pharmacom labs/ different looking vials

I'll be honest, I've been sitting back waiting for shit to hit the fan and add my 2c. I personally just finished a 12 week test e only cycle (750mg/wk) and my results were unremarkable. Being that my first cycle of 500 test e and 400 Eq per week from another ugl I gained about 23 pounds and kept about 8 after pct. oh and pct was a sonofabitch. I wanted to kill God himself. My last pin of PC test e was a month ago and guess what? I feel recovered already. It's almost as though I never cycled at all. No loss of libido, no immediate loss of water weight. The scale reads the same as when I was "on". And no anxiety, depression, mood swings, nada. You all can come to your own conclusions about my experience with Pc but personally, I'm very disappointed because I have wasted so much time and $ on a src I thought was gold. I won't be running PC again and it's a shame because I have over 1000$ worth of their various products.

Did you get bloods?
Did you get bloods?
The inevitable question. Nope, no bloods unfortunately. Just my limited experience with aas. I've been asking myself if the added EQ on my first cycle made that much of a difference? I don't think so because I cut it out after about 6 weeks due to blood pressure, nosebleeds and flushing. Most would say that's not long enough to see any results from EQ
The inevitable question. Nope, no bloods unfortunately. Just my limited experience with aas. I've been asking myself if the added EQ on my first cycle made that much of a difference? I don't think so because I cut it out after about 6 weeks due to blood pressure, nosebleeds and flushing. Most would say that's not long enough to see any results from EQ

Well, there ya go. I feel your pain though...

I just finished a 5 month cycle of there test e. 575-600/week. Bloods were 2800ish 2.5 days after injection. So the numbers workout. No pct since I'm on TRT, but I stopped the test E cold and switched to my TRT test C at 1ml/ week. I had a week or so of sluggish feeling. While the levels dropped down to a trt level.

All that said I don't feel or think there was anything bunk or under dosed about the gear I had. I use their TNE oil base as a preworkout occasionally and at 1ml it does what its supposed to.
Still don't make sense.. If one batch tested good on AL then put that number on every product? ... All my vials test,eq,Deca, mix, have that same number so I guess it's just a bullshit number..
I shouldn't have even said that about the AL thing. That's just speculation on my part. My main point was that the batch numbers don't actually mean anything since they are just the same number being recycled over and over again. I'm going to check my bottles for other numbers that could be relevant
Sorry OP, didn't mean to hijack your thread. I wasn't fully awake yet. It's possible that my body just didn't react to test the same way as it did on my first cycle. It's also possible that the products were underdosed but I have no way of knowing for sure. We should pursue this batch number thing however and stay vigilant on any and all sources as is the Meso way. We should never get too comfortable and let our guard down for any ugl at any time. It's up to us to set the standard here
Sorry OP, didn't mean to hijack your thread. I wasn't fully awake yet. It's possible that my body just didn't react to test the same way as it did on my first cycle. It's also possible that the products were underdosed but I have no way of knowing for sure. We should pursue this batch number thing however and stay vigilant on any and all sources as is the Meso way. We should never get too comfortable and let our guard down for any ugl at any time. It's up to us to set the standard here

Standard should be you don't talk about your "feelings" of a cycle without blood work. Your on the opposite end of the "its FIRE" spectrum. And of course you're not getting the same results from your second run. Cmon man.
Are you sayin that gaining 23lbs won't happen every cycle?? What a bunch of shit! Lol
read back to his posts. He said that he didn't get the same feeling or gains as he did on his FIRST cycle.

He did gain and some how the gear is bunk? Without bloods? Cmon man.
The thing that worries me about pharmacon is that they offer huge discounts to anyone who post a log or some sort of transformation... Maybe this is where all the outstanding reviews are originating from? Yet again, there are many who have had success without doing a Log or review. Not sure and obviously no ugl is perfect
The thing that worries me about pharmacon is that they offer huge discounts to anyone who post a log or some sort of transformation... Maybe this is where all the outstanding reviews are originating from? Yet again, there are many who have had success without doing a Log or review. Not sure and obviously no ugl is perfect
Pharmacom learned that fine bit of bullshit from NAPS. Guys posting great reviews for discounts. Some will sell their souls for a dollar. Can't trust sources that do that.
Those phony positive posts are bought and help offset real posts where guys have problems to report. The problems are pushed to the side by all the sparkling positive reports that the source has paid for.
Pharmacom learned that fine bit of bullshit from NAPS. Guys posting great reviews for discounts. Some will sell their souls for a dollar. Can't trust sources that do that.
Those phony positive posts are bought and help offset real posts where guys have problems to report. The problems are pushed to the side by all the sparkling positive reports that the source has paid for.
u dont get around much, eh?
lots of ugls will give discounts for reviews. lots. not just naps. domestics on source boards do that shit all the time.
russians are fuckin psychos. i wouldnt mess with em. u see 3 guys one hammer? those fuckin russian kids had lots of videos of their thrill torture kill videos. 23 people they murdered for fun. thats what russians do. drink and fuck u up.
Pharmacom learned that fine bit of bullshit from NAPS. Guys posting great reviews for discounts. Some will sell their souls for a dollar. Can't trust sources that do that.
Those phony positive posts are bought and help offset real posts where guys have problems to report. The problems are pushed to the side by all the sparkling positive reports that the source has paid for.

So everyone that posts blood work or a log is now a shill? So much for harm reduction.
u dont get around much, eh?
lots of ugls will give discounts for reviews. lots. not just naps. domestics on source boards do that shit all the time.
russians are fuckin psychos. i wouldnt mess with em. u see 3 guys one hammer? those fuckin russian kids had lots of videos of their thrill torture kill videos. 23 people they murdered for fun. thats what russians do. drink and fuck u up.
Thanks for the laugh man but FYI. You might wanna do some research on members before you pop off nxt time :confused:
u dont get around much, eh?
lots of ugls will give discounts for reviews. lots. not just naps. domestics on source boards do that shit all the time.
russians are fuckin psychos. i wouldnt mess with em. u see 3 guys one hammer? those fuckin russian kids had lots of videos of their thrill torture kill videos. 23 people they murdered for fun. thats what russians do. drink and fuck u up.
I get around plenty. Lots of ugl's give discounts for positive reviews? Great, when they come here we're gonna let it be known its happening.
Not all members are vets like yourself and tend to take things at face value. Reviews paid for by sources and posted by "unbiased" members can't be trusted. NAPS is the largest and longest running UGL that pays for reviews. They're known by vets to use shady business practices. I thought you got around? If you aren't aware of their rep then I question your bullshit swagger and attitude of having seen it all.

So everyone that posts blood work or a log is now a shill? So much for harm reduction.
No, but reps masquerading as members are. Pharmacom was just found to have reps posting as regular members? What exactly is your problem with my post?

It's only shilling when the other guy does it. The shill police are usually just shilling for somebody else.
You're saying I'm shilling for some source? Really? Or are you just being passive aggressive? You have an issue with my post? You feel I'm off base? How so?
I get around plenty. Lots of ugl's give discounts for positive reviews? Great, when they come here we're gonna let it be known its happening.
Not all members are vets like yourself and tend to take things at face value. Reviews paid for by sources and posted by "unbiased" members can't be trusted. NAPS is the largest and longest running UGL that pays for reviews. They're known by vets to use shady business practices. I thought you got around? If you aren't aware of their rep then I question your bullshit swagger and attitude of having seen it all.

No, but reps masquerading as members are. Pharmacom was just found to have reps posting as regular members? What exactly is your problem with my post?

You're saying I'm shilling for some source? Really? Or are you just being passive aggressive? You have an issue with my post? You feel I'm off base? How so?

Sorry, should have clarified i wasn't refering to you. Just in the past, out of shits and giggles i looked in a few guys history that were what i call tje shill police and seen they were doing the same thing. Be honest i didn't even look to see who rob from g quoted.