pharmacom labs/ different looking vials

Not sure if anyone is going to think I'm some shill or something but I used their product and liked it. The scale didn't lie to me and neither did my max lifts or my ego abs horniness. I've used gen shi before and liked it more but I only used 50mg/d of tren ace and 25mg/d of test prop with the genshi. Pharmacom I went into overload pretty much. Used 75mg/d tren ace, used their anadrol injectable at 50-75/d, test prop at 50-75/d, when I began their mix 2 which included masteron at 100/d my body took off even further, little water weight, was cutting fat off my abs, still gaining weight when that was going on. Went from around 170 to 205 at my peak in that cycle. Inhad all the sides, anadrol made me feel like shit though which I've understood to be normal feeling for it. The gear was clean, I actually got a STERILE abscess because thanks to members here I learned I wasn't showing out my injection sites in my quads far enough away from each other and got some scar tissue. Honestly I found nothing wrong with it. I felt crazier and tougher/stronger on genshi's tren but that could've been a number of psychological factors at the time as these two cycles were a year apart. I wouldn't be quick to throw them under the bus though as they did me well and didn't rip me off. I'm sure there's an explanation and that explanation is being lost in the hostility among other factors such as arrogance, which has already been mentioned here.
It's the Big picture. They haven't gone completely to pot. Guys are receiving and there are good reports and bloods showing up.
But there appears to be a chink in the armor. There are more problems being talked about here than in the past. Having reps here masquerading as members tells me pharmacom felt the need to sway public opinion and to have these employees posting bullshit positive posts to help offset the real/genuine posts by real members that are making posts that cast a not so perfect light on them at this point in time.
I got back a short while ago. A friend here sent me some gear to get me going as I had very little of anything when I got out....never mind a cache of gear. It's pharmacom...I'm running the d bol along with pharmacy Watson test cyp. D bol seems fine. That's not the point....the Big Picture is what I'm talking about.
Oh, it wasn't kiwi that "hooked me up" either. I told you guys I don't play by all the rules here. I know a group of members here that I talk to on the street by email and phone....however, I can't say I've never used pm here to In some way facilitate a transaction. That's just the truth.
Not sure if anyone is going to think I'm some shill or something but I used their product and liked it. The scale didn't lie to me and neither did my max lifts or my ego abs horniness. I've used gen shi before and liked it more but I only used 50mg/d of tren ace and 25mg/d of test prop with the genshi. Pharmacom I went into overload pretty much. Used 75mg/d tren ace, used their anadrol injectable at 50-75/d, test prop at 50-75/d, when I began their mix 2 which included masteron at 100/d my body took off even further, little water weight, was cutting fat off my abs, still gaining weight when that was going on. Went from around 170 to 205 at my peak in that cycle. Inhad all the sides, anadrol made me feel like shit though which I've understood to be normal feeling for it. The gear was clean, I actually got a STERILE abscess because thanks to members here I learned I wasn't showing out my injection sites in my quads far enough away from each other and got some scar tissue. Honestly I found nothing wrong with it. I felt crazier and tougher/stronger on genshi's tren but that could've been a number of psychological factors at the time as these two cycles were a year apart. I wouldn't be quick to throw them under the bus though as they did me well and didn't rip me off. I'm sure there's an explanation and that explanation is being lost in the hostility among other factors such as arrogance, which has already been mentioned here.

@Spooby, not trying to rain on your parade here but you've been here a minute, you know "feel" without bloods,
either good or bad, is pointless. I don't doubt @Pharmacom Labs is moving gear with hormone. The point is that the ground has shifted, they've been submarining reps and shills, the explanations are getting less and less intelligible, and everyone is getting too cozy.

These guys are dealing drugs. They are not your friends. No source is here out of goodwill, they're here to make money. As @biggerben69 pointed out, their prices are pretty steep even after all the promos, and there are problems with their products (Underdosed, per anabolic lab, or bunk, per gh serum). Their NPP is as stable as my first wife. Now we find out they have several reps who went unidentified. Items ordered from one place, shipped from
Another. Lots of small issues. Lots of silence or ten pages of gibberish in response.

If you stick around a while you'll note that this is the pattern. Source shows up. Sells great gear, runs great promos, gets lots of supporters. Then the problems creep in. Little things which ALWAYS turn into big things. Always.

Go read the Astro labs thread. That is a nice illustration. Astro's cock must have been sore from all the motherfuckers sucking on it. And he was a two bit punk, not pharmacom, a well organized operation. Point is, they all go out with remarkable similarity. So when the little problems crop up we mercilessly ride that source like a three dollar hooker to
try and stop the bleeding. Maybe these guys are going to be the exception.
Don't bet on it.

Good luck. A source is only as good as the last pack they sent.
I completely understand both of you, and I understand what this community is about and why it is important to shine light and a microscope to every detail of every problem and I know the significance of asking questions and needing evidence to support claims. What I don't like is posts I've read on this board and others before I even bought their gear, when I was researching them, people have a tendency to piss off handles to good labs like them, throwing them under the boss and being assholes and I don't want that to happen here, which it isn't, yet. I just hope it doesn't because that would make things worse and more hostile. I really think they're trying to anger questions while also covering their asses in regards to what they can and cannot disclose and don't want their heads (and their wallets) on a chopping block by their bosses, to speak metaphorically. One person with a little problem is not worth it sometimes, maybe, and I can understand why. They make too much money to give a fuck sometimes and probably let that go to their heads. But I've read this whole thread and Frank's responses to it as well as I've kept up with other posts like this, I see that he actually tried to answer questions with genuine knowledge as much as he can and as much as he knows. I'm actually willing to defend them based on what I see, so, there's my opinion.
I do think they're a much better lab than most others I've come across and taken time to look at, I'll say that much. I am interested in understanding these codes and numbers too. It's got my curiousity too.
I completely understand both of you, and I understand what this community is about and why it is important to shine light and a microscope to every detail of every problem and I know the significance of asking questions and needing evidence to support claims. What I don't like is posts I've read on this board and others before I even bought their gear, when I was researching them, people have a tendency to piss off handles to good labs like them, throwing them under the boss and being assholes and I don't want that to happen here, which it isn't, yet. I just hope it doesn't because that would make things worse and more hostile. I really think they're trying to anger questions while also covering their asses in regards to what they can and cannot disclose and don't want their heads (and their wallets) on a chopping block by their bosses, to speak metaphorically. One person with a little problem is not worth it sometimes, maybe, and I can understand why. They make too much money to give a fuck sometimes and probably let that go to their heads. But I've read this whole thread and Frank's responses to it as well as I've kept up with other posts like this, I see that he actually tried to answer questions with genuine knowledge as much as he can and as much as he knows. I'm actually willing to defend them based on what I see, so, there's my opinion.
@Spooby , please...paragraphs! I can't take walls of text like that. Think of your fellow members.
I'll say this, ive got a cycle log up with bloods. The numbers match the gear dosage and timing. Its Pcom gear. I also use their TNE as an occasional preworkout and it works, I don't have bloods to back that up, but physiologically it works. I didn't ask for a discount for the log. I did it to chart progress and see if the shit was real

I think that there are a few things at foot that need to be taken into perspective.

Every manufacturer of every product does screw up sometimes.
Clearly there are under cover reps here and they are shills just trying to suck dick for free shit
Darius has SEEMED to be helpful of things weren't right.
Basic has com problems

I think perspective also means realizing what this all is. It isnt soup from the corner store. Its not legal. Its made ams shipped from another part of the world. Buy guys that probably aren't making it to church on Sundays.

You guys sometimes over react, and sometimes VERY rightfully so. I think if com's were better on a few of these issues the mood would be different.
@lightspan and yeah man, I see what you're saying. I'll be here probably got as long as this forum is up and going, maybe I'll see what you're saying I'll start seeing. There's been some wild shit on here already lol
Pharmacom explained that as they been using different kinds of gso-oil. Could be true but I m not gonna be happy with that explainaition. What bothers me is that all of the products have the same number. So no matter if test tren deca. All have 604331. It does not make sense to me. Bc I understand if they produce on a industrial scale that the product can be found for a long time. But same batch number for every product sounds confusing. I have worked at a big beer brewery and they just used batch number to communicate. That would be Hella confusing when they used the same number for different products.

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@JokerTime94 that's because it's bullshit, eh?
There is no way that all these products are from the same raws and even if they (somehow!) were to be... There's zero batch control!
So we've had different colours, different strengths - all from the same batch.
It's either not a batch number at all, or it's worthless as one!
Well something is a little fishy definetly. Maybe some day we will get an explanation. But never the less. Till now I'm happy with what I have tryed from them. But still transparency would be great.

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Well something is a little fishy definetly. Maybe some day we will get an explanation. But never the less. Till now I'm happy with what I have tryed from them. But still transparency would be great.

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There's no great mystery to solve, partner. Pharmacom's a ugl. Many throw things on the label or box to dress it up and give the appearance of a real pharmaceutical company.
Remember Bazooka gum?(dating myself) Each individually wrapped piece has a comic strip thing inside.
Maybe they could put something like that inside each box?
Maybe trivial facts instead? Maybe an update on Craig Titus?
Seriously, though. I get why some think the #'s must mean SOMETHING! An oversight like this just kinda makes a mockery of how professional they try to appear.
Doesn't someone read proofs before giving the OK to print labels? Did that guy figure it must mean something as well and just signed off on it? Is someone gonna lose their job over this?
Pharmacom explained that as they been using different kinds of gso-oil. Could be true but I m not gonna be happy with that explainaition. What bothers me is that all of the products have the same number. So no matter if test tren deca. All have 604331. It does not make sense to me. Bc I understand if they produce on a industrial scale that the product can be found for a long time. But same batch number for every product sounds confusing. I have worked at a big beer brewery and they just used batch number to communicate. That would be Hella confusing when they used the same number for different products.

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Thank you for this explanation of why different compounds have the same batch number - this was particularly confusing to me as my generalized understanding of a batch number was that it would have been linked to a specific brewing / production of product. From your explanation above, it appears that Pharmacom batch numbers refer to the purchase order of your raws. And, if I understand this correctly, you are ordering large quantities of various raws at the same time - thus the same batch on bottles of two completely different compounds.

So, and I'm trying to understand how this system would be beneficial to you guys, the batch number is very much an internal reference to a specific purchase order of raws and nothing else, no reference to brewing / production date, nore any specific reference to type of raw (aside from that raw being present within the specific referenced purchase order of various raws).

Is that correct frank?


I hope Frank responds to my post a few pages ago referenced above. If I understand correctly from one of his previous messages, the batch number is really just an internal number that references a large scale purchase order of multiple various raws - this the same batch number on various compound products. But this is only what I believe Frank was saying and I hope he can verify if this is correct as it may alleviate some confusion, at least regarding batch numbers.