Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

View attachment 50374

Reverse pec deck flye 3x20
70, 80 and 90

Incline bench 3x15 with 185 slow eccentric, explosive concentric

Dumbbell lateral raises 3x10

Olympic high bar squat, three second concentric, explode to 3/4 lockout
225x10 and 250x10, couldn't complete the third set, crippling back and quad pumps. I thought I was going to have to leave the gym, lol.

Weighted chin ups +25lbs for 3x8

Skipping all rows for now, but did some one sided Smith machine shrugs with a drop set at the end.

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I feel like I'm swelling up already with all this food.

You know youre my man, but eff you and your damn abs. Youre fat shaming me!
Weight was 209lbs

Dumbbell rear delt flyes 10's x15, 12's x15, 15's x15, drop set with 15's, 10's and 5's 15 each

Flat dumbbell bench to 3/4 lockout 80's x15, 85's x15, 85's x15

Seated dumbbell lateral raises with pauses 15's for 3x10

Good mornings 185 3x8

Leg curls with pauses 70 3x10

Wide pull ups 3x10

Dumbbell pullovers 80 3x10

Dumbbell preacher curls 30 3x8

Rope press downs 3x10
Just dropped in to say congratulations on a great meet brother! Strong work overcoming some adversity along the way.

Interesting new training. I will be following along.
Weighed 206lbs

Reverse pec deck flyes 90x20, 100x20, 110x20

Incline bench 225x8, 235x8, 245x8

Dumbbell lateral raises 20x10, 25x10, 25x10

Beltless high bar squat 315 for 3x8

Weighted chin ups +27lb chain 3x8

Did a few extras just because in the form of leg extensions, shrugs and flyes.

Haven't filmed any sets lately, so here's a set of squats.

Weight was 207 or 208, I forget

Dumbbell rear delt flyes 10's for 15, then 3x15 with 12's, slight pause at the top

Flat dumbbell to 3/4 lockout, 90's for 12, then 100's for 2x12

Seated lateral raises 20's for 3x10

Good mornings 185x8, 185x8, 205x8

Leg curls 70x10, 80x10, 80x10

Wide pull ups 3x10

Dumbbell pullovers 90 3x10

Dips 3x15

Barbell curls 65 3x15
Yeah, they could be distant cousins. I have been rocking my old Pantara and Mudvayne CDs in my car a lot lately. Must be the tren.

Must be in the air, ive been hittin the metal alot too lately, was on a gabgsta rap kick for a while but i always come back to the metal lol.

What was the name of the books that dudes from again? I remember you said it somewhere and i made note to check them out and then forgot about it like i do with everything lol
Must be in the air, ive been hittin the metal alot too lately, was on a gabgsta rap kick for a while but i always come back to the metal lol.

What was the name of the books that dudes from again? I remember you said it somewhere and i made note to check them out and then forgot about it like i do with everything lol

I normally listen to mostly alternative, grunge and hard rock. Been listening to the Far Beyond Driven album a lot. A little Slipknot, too.

He's from The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. It's great, but it starts out slow.
Weight was 211lbs

Reverse pec deck flyes 100x20, 110x20, 120x20

Incline bench 225x5, 245x5, 265x5

Dumbbell lateral raises 20x20, 20x20, 15x20

Beltless high bar squats 350 for 3x5

Weighted chin ups bodyweight +70lbs (281lbs total) 3x5

Plate shrugs 3 sets of 25

Dumbbell flyes 40's for 3x10

Definitely getting stronger quickly on these lifts.
Weighed 211lbs

Rear Delt Flys 4x20 10's
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps on pec deck fly, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Incline Dumbbell Press 3x12 90's, 90's, 100's
*Press to 3/4 lockout at the lowest possible Incline setting

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 25's
*Use a high intensity technique on this day, either paused reps, drop set, slow tempo, etc

Good mornings against red mini bands (30lbs of resistance each) 3x5 225 + 60

Leg Curl 3x10 90
*Use a high intensity technique on this day

Weighted pull ups 3x8 +27lbs of chain

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 100lbs

Preacher dumbbell curls 3x10 30

Rope triceps press downs 70 3x10 one second pause at bottom
212lbs morning weight

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20 110, 120 and 130

Incline Barbell Bench 3x12 225

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 25's

Olympic High Bar Back Squat 3x12 315, 315 and 325

Leg extension 3x15 105

Weighted chin up 3x8 +45

Smith machine shrugs one side at a time 80lbs x40, x30, x30

Pec deck flyes 3x15 not sure on weight, close to the whole stack, won't be doing them again though because it hurt my shoulder.

Definitely seeing some hypertrophy gains and minimal fat gain.

Im keeping mine for now. Its had no issues and only thing is I get a warning when I plug in.

I get tired of that warning every time I plug it in. They should change it to say "self destruct activated" instead. I might look at an S7 or Pixel XL, I don't know yet. I do like this phone a lot. I doubt you could have a lawsuit if it exploded now after they've warned us constantly for a month.

