Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

My friend cant take drol:( water weight.

I didn't notice a ton of water from it. I added the drol in at the end of the cycle... I was definitely carrying a ton of water already from test and npp but didn't get any extra fun the drol.
Im telling you bro..sales. Farm equipment, seeds, cars, cleaning chemicals, restaurant supplies etc. Im not a people person either but I can shoot the shit and personalize with people.

Its all you need plus product knowledge. Give it a shot if there's anything available.

Sales is where its at man. For real!

I'm just not sure what it'd be. Most sales jobs here are door to door and commission only as far as I know. I'm not sure I could get on at a dealership or place like that with felonies. I had to do a lot of convincing to get the job I just got because of that.

Conventional deadlift 495lbs for 4x5
Slingshot bench 350lbs for 5x5
High cable rows with rope 60lbs for 5x10
Dumbbell curls 15's and 20's for 5x10

I really considered doing this workout tomorrow, but pushed through anyway. Carried 80lb bags of cement and boxes of flooring most of the day.

Competition bench 375x3 (PR, RPE 10 though, should've been 9), 335x3, 335x3
Box squats 480x3 (PR), 430x3, 430x3
Single arm dumbbell overhead press 100x5, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5
A few supersets of high cable rows and curls.

Gonna proceed with the plan. Train normally Sunday and Monday, take it easy Wednesday, skip Friday and make my attempts Saturday or Sunday.

Competition squat 420lbs for 10x2
Good mornings 320lbs for 3x5
Front squat 275x7, 275x7, 275x6 (dropped the bar at the bottom of the seventh rep and about broke my wrists and decided to call it a day.

Competition squat 420lbs for 10x2
Good mornings 320lbs for 3x5
Front squat 275x7, 275x7, 275x6 (dropped the bar at the bottom of the seventh rep and about broke my wrists and decided to call it a day.
Ouch..hope you ok. Not bad though, and those good mornings @ 320? Sounds like a back-breaker (I myself top out at 185 for that) :eek:
Ouch..hope you ok. Not bad though, and those good mornings @ 320? Sounds like a back-breaker (I myself top out at 185 for that) :eek:

Yeah, I'm good. The bar just pinned my wrists back as it fell and I had to jerk my arms out really quick. Doesn't hurt at all now that I'm home.

Haha, my back is by far my strongest area. I'm thinking I'll swap good mornings for Romanian deadlifts after this week.

Took this yesterday, no pump, just chilling at the house. Was 218lbs this morning dressed, so I figure I'm 215ish waking up. My bulk ends next weekend and I'm going to put some serious effort into doing this diet right and posting this pic will help me be accountable for making some major changes over the next two months. I'm not planning on losing any strength and I don't have an exact weight I'm looking to lose. Not much really. I'd like to stay around 210lbs and just recomp and get stronger. That way I could potentially cut to 198 or bulk to 220 easily. And to be honest I want my abs back now that I'm single and the weather is nice. Thanks, Meso for giving me conflicting motivations. Powerlifting and abs, lol.
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Took this yesterday, no pump, just chilling at the house. Was 218lbs this morning dressed, so I figure I'm 215ish waking up. My bulk ends next weekend and I'm going to put some serious effort into doing this diet right and posting this pic will help me be accountable for making some major changes over the next two months. I'm not planning on losing any strength and I don't have an exact weight I'm looking to lose. Not much really. I'd like to stay around 210lbs and just recomp and get stronger. That way I could potentially cut to 198 or bulk to 220 easily. And to be honest I want my abs back now that I'm single and the weather is nice. Thanks, Meso for giving me conflicting motivations. Powerlifting and abs, lol.

Abs? Pshh chicks prefer guys with a nice gut as long as they can lift alo....oh wait no....that's just how i wish it was :D
Abs? Pshh chicks prefer guys with a nice gut as long as they can lift alo....oh wait no....that's just how i wish it was :D

I don't care about being shredded. Just very strong and moderately lean. Most women don't like shredded anyway.

I'm confident you're going to be a success story. You put in the work and don't give up. It's just a matter of keeping on keeping on. Once you get your weight down it'll be smooth sailing. You'll be able to eat a little better and get your lifts up a lot.
I don't care about being shredded. Just very strong and moderately lean. Most women don't like shredded anyway.

I'm confident you're going to be a success story. You put in the work and don't give up. It's just a matter of keeping on keeping on. Once you get your weight down it'll be smooth sailing. You'll be able to eat a little better and get your lifts up a lot.

I feel ya, just bustin balls.lmao.

Oh yeah im gonna be good though, this time next year im gonna be that guy everybody hates that worksout in a mesh stringer! Hahaha.

Speaking of eating better that just reminded me it's high calorie day, i gotta start pounding some food!

Deload day one of two

Squat 315lbs for 3x3
Paused bench 225lbs for 3x3
Deadlift 405lbs for 3x3

About an hour of stretching plus high cable rows and dumbell curls
Holy shit lol... I saw the number 221 and the words "taking your pulse" above it and freaked out for a second. Thought I was going to need to say my goodbyes!

Lol, nah, it's just the poster right behind the scales at my gym. It's been there since I was in high school. Very retro.
Holy shit lol... I saw the number 221 and the words "taking your pulse" above it and freaked out for a second. Thought I was going to need to say my goodbyes!
Ya at first thought that was the blood pressure machine..that does sound frightening :eek:

221lbs is a solid weight. I myself lost 8lbs since last week due to my health issues that I landed in the hospital for. I now am making it all up by eating hearty!

Went to walgreens and used their blood pressure machine and it came back 118/70. Not bad.
Ya at first thought that was the blood pressure machine..that does sound frightening :eek:

221lbs is a solid weight. I myself lost 8lbs since last week due to my health issues that I landed in the hospital for. I now am making it all up by eating hearty!

Went to walgreens and used their blood pressure machine and it came back 118/70. Not bad.


Reminded me to see where I'm at. Not bad for being on cycle.