pharmacom labs/ different looking vials

Sure, if every story they tell is the truth and not just a story to pacify the masses...which is much more likely to be the truth. Perception is truth. They are making things up as they go along. They don't feel the need to prove a thing.
Arrogant motherfuckers that consider us sheep.

Yeah. Thats what we're seeing. Or the do like Darius and disappear when asked the hard questions (like how many undercover reps are here). I think sometimes these UGLs forget that there will be another one popping up tomorrow that'll have everyones attention.
I call bullshit. I've ordered from pcom several times. The orders I placed were about 8 months apart and every bottle I have has this same exact 604331 bs on it. So raws of different types(test c, primo, tren) have the exact same batch numbers on them? Anaboloclab tested 2 pcom test e twice and got values of 366 and 303 BOTH had this same 604331 number on it. This number means nothing and says nothing about the raws or shipments. If pcom has batch numbers, they are keeping it to themselves. I find it much more likely that a certain batch number tested well at anabolic lab and so they just put that number on everything.

Still don't make sense.. If one batch tested good on AL then put that number on every product? ... All my vials test,eq,Deca, mix, have that same number so I guess it's just a bullshit number..
View attachment 46151 View attachment 46152 I bought 5 vials of testosterone Propionate along with 2 vials of testosterone Sustanon. Well the two bottles of Sustanon look like this.

They all have different codes, none match. With that said, it seems either different oil used for the 2 different sustanon oils, or, my clear vial of sustanon is really just a vial of propionate with a sustanon sticker on it.

Does pharmacoms machines put the labels on the vials? Or is it put on by hand? Probably by hand right?

Which of these things is not like the other? Pharmacom claims they make large batches which are uniform and tested. You don't have to go to college, however, to see those two bottles of sust are visually quite different.

I suppose it is possible you got the very last vial from one sust batch and the very first vial from another sust batch containing oil having a different color. That would suggest a recipe change or something changed in the raws.

@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs

Hey Frank, what's the story here? I'm counting on you to write a 20 page semi-intelligible dissertation that doesn't in any way explain why these two vials look different. In

The batch code is not even real, ive bought different esters of testosterone multiple times from them and they all have the same number.604331 is the same number everybody has. The only code pharmacom uses is the security check code. Basically the scratch code which tells you if your pharmacom gear is either really from pharmacom or if its a fake. Pharmacom does not use batch codes, as far as i know.

Can you make a promo for the US domestic store?

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i do not see any difficulties here at all. i thought we have already discussed this at least once. even more. Once again. Please let`s try to use a simple logic.
Oil is a natural product. We use grape-seed oil. There are grape varieties of different colors, wine grapes, white grapes, etc. Color of seeds is also different. Its simple as 2x2=4. Color is not an indicator at all. It only means that in those 2 vials was used oil from different barrels and even from different suppliers probably, we have agreements with several oil suppliers, i mentioned this for sure.
Next, I think most people just don`t understand how a big massive batch production works. Batch number is associated with raws batch. One batch number does not mean that all vials are produced within one day. We produce products with same batch within months. We sell products with same batch within years. You just don`t quite understand what is the scale of our production. Why shall we use another batch if we still use raws from the same batch. Also vials with same batch can have a different expiration date - like here for example -

This is the vial from the last mixing of this batch. Now we use another coding system and right now produce a new batch, which looks like here

But vials with the old batch will be on the market within next 4-6 month or even longer for sure.
For you important is, batch info is mostly for internal control in case of any possible issues.
Next, labels are always stuck by a mashine of course. No one person will be able to stick hundreds of thousands of vials manually and evenly. Moreover, this is done immediately after a vial is filled. Boxes is another step which is done at another day. There is no way label from prop or anything else could appear on a vial with sust, this is physically impossible. Finally you can just test it. It will be seen even on a blood work. Prop will not create any peak if you take blood after 48 hours.
How can you have internal control via a batch number if it's for things made over the course of months? Surely the batch number should tell your team:
The day and date of production
The provenance of all the ingredients
The staff who were working that day

As a bare minimum!
I'm sorry, mate, but you are talking shite here - those numbers aren't worth the paper they are printed on and if that's the level of control you have then I am fucking delighted I've never bought... And, as I'm sure you can guess... I never will!
i do not see any difficulties here at all. i thought we have already discussed this at least once. even more. Once again. Please let`s try to use a simple logic.
Oil is a natural product. We use grape-seed oil. There are grape varieties of different colors, wine grapes, white grapes, etc. Color of seeds is also different. Its simple as 2x2=4. Color is not an indicator at all. It only means that in those 2 vials was used oil from different barrels and even from different suppliers probably, we have agreements with several oil suppliers, i mentioned this for sure.
Next, I think most people just don`t understand how a big massive batch production works. Batch number is associated with raws batch. One batch number does not mean that all vials are produced within one day. We produce products with same batch within months. We sell products with same batch within years. You just don`t quite understand what is the scale of our production. Why shall we use another batch if we still use raws from the same batch. Also vials with same batch can have a different expiration date - like here for example -

This is the vial from the last mixing of this batch. Now we use another coding system and right now produce a new batch, which looks like here

But vials with the old batch will be on the market within next 4-6 month or even longer for sure.
For you important is, batch info is mostly for internal control in case of any possible issues.
Next, labels are always stuck by a mashine of course. No one person will be able to stick hundreds of thousands of vials manually and evenly. Moreover, this is done immediately after a vial is filled. Boxes is another step which is done at another day. There is no way label from prop or anything else could appear on a vial with sust, this is physically impossible. Finally you can just test it. It will be seen even on a blood work. Prop will not create any peak if you take blood after 48 hours.
I get 1 sentence in and I fall off. Gonna start earning your money around here, boy.
So, you one of the Russian gangsters running shit at pharmacom? You're probably just a lame. Tell your handlers I want to speak to one of the shot callers. I'm not worried about any of them. Sissy weak sucks...hello?
Hmmmm so you think it's sketchy but you still want to try it ? I'm glad I just blazed and read this lol so confused :oops:

eh, I did want to try them out before but not really sure what to think anymore. You see tons of amazing reviews lab work etc, yet these random issues keep popping up. It was mainly based on all the good blood work and test, but it's all iffy at this point

That npp cotton ball vial really scared me
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I get 1 sentence in and I fall off. Gonna start earning your money around here, boy.
So, you one of the Russian gangsters running shit at pharmacom? You're probably just a lame. Tell your handlers I want to speak to one of the shot callers. I'm not worried about any of them. Sissy weak sucks...hello?
the fact i know Russian language and work on Russian boards does not mean i am a Russian.
Think whatever you want. i don`t really care about who you think I am.
i do not see any difficulties here at all. i thought we have already discussed this at least once. even more. Once again. Please let`s try to use a simple logic.
Oil is a natural product. We use grape-seed oil. There are grape varieties of different colors, wine grapes, white grapes, etc. Color of seeds is also different. Its simple as 2x2=4. Color is not an indicator at all. It only means that in those 2 vials was used oil from different barrels and even from different suppliers probably, we have agreements with several oil suppliers, i mentioned this for sure.
Next, I think most people just don`t understand how a big massive batch production works. Batch number is associated with raws batch. One batch number does not mean that all vials are produced within one day. We produce products with same batch within months. We sell products with same batch within years. You just don`t quite understand what is the scale of our production. Why shall we use another batch if we still use raws from the same batch. Also vials with same batch can have a different expiration date - like here for example -

This is the vial from the last mixing of this batch. Now we use another coding system and right now produce a new batch, which looks like here

But vials with the old batch will be on the market within next 4-6 month or even longer for sure.
For you important is, batch info is mostly for internal control in case of any possible issues.
Next, labels are always stuck by a mashine of course. No one person will be able to stick hundreds of thousands of vials manually and evenly. Moreover, this is done immediately after a vial is filled. Boxes is another step which is done at another day. There is no way label from prop or anything else could appear on a vial with sust, this is physically impossible. Finally you can just test it. It will be seen even on a blood work. Prop will not create any peak if you take blood after 48 hours.

Frank, you didn't disappoint me. Pages of nonsense. So let me help you drill down to the important stuff.

1. Your customer received two vials of what appears to be sust. They have the same batch number. For a minute let's ignore the fact that every single vial I have received from you, different compounds or the same, all have that same batch number. So - these two vials of sust look dissimilar. We agree on that, right?

You make a big deal of how we don't understand how big your batches are, and that you're using the same raws for months at a stretch. So - can we agree these two vials of sust have the same batch of raws? You didn't claim different raws so I'll assume they are the same.

Since pharmacom uses "very high tech" solvent and additive blends to solubilize compounds and ensure they are bacteria free and "relatively" PIP-free, we can agree the solvent and additives are the same in each vial?

If we agree so far, then the only possible explanation for the difference in appearance between the two vials of sustq is that you used a new, different batch of GSO from one vial to the next. First vial has one batch of GSO which is lighter, second vial has one batch of GSO that is darker.

If that's the explanation, fine. Stop with all the shit about how we don't understand. It's actually quite a simple explanation. However, since you don't use batch numbers to track your batches or changes from old to new GSO, it's guesswork on your part.

2. Regarding color of GSO, you claim color makes no difference. That's just wrong. The color of the oil indicates degree of saturation, oxidation, and dissolved solids content of the oil. Those properties affect the solubility of compounds in the oil. So get your story straight.

I think you switched batches of GSO. I don't think there is anything wrong with the darker oil versus the lighter oil. I do take issue with your ignorance (oil color makes no difference? Ask your chemists, they'll happily tell you that you are wrong) which you try to cover up with arrogance. Stop it. I don't care if we have to go over this 100 times, you can continue to explain it. Stop acting like your customers are a pain in the ass and that you are so put upon having to tolerate their questions. We pay your fucking bills. Lose the attitude.

Please also explain why it appears every vial pharmacom has ever shipped has the same six digit batch number on it. None of your explanations so far make sense

Pharmacon keeps getting sketchier and sketchier. Not hating, but the pattern just seems this way. The guy whhos NPP looked like cotton balls made me decide to stay far away.
I have order from them alot. And was very pleased in the beginning but last order. No tracking number they left out some stuff . But they did send it. But my npp had the cotton balls in it. Will post a picture. When my kids go outside and go swimming. Wonder what makes the cotton balls in there. I am going to post in the other thread to
I have order from them alot. And was very pleased in the beginning but last order. No tracking number they left out some stuff . But they did send it. But my npp had the cotton balls in it. Will post a picture. When my kids go outside and go swimming. Wonder what makes the cotton balls in there. I am going to post in the other thread to

Cotton balls? Seriously?
1468775942434-1773180013.jpg is that just crashed. Think it would not be because it has not been cold here and when I ordered it was warm out. So why would it crash. My other npp are fine. If they produce like they say then why is 1 of 6 bottles crashed. Thanks for the help


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the fact i know Russian language and work on Russian boards does not mean i am a Russian.
Think whatever you want. i don`t really care about who you think I am.
Pharmacom is THE SHIT!!!! Darious my main man Alan are all top professionals i've dealt with them for years and nothing but the best quality and hell no I ain't no rep I run there gear and I'm hard as marble bc these men take the time to personally make sure you are taken care of and your product is working well for you no one else could give a shit for Pharmacom is the best hands down!!!
Pharmacom is THE SHIT!!!! Darious my main man Alan are all top professionals i've dealt with them for years and nothing but the best quality and hell no I ain't no rep I run there gear and I'm hard as marble bc these men take the time to personally make sure you are taken care of and your product is working well for you no one else could give a shit for Pharmacom is the best hands down!!!

Thank you for your well thought and highly credible report.
Pharmacom is THE SHIT!!!! Darious my main man Alan are all top professionals i've dealt with them for years and nothing but the best quality and hell no I ain't no rep I run there gear and I'm hard as marble bc these men take the time to personally make sure you are taken care of and your product is working well for you no one else could give a shit for Pharmacom is the best hands down!!!
Good for you. I will sleep better now. Now that you posted you can go back to wrapping both hands around pharmacom dick.
I'll be honest, I've been sitting back waiting for shit to hit the fan and add my 2c. I personally just finished a 12 week test e only cycle (750mg/wk) and my results were unremarkable. Being that my first cycle of 500 test e and 400 Eq per week from another ugl I gained about 23 pounds and kept about 8 after pct. oh and pct was a sonofabitch. I wanted to kill God himself. My last pin of PC test e was a month ago and guess what? I feel recovered already. It's almost as though I never cycled at all. No loss of libido, no immediate loss of water weight. The scale reads the same as when I was "on". And no anxiety, depression, mood swings, nada. You all can come to your own conclusions about my experience with Pc but personally, I'm very disappointed because I have wasted so much time and $ on a src I thought was gold. I won't be running PC again and it's a shame because I have over 1000$ worth of their various products.
View attachment 46183 is that just crashed. Think it would not be because it has not been cold here and when I ordered it was warm out. So why would it crash. My other npp are fine. If they produce like they say then why is 1 of 6 bottles crashed. Thanks for the help

That's a crashed vial of NPP. I have two that look just like it. It hasn't been particularly cold here either, and I store my vials in a safe at 72 F, so there is t a great explanation for why it is crashing. I don't recall our homebrewers saying it is that hard to get NPP to hold at 100 mg/ml, but I know fuck all about brewing so I'll leave that to people who have brewed NPP. To get the compound back n solution throw the vial in the microwave. Yea there is a metal cap. Doesn't matter, it works, I tried it.

I do recall Frank saying waaaay back when that pharmacom uses a "special" additive package to get the compound to hold, eliminate crashing, etc. apparently for NPP they haven't lined that process out.