Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I can't imagine having a decent job that pays well, lol. Seems like a dream. Hopefully this job tomorrow seems okay. If not, my stepdad had someone quit in the kitchen this week, so the option is there to take over that role. Pay is $8.25/hour, but this new one is only $9. So just gonna have to see what it's all about tomorrow and decide based on that.

It's just going to come down to which is more convenient and has better hours since the pay sucks either way. If I do the carpentry gig I'll need to keep the dishwasher gig on the weekends because once i start school I'll need those night and weekend shifts.

Honestly I'm kind of thinking I might be better off where I'm at. He didn't disclose the barely over minimum wage pay until the last email he sent me. I was expecting $10/hour or better. I'm still gonna go see what it's about tomorrow. I'm not gonna break my back over an extra $0.75 an hour and a few extra hours a week when it's only for a month or two anyway.

If you're still on the fence, ask for more. You'd be surprised how often they'll match your offer. Tell them you really want the job and you think it would be a great fit but the pay isn't enough for you to live off of... Guilt em. Worst case, they say no and you stick to what you got anyways.
If you're still on the fence, ask for more. You'd be surprised how often they'll match your offer. Tell them you really want the job and you think it would be a great fit but the pay isn't enough for you to live off of... Guilt em. Worst case, they say no and you stick to what you got anyways.

I already had to convince them pretty hard to hire a multiple time convicted felon. I'm on a 30 probation period where I can be fired for any reason. Maybe after that they'll bump me to $10. I don't know, I'm just happy to find a job and that I didn't have to resort to fast food. I can scrape by on this.
I already had to convince them pretty hard to hire a multiple time convicted felon. I'm on a 30 probation period where I can be fired for any reason. Maybe after that they'll bump me to $10. I don't know, I'm just happy to find a job and that I didn't have to resort to fast food. I can scrape by on this.

Well in that case, know when to hold em and when to fold em! Work hard and maybe it'll turn into something long term. Carpentry can make good money in the right areas.
That sounds about right if you're union. I'd say closer to mid $20's where I am. Everything is way less here. Cost of living is low, too.

The cost of living is pretty cheap here as well. Union tradesman just get paid pretty decent around here because in our state the unions are really strong. That same guy making 35 an hour here and with a $500 month mortgage would probably make 25 an hour in Miami but pay 5x as much for a house
The cost of living is pretty cheap here as well. Union tradesman just get paid pretty decent around here because in our state the unions are really strong. That same guy making 35 an hour here and with a $500 month mortgage would probably make 25 an hour in Miami but pay 5x as much for a house

You could have a nice house with a $500 a month mortgage here. Three bedroom and two baths easily. You can get a decent house here for $30k. Or do like I'm doing and be a homeowner for like $5k with a trailer and a piece of land and owe nothing.
You could have a nice house with a $500 a month mortgage here. Three bedroom and two baths easily. You can get a decent house here for $30k. Or do like I'm doing and be a homeowner for like $5k with a trailer and a piece of land and owe nothing.

What you're doing isnthe way to go. People talk smack about trailers but i'll tell you what i have lived in some double wides that were ALOT nicer than some peoples houses ive seen, like wouldnt even know you were in a trailer if you had come in blindfolded.

Good investment imo.
You could have a nice house with a $500 a month mortgage here. Three bedroom and two baths easily. You can get a decent house here for $30k. Or do like I'm doing and be a homeowner for like $5k with a trailer and a piece of land and owe nothing.

I almost did a similar thing actually. I was going to buy 7 acres that was going for $10k. Then I was going to build a 2 bedroom house on it. In fact, I may still end up doing that still. Lol. The peace of not having any major bills sounds pretty awesome right now. Seeing all of the money I'm making just to go straight to bills is pretty disheartening. Lol.
I almost did a similar thing actually. I was going to buy 7 acres that was going for $10k. Then I was going to build a 2 bedroom house on it. In fact, I may still end up doing that still. Lol. The peace of not having any major bills sounds pretty awesome right now. Seeing all of the money I'm making just to go straight to bills is pretty disheartening. Lol.

That's my whole thing. I don't make enough to throw money away on mortgage/rent and a car payment. There would be no way to make ends meet. I do okay without them though.
That's my whole thing. I don't make enough to throw money away on mortgage/rent and a car payment. There would be no way to make ends meet. I do okay without them though.
Youll get there man. The carpentry skills are worth alot. Saved my ass knowing how to work on my house o_O Who knows maybe you'll want to build a porch on your place before long. Learn plumbing I have a trailer also and it was absolute hell fixing all the factory bullshit.:mad:
Youll get there man. The carpentry skills are worth alot. Saved my ass knowing how to work on my house o_O Who knows maybe you'll want to build a porch on your place before long. Learn plumbing I have a trailer also and it was absolute hell fixing all the factory bullshit.:mad:

Definitely want a porch at some point. Yeah, learning skills was a big part of my decision. The money isn't much better than i got before and the work is much harder.
216lbs :eek: (abs are fading fast)

Competition bench 315 for 5x5
Box squat 460x3, 410 for 4x3
Single arm dumbbell overhead press hit failure at 4 with a hundo, so dropped to 80 and did 7, 5, 5, 5, 5

Then did a few curls and high cable rows for a pump
Also, considering starting the injectable superdrol tomorrow. I'm ready to bench 405 and squat 495 in sleeves and then get my abs back. Gonna run some tren and hgh I got saved and dial my diet back in. Good thing I spent a couple thousand on gear last year, lol. Struggling with everything, but got gear to run.

Anyway, run the sdrol along with everything else for three weeks and hit these numbers and then six of weeks of tren to lean back out. Thoughts, anyone? Or should I hold off on the sdrol and keep doing what I'm doing gear wise?
I hear sdrol makes you feel like total shit, but if you're ok with that then yeah I'd say fuck it and go for it lol
I hear sdrol makes you feel like total shit, but if you're ok with that then yeah I'd say fuck it and go for it lol

That's what I'm worried about and i just started a new, physically demanding job. I heard the injectable form isn't as bad though and I'm only going to run 10mg a day. I assume it clears your system fast if you stop taking it.
That's what I'm worried about and i just started a new, physically demanding job. I heard the injectable form isn't as bad though and I'm only going to run 10mg a day. I assume it clears your system fast if you stop taking it.
Maybe consider starting at just 5 mg per day just to be cautious? Have you used it before? I can't remember you saying you have
Maybe consider starting at just 5 mg per day just to be cautious? Have you used it before? I can't remember you saying you have

Nope, never used it. It's dosed at 25mg/ml and i thought 10mg was pretty conservative. Can't really find much experience on the injectable version though.
So here's the plan for moment. Still running 300mg a week of cyp for the time being. Got like two weeks left of the var and about three weeks left of the prop. Adding in the superdrol at 10mg/day. Considering just on training days, but not sure yet.

I'd like to see around 460x3 on comp squat tomorrow and 375x3 on comp next week. Depending on how I feel after work Friday I'll either hit that bench that evening or come in and hit bench only Saturday morning. Depending on how things are feeling I'll train another week as planned or deload and then that Saturday do a little mock meet and make these attempts.

The main thing I'm wanting is a 500lb squat in sleeves and 405lb paused bench. Would've been 495lb squat, but the buffalo bar weighs 50lbs. Depending on how I'm feeling I might go ahead and attempt 550lbs with knee wraps and might pull 585lbs just for fun.

From that point I'm going to do a short cut with tren ace and hgh. The goal is just to get my abs back and lose nothing of the strength I've just gained. I'm thinking six weeks at 100mg ED. Might bump the test up at that point just because I liked that last time. With a near perfect diet I feel like this will work out fine. Not trying to be shredded anyway, just looking good. From there just cruise again and see where I'm at.