Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Sounds like a hell a night to me man. Your strength may continue to climb just keep at. I know I'm bouncing and still getting to where I was I but I'm making leaps and bounds. Almost to the point I thinking of backing off just make sure nothing happens with my hamstring again.
Weight was 216lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20 with 150lbs

Incline Barbell Bench 285x5, 295x5 and 305x5 (all PRs, last set was a little rough)

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x20 with 15lbs

Beltless high bar squat 385x5, 395x5 and 405x5 (all time squat PR of any kind of squat, I'd have to look, but i think my old low bar with belt 5RM was like 370)

Weighted Chin-up 321lbs total (216 + 105) for 5, then 3, then bodyweight for 15 (bit off more than i could chew here, thought i could get 3x5 with +105 and it just wasn't happening)

Vid of incline bench and squats

Got a vid of the first set of weighted chin ups, but i didn't think about my face being visible in the mirror. If anyone wants to see it I'll show it privately, it's nothing special though.

So my cycle ends tomorrow. I've been back to a cruise dose of 150mg of test cyp almost two weeks now, dropping the tren tomorrow. Probably going to change my hgh protocol as well, although I'm not sure how yet.

DAMN!!! I cant even get 405 for one rep , and you squat it like it aint nuttin. I feel weak now[emoji20]
@Perrin Aybara --405x5 squat is solid . Good job ...:cool:

Thanks. It's been a pretty productive cycle. I'm happy with it and looking forward to the next one.

Sounds like a hell a night to me man. Your strength may continue to climb just keep at. I know I'm bouncing and still getting to where I was I but I'm making leaps and bounds. Almost to the point I thinking of backing off just make sure nothing happens with my hamstring again.

I think what I'll do is reintroduce the belt next week so I can hopefully continue to increase weight each 1 1/2 week training cycle and then switch back to low bar with a belt like in a month to keep it going further. For bench I'll start flat benching on my heavy day, i think. Deadlift I'll start back up either next month or December. I want to slowly transition back to comp lifts before resuming normal off season training in January.

I'd really like to hit 495 in sleeves on this cruise. Bench I'd like to see 385. Deadlift if I can still hit 600 I'll be happy. Well, I doubt I actually max again until next meet, so i guess what I'm looking for is like 475x3 squat in sleeves, 365x3 bench and 585x3 deadlift on this cruise. We'll see how it goes.

DAMN!!! I cant even get 405 for one rep , and you squat it like it aint nuttin. I feel weak now[emoji20]

This was the first time I'd ever squatted 405 for more than one without knee wraps. Crazy it was high bar and without a belt.
Very nice work. I'm seeing your chest cave a bit it looks like and it's causing your low back to cave a hair before you get to the top. Try cuing yourself to keep that chest up. Nice job though
I still don't understand how you're gaining this kind of strength on this program lol.

Nice work.

Good program design plus new movement gains plus first time on tren plus being in a calorie surplus after a long cut maybe? That's what I've been thinking.

Very nice work. I'm seeing your chest cave a bit it looks like and it's causing your low back to cave a hair before you get to the top. Try cuing yourself to keep that chest up. Nice job though

Thanks. High bar is still a bit weird for me, I think I try to make it sort of low bar sometimes. I'll try that though.

Weight was 217lbs

Rear Delt Flys 4x20 with 15's

Incline Dumbbell Press 3x12 with 110's
*Press to 3/4 lockout at the lowest possible Incline setting

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 with 20's

Banded good mornings 3x5 with 240 plus 60lbs in bands

Leg Curl 3x10 with 105

One arm dumbbell rows 3x10 with 80 (went light to test the waters, no pain in my lat)

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 with 80

Last day of cycle, took a few end of cycle pics. Looking less lean, but it's to be expected.

20161028_174040.jpg 20161028_173221.jpg 20161028_174245.jpg

Been at a cruise dose almost two weeks now. Gonna chill a little on the eating and clean up the diet a little moving forward. Just focus on getting stronger and maintaining this weight. Got a few ideas on training I'll post up soon.
Weight was 217lbs

Rear Delt Flys 4x20 with 15's

Incline Dumbbell Press 3x12 with 110's
*Press to 3/4 lockout at the lowest possible Incline setting

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 with 20's

Banded good mornings 3x5 with 240 plus 60lbs in bands

Leg Curl 3x10 with 105

One arm dumbbell rows 3x10 with 80 (went light to test the waters, no pain in my lat)

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 with 80

Last day of cycle, took a few end of cycle pics. Looking less lean, but it's to be expected.

View attachment 52174 View attachment 52175 View attachment 52176

Been at a cruise dose almost two weeks now. Gonna chill a little on the eating and clean up the diet a little moving forward. Just focus on getting stronger and maintaining this weight. Got a few ideas on training I'll post up soon.
Back lookin wide. You planning on competing at 198 again?
So I think I'm going to go for a 400lbs total weight weighted chin up before the year is over. I guess I need some kind of strength goal all the time apparently. Haven't done any arm work in a couple weeks now, just can't stay motivated for it. Anyway, the 321x5 the other day puts my protected max at 360lbs, so that'll be 5lbs a week until the end of the year to hit 400lbs.
Weight was 214lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 120x20, 130x20, 140x20

Incline Barbell Bench 3x12 with 245

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25's

High bar squat with belt 3x12 with 325lbs

Chin up 3x15

Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys 4x15 with 15's

Flat Dumbbell Press 3x12 with 120's

Seated Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25's

Banded good mornings 3x12 with 195 + 60lbs in bands

Leg Curl 135x15, 150x15, 165x15

T-bar rows 3 25's x10, 4 25's x10 and 5 25's x10 (still taking it easy on rows, no pain at all so far though)

Dumbbell Pullovers 3x10 with 90
Got to 310. Couldnt get anymore out of it and ended my cycle. Im still hitting it hard though. Lost a little strength and weight since then but looking forward to next run. Im going to go a lot harder next time.
Got to 310. Couldnt get anymore out of it and ended my cycle. Im still hitting it hard though. Lost a little strength and weight since then but looking forward to next run. Im going to go a lot harder next time.

Keep pushing post cycle, it's not impossible to keep getting stronger. Believe me I'll be trying during this cruise.
From yesterday:

Weight was 212lbs

Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3x20 with 140lbs

Incline Barbell Bench 3x8 with 280lbs

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 with 25lbs

High bar squat w/ belt 3x8 with 370lbs

Hack squat drop set 8 plates x10, 6 plates x10, 4 plates x10

Weighted chin up 3x5 with +105lbs

