker. Live and learn, I guess. Hopefully muscle memory will bring me back to where I was last cycle quickly once I start the next one.
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Weight was 220lbs

Everything went up, felt a little off maybe due to the time change. +25 for weighted chin ups, 275 beltless extra deep squats. Twenty minutes of cardio.

I think 220 is as small as I care to get right now. I think I'm going to go to maintenance calories like @theprodgicalson was suggesting and get diet dialed in and increase cardio. Took some pics this morning and I'm feeling really small and stuff at the gym that should be easy feels too hard. Doing a lot of flip flopping, I know, but this calorie deficit is doing funny things to my mind. I'm ready to get this next blast going so I can get my mind back on massive strength gains. Can't wait. Kinda wishing I'd maintained at around 230 because I feel like I've gotten a lot weaker. Live and learn, I guess. Hopefully muscle memory will bring me back to where I was last cycle quickly once I start the next one.

You're strength will come back. It always does. Especially with proper nutrition and programming. I'd log your food intake everyday for the next 2 weeks and figure out exactly where maintenence is at. Make sure you are weighing everything and measuring everything out so you can be as precise about this as possible. That way you have an exact baseline to go off of for future reference.

See what your weight does for those 2 weeks at whatever macros you pick.

This first article is really good in my opinion and is how I choose my macros and figured all of that stuff out. (Optimal Nutrition for Strength Performance - Juggernaut)

These are the other posts they have about nutrition which I highly recommend reading. This info is stuff right up your alley so spend some time and read.
You're strength will come back. It always does. Especially with proper nutrition and programming. I'd log your food intake everyday for the next 2 weeks and figure out exactly where maintenence is at. Make sure you are weighing everything and measuring everything out so you can be as precise about this as possible. That way you have an exact baseline to go off of for future reference.

See what your weight does for those 2 weeks at whatever macros you pick.

This first article is really good in my opinion and is how I choose my macros and figured all of that stuff out. (Optimal Nutrition for Strength Performance - Juggernaut)

These are the other posts they have about nutrition which I highly recommend reading. This info is stuff right up your alley so spend some time and read.

Thanks, brother. I'll read these in the morning and get back to tracking calories this week and figure out where I'm at. No food scale at the moment though. I'm thinking my maintenance is around 4000, give or take. I have a physical job that has me on my feet, carrying heavy things and going up and down stairs quite a bit. But yeah, I'd like to get things more precise and go into this next cycle with an even more solid plan. Might just go ahead and post a screenshot from MyFitnessPal daily for the next two weeks just to be accountable for it.
I'm behind today.
I actually haven't eaten my last meal, but I have the same thing every night. Greek yogurt. Went ahead and logged it.

I always prelog all my meals for 3 days into myfitnesspal so I already know how much I can eat and when otherwise if I just eat and add as I eat I'll be caloried out by like 2pm